Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

“Custodio? What are you doing here?” I asked way beyond confused.

“Well it’s nice to see you too.” He said while chuckling.

“You didn’t answer my question.” I said a bit annoyed.

What was he doing here anyways? He shouldn’t be here.

“Well I came to visit.”

“Are you sure?”

He frowned his eyebrows. I just kept looking at him. He finally rolled his eyes knowing what I was talking about. “No I wasn’t sent.” I didn’t believe him.

“Although I do have some news about him.”

“Don’t.I don’t want anything to do with him right now.”

He was taken a back for a bit. “What?”

“I just don’t want to hear anything about him.”

He came closer to me. “You’re starting to fall for the blond aren’t you?”

I took a step back. I opened my mouth but no words came out.

“I knew it! I told him you weren’t capable of doing this!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I knew you were too soft for this mission.”

“I am not soft!” I said growing angry.

“Of course you are ever since you’ve been with these guys!”

“And what now you think your almighty because you finally got pushed higher into our whole game? Well guess what I was there too and what happened? I’m just some joke now. I’m the joke he mentions to everyone. His pathetic ex-girlfriend that left him but still stands by his side. I’m tired of being his joke and I’m tired of him. I don’t want to be part of this anymore!”

Custodio just stood there with no emotion in his face. I could tell he was trying to process the words that had left my mouth.

“And what happens to me? What’s my story? What’s going to happen between us?”

He said while moving his finger between me and him. I stayed silent. He looked into my eyes. I looked into his. I knew he wanted an answer. So I had to give it to him.

“You write your own story.” He still looked at me. I knew he wanted the answer to the other question. “And as for us…” I hesitated with my answer. “We’re done.”

I could tell he didn’t want to hear that answer. He kept looking at me. I could see tears wanting to spill. I looked down before I could shed some tears.

“Anna look at me.” I sighed but looked up. “I will always be by your side no matter what.”

And with that he left. I shut the door. I finally cried as I fell on the floor. I just ended something that I guess meant something to me. I finally got up after about 10 min. I cuddled up with my blankets and kept watching Tyler Oakley’s videos hoping they would make me feel better.

It’s been about an hour since Niall has called me and he still hasn’t shown up. I was getting extremely tired. Just then I heard a knock on the door. I got up and I went to answer it. It was Niall.

“Hey sorry I’m late.” He said as he kissed my forehead and went inside my room.

“An hour late to be precise.”

“You must have been excited to see me to know how long it’s been.”

I just rolled my eyes. I went back to the comfort of my bed. Niall followed me into my bed. My back was facing him so he decided to hug me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. I sighed.

“Nothing I just had to end something that had to be ended.”

“What do you mean?” I turned around to face him. I caressed his check.

“Nothing don’t worry about it.”

I said with a small smile. He still looked a bit worry. Oh wait. I know what he was thinking.

“No Niall this isn’t about you and me. Don’t worry I promise.”

He just sighed. “Good cause I don’t want this to ever end.” He said as he kissed my nose.

“But what is this Niall? What are we?” He stood up while I sat at the end of the bed.

“Look Anna I know I’ve said this before but I’ll say it anyways. You’re special to me and you mean a lot to me. I want you to be with me. I know that at first you didn’t feel the same about me as I did for you. But I just know that between all these months you’ve grown to feel the same way that I feel about you. Ever since that day I first laid eyes on you I couldn’t get your beautiful face out of my mind. I feel like every time we’re together I fall for you more. So I’ll ask this or beg for this a thousand times if have to… Will you please do me the honor of being mine?”

He said all of this kneeling down to face me and his eyes never left mine. My heart almost melt at every word he spoke. I had no clue he would ask me that question. But what made it more romantic was that he asked me to be ‘his’ instead of using ‘be my girlfriend’. He was holding on to both of my hands. Looking straight at me. I felt a smile grow on my mouth.

“Yes Niall, I’ll be yours.”

Hey guys sorry I  didn't update yesterday. I was hanging out with my friends all day. Buuttt I'm doing a double update today. Yay! But that'll probably be later ;)

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