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Chapter 2:

This is why I never went to any of his meetings because every time I showed my face he tries to find me. Last time I ignored him let’s just say it got a bit physical.

“You better go they’re waiting for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for the heads up, I’ll see you around Roux.”

“See ya lovely.”

I laughed.

I started walking towards the front of the school barely anybody was there. I saw a black SUV and leaning against it was Custodio, one of Mr. X’s body guards and member of the Xterminators. I started walking towards him.

“ I figured you got the message.”

“Yup. Let’s get this over with.”

“Wow no fighting today must be a miracle.”

“ I figured that’s why he sent you for me, just in case I put up a fight.”

He chuckled.

I mean Custodio was pretty fit and built. If you ever got into a fight with him, he would pretty much send you to the graveyard.

We got into the SUV and headed to “The Dark Alley.” Once we got there he escorted me to Mr. X’s office.

“ Ahhh beloved Annabeth. Please sit.”

“ I rather stand.”

“As you wish.” “Would you like something to drink? A snack perhaps.”

“Quit stalling and get to the point as too why you called me here.”

“ Very well.” “My dear Annabeth…”

Oh brother this guy was a joke.

“ I have an important mission for you. You see our beloved One Direction are coming to our beloved San Francisco for a visit.”

“What does that have to do with me?” Where was he going with this.

“Well see Annabeth they are having auditions for back-up dancers…”


“I know that you yourself are a dancer and I was wondering..”

“You want me to try out?”

“Exactly! See we need a source in the inside to know every little thing about these boys and as to where they are going at all times and who better than you.”

I thought to myself, one of One Directions dancers and Mr. X’s source. Interesting summer?

“So are you up to it?”

I grinned. “Count me in.”

Authors Note:

Oh what?! Wonder what will happen next guess you'll have to wait and see.

So I was think on updating Mondays & Fridays. What do you guys think? Yes or No. Also I got another twitter to promote this story on. Its @xx_wallflower Follow for an instant follow eventually I will give you my personal account but for now just this little one. Picture of who will play Custodio on the side. I'm still wandering who should play Mr. X. Any ideas?

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