Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

It took me a while to realize that it was actually Niall standing there outside my house with roses. I ended the call as he approached me.

“Hey beautiful.”

“Niall. How? What? When?”

“Simon told the whole the band about what happened and I hopped on to next plane coming over to America.”

“And no paparazzi have approached you.”

“Haven’t faced one yet.”

“Well that’s a first.”

He handed me the roses. I mumbled a thanks. I felt cold after a while. Niall saw me shaking.

“Hey are you cold?”

“Yea a bit.”

“Here take my sweater.”

“No its fine.”

“No I don’t want you to get sick.” He wrapped his sweater around me.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime.” He said with a smile.

We both just stood looking at each other. I wonder why he was still here. And I wanted to know how he knew where I lived.

“Ummm I was wondering…” He said after a while.


“If you can come to my place for a while.”

Well that’s a shocker. “You’re place?”

“Yea. Well I mean at this hotel I’m staying at. So that way we can talk more.”

‘I don’t know Niall I mean my mom..”

“Please I haven’t talked to you in such a long time. I need you.”

Those last three words sounded as if he was desperate for me to go with him. I looked at him and I saw as he pleaded with his eyes. I sighed.

“Let me go get my stuff and I’ll be right out.” He smiled and I went inside.

I grab my dance bag and filled it with pjs and clothes. I left a note on the counter for mom and put the flowers in a vase.

“Anny where are you going?” My 5 year old sister Brooke asked me as she rubbed her eye.“Are you leaving us?”

“No no sweetie I’m just going to be with a friend a bit. I already told mommy. Now go to sleep okay?”

“Okay Anny be safe.”

“I will be.” I said as I kissed her forehead and headed out the door.

I noticed that Niall was leaning against his car. Most likely a rental from the hotel or something. “Ready?” “Ready.”

We arrived at the Mandarin Oriental. It was basically a five star hotel. I didn’t really like these places cause it was filled with snotty rich people. But I guess this is what suit Niall best. He carried my bag for me as went up the elevator. The elevator stopped on floor 23 and his room number was 15. He opened the room and let me go inside first. The room was huge. It had a big living room, kitchen, one bed, and a huge bathroom.

“Wow. This place is-“

“Huge? Yea I know it’s the only room they had. HA. I doubt it though they probably just knew I had money.”

“Well you are in almost every magazine cover.”

He just laughed. “Do you want anything?”

“You already have food in here why am I not surprised?”

He laughed again. “No I don’t actually. But I could order room service.”

“No I’m good for now.”

“Alright suit yourself.”

I sat on the huge couch while Niall put my bag inside the bathroom. He came back into the living room and sat beside me.

“So what did you want to talk about?” I asked in a mellow tone.

“Just about what happened to you.”

I sighed. “Niall I really don’t think you want to know.”

“No please tell me.”

I looked at him straight in the eyes. He looked like he was about to cry or something.

“Fine but no interruptions okay?”


“Okay. Well I was walking back to get my brother from the skate park when I notice these guys were getting in a fight. That’s when I noticed Jason, my brother, he was getting punched by this random guy and so I pulled the guy off him and punched him. He had two of his buddies attack me but they didn’t have a chance against me.” I took a breath. “Then the same guy I punched got his knife out…He started to try to stab me but I dodged them. Then he got a hold of my hair and threw me against the ground. That’s how I got my concussion. After he threw me on the ground I noticed he was about to stab me but somebody stopped him. Jason…” I looked down. “He fought for about a minute until….ummm..until he was stabbed.”

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped it off. “Sorry I don’t know why.. it’s just…”

“Have you talked about this to anybody else?”

“No other than just the detectives.” He nodded.

“Ummm but after he stabbed him Jason fell to the ground and that’s when I noticed the blood…”

I couldn’t take it anymore. Tears ran down my face as I tried to calm myself down but I couldn’t.

“Hey hey hey it’s okay you’re with me.” Niall said as he held me and rocked me back and forth.

“There was so much blood.” I said between sobs. “I didn’t think he was going to live. And it would have been my fault if he died.”

“No don’t say that it’s not your fault. Okay? Look at me. Look at me Anna.” He said while holding my face. “You couldn’t prevent this okay stuff happens. It could have happened to anyone. So don’t blame yourself you didn’t cause this.”

I still had some tears spilling from my eyes as he held my face. “What if he died Niall, then my mom wouldn’t want me with her.”

“Look your mom loves you too much to do that to you. And if she would have done that I would have taken care of you. Because I care for you Anna and I like you.” He said the last words faintly.

“What?” I asked wanting to know if I heard that right.

“I like you Anna... like a lot.”

“Niall you don’t mean that.” “

Why wouldn’t I mean that?”

“Cause Niall, me and you come from different worlds we don’t belong together.”

“Of course we do and I know that deep inside you feel the same about me.”

Did I feel something for Niall? I couldn’t and I wouldn’t.

“Niall please don’t this.”

“Do what Anna tell you how I feel about you? I’ll tell the whole world if I have to prove it.”

“Niall please just-“

I was interrupted with his lips against mine.

hey guys sorry I didn't update through the weekend. I was actually really busy. shocking. but here it is another update. i'll probably update tomorrow.

I'm gonna give  a separate authors note cause I have to give an importat announcement.

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