Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

I found out that the guy who was with Niall was some sort of body guard for him. Never got his name though. We were riding back to Niall’s house. I felt a bit nervous cause I was about to meet his dad and brother and sister-in-law and nephew. God thinking about it more makes me want to throw up. I felt a hand snake into mine.

“Are you ok?”

“Just nervous.”

“You shouldn’t be.”

“What if they don’t like me?”

“Trust me they will. They’ve been dying to meet you.”

“Really? Why?”

“Well uh let’s just say that I can’t stop talking about you.”

He said while putting his free hand behind his neck. I giggled and then kissed his cheek. I could see that he started to blush.

“Awww is Niall Horan blushing?” I asked while giggling.

“Shut up.” He said while looking down.

He turned even redder. I just laughed. I went to go kiss his cheek again but he turned just in time to make our lips connect. I pulled away quickly. He just smirked at me.

“Cheeky one huh. I see what you did there.” I said looking down and smiling.

He got closer to my ear. “And I’m just getting started.”

He then kissed my neck that sent shivers down my spine. He smirked at me once more.

“Game on Horan.”

After about 30 min of driving we finally arrived at Niall’s dad’s house. The body guard got my luggage down and handed them to Niall. Niall and I thanked him and soon he left. We walked up to the house.

“You ready?” He asked.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled. “Ready.” I said with a smile.

Niall opened the door allowing myself in first then him and the luggage.

“Guys we’re home!” He yelled throughout the big house.

It was a cozy house with lots of pictures, fire place, everything pretty much. I didn’t know how to explain it but it just felt right. Soon I heard footsteps coming closer to us. I just stood there completely nervous. I felt Niall’s hand intertwine with mine.

“They’ll love you.”

He whispered in my ear and then kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and nodded.

“Niall boy you’re back. We were about to eat without you.”

“Oh you know that would have been a bad decision.” Niall joked with I believe was his brother?

“Greg this is Annabeth. Annabeth this is Greg, my brother.”

“So you’re the one I talked on the phone with.” I said smiling. He laughed.

“Yup that’s me. Its nice to meet you Annabeth.” He said while hugging and kissing my cheek.

“Nice meeting you too Greg and you can call me Anna.”

“Honey have you seen- oh hello you must be Anna.” She said while walking towards us.

“Yup this is my little brothers girlfriend. Anna this is my wife Denise.”

“Nice to meet you Denise.”

“Same here Anna.” She said while hugging me.

“Oh! Let me go get Theo I’ll bet you’ll love him!” She said in a high pitch voice and then ran back to where she was.

“So is this the beautiful Anna that Niall can’t seem to stop talking about?” An elder man said as he joined us in the living room.

“Anna this is my father..”

“Bobby Horan. Delighted to meet you Anna.” He said while hugging and kissing my cheek.

“As am I Mr. Horan.”

“Please call me Bobby.” I smiled.

“You know Niall you are right,” He turned to Niall, “She has an amazing smile.”

I felt my cheeks get red and I could see Niall’s turning the same color as mine.

“Anna, I want you to meet Theo.” Denise said while holding a baby. I let go of Niall’s hand to walk over to Denise.

“Aww he’s adorable!” I said while stroking his cheek with my finger.

“Do you want to carry him?” She asked curiously.

“Are you sure? It’s been a while since I’ve held a baby.” I answered while giggling a bit.

“I trust you. Just put your hand right here behind his head and the other holding his body.” She said she handed him to me. I put my hands just where she said and I adjusted a bit. I laughed cause I never thought I would hold a baby again.

“Well I’m going to finish making food. Greg, Bobby help with the table and maybe the food?” They both nodded.

“Hey what about me?” Niall asked.

“Yea I don’t trust you in the kitchen just yet Niall.” She said with a laugh.

I laughed along with her. Niall just shrug. They all went to the kitchen leaving me, Niall, and Theo in the living room. I was rocking him back and forth. He was just looking at me the whole time.

“Cute isn’t he?” Niall said behind me.

“Yea really cute.” I said looking down at him.

“But not as cute as me.”

“You’re so full of yourself I swear.”

We laughed together. I kept rocking Theo back and forth. I felt Niall’s arm wrap around my waist. His head rested on my shoulder.

“You know you’d make a good mother.”

I chuckled. “I know nothing about taking care of a baby.”

“No I think you’d be wonderful.”

“You are delusional Niall Horan.”

I felt him smile. I turned around and faced him.

“And based on your instagram photos with him, I’d say you’d be one weird father.” I said while a smile grew on my face. He smiled himself. He then leaned down and kissed me.

“Alright enough of that its time to eat.” Greg announced while entering the living room. I smiled and look down. When I looked down I saw that Theo’s eyes were wide opened.

“So I bet you saw that kiss too didn’t you.”

As if he somehow he understood me, he smiled right back at me.

awwwww family love! I loved writing this chapter. its one of my favorites :) Another chapter coming on soon so stay tune for that :)

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