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Chapter 22:

Luckily there was no one in the hall. I walked back to my room.

Why was he mad at me? I just didn’t want him to get fired. Why does he have to be so stupid?

I walked inside my room to find there was a lamp turned on. I didn’t leave a lamp on. I approached the room a bit slower. I heard someone pacing. Who the fuck is in my room? I approached my bed. I saw a blonde hair bot with his hand behind his neck.


He turned around and stopped dead in his tracks. “Anna I-“

“What the fuck are you doing in my room? Actually how did you get on my room?” I was getting pissed off.

“Look I came in here to-“ “

To what humiliate me more? I think you’ve done enough of that today.” I said while glaring at him.

“No I came here to apologize.”

“Why would I even forgive you?”

“I know you shouldn’t but hear me out.”

I just folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

“Look I have no idea what came over me. Ok maybe I do. I was just just just-“

“Just what?!” I said yelling at him.

“I was jealous!” He screamed back.

I had no words to say.

“I was jealous of Zayn and Custodio. They held you after I held you. I wanted to be the only one who held you today. When I saw Custodio kiss you on the head I got extremely jealous but I decided to shut up about it. And then when I saw you with Zayn tonight I was boiling with jealousy. My mouth spoke before I could stop myself. I wish I could take all those words back. I just want you to forgive me please.”

He said with pleading eyes. I didn’t know how to respond. I wanted to forgive him but he made a fool out of me in front of everyone. I couldn’t let him slide that easy.

“Niall please get out of my room.” He looked at me with shock on his eyes.

“Please just forgive me.”

“Look I don’t want to go through this tonight. I’m extremely tired.”

“Just tell me you forgive, please.”

“I don’t know if I can.” I said while sighing.

Niall sighed as well, “Oh well I guess I should be leaving. Sorry for wasting your time.” He said as he walk towards the door.


“Yea.” He said while he turned around.


“Goodnight Anna.” And with that he walked out.


The next morning I was woken up by a pounding on my door.

“I’m coming.” I said rather grouchy.

I got off bed and started to walk towards the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw a women with a light purple hair. I opened the door.

“ Can I help you?” I asked still in a sleepy mood.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.” She said in a British accent.

Great more British people.

“ No its fine I should be awake anyways.”

“Oh well I’m Lou the boys hairstylist.”

“Hi Lou I’m Annabeth the boys choreographer.”

“It’s really nice to meet you Annabeth the boys have talked so much about you.”

“I hope good things.” I said with a small smile.

“Yes all good. But I came here to invite you to go out with us.”


“Yes me, my daughter, my fiancé, and Harry.”

“Ummmm…..” I’m not really into going out with people especially these guys.

“Oh come on love it should be fun.”

Well considering the fact that Custodio is mad with me and I don’t want to be inside forever. Oh fuck it.

“Yea I’ll go just give me a few minutes to get ready.”

“Oh wonderful we’ll be leaving in about an hour. I’ll come and pick you up.”

She hurried down the hall to her room.

I decided on wearing my high waist shorts, my crop top, my cardigan, my converse and my beanie. I wore my nose ring and a few rings. I applied light make up. I realized I had about 20 minutes left and decided to lay down and listen to music.

I was listening to The Fray when I hear a knock on my door. I paused my music and went up to the door. I was greeted by Lou and a little girl wrapped around her waist.

“Hey Annabeth this is my daughter Lux. Say hi Lux.”

“Helwo.” She said very faintly.

“Hi Lux.”

“Okay are you ready?”

I closed the door behind me. “Yup let’s go.”


I was going to update yesterday but when I got on wattpad was down and I went on again an hour again and it was still down but now its back on but late >.< check out Annabeth's outfit on my polyvore. hoped you guys liked it :)

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