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Chapter 17:

”We have to talk.”

I groaned. “Can this wait until tomorrow?”

I started to close the door but he stopped it.

“It’s X.” He said more like a whisper.

My eyes went wide. “Come inside.”

He went in and started pacing and rubbing the back of his neck.

“What is it now?”

“He wants me to leave.”


“He thinks I’ll distract you from what you really have to do.”

“No you’re not gonna leave me.”

“And I won’t. I told him that was here so that you wouldn’t blow our cover.”

I frowned.

“Wait? You think I’m that stupid that I’ll blow my cover? Yea thanks for making me look like an idiot.”

I said while walking to the other side of the room.

“No I just..ugh” He ran his hands through his hair.

“I just said that so I could convince him to let me stay with you.”

I sighed. “Fine whatever but just go now I’m tired.”

I said while walking to the door. He started to go out the door when he turned around to face me.

“If you need me just call.”

“Sure, good night.”

I slammed the door in his face. I was just too tired to do any kind gesture right now. I didn’t even bother to change. Once I hit the sheets I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

~Next Morning~

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I groaned as I tried to turn the alarm off. Once I did I checked the time. Fucking 5 o’clock. I got my other pillow and put it over my head.  Today was the last day I had to practice with five idiots and then I would get two days off.

I heard knocking at the door. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head tighter. The knocking got louder and louder and louder. I groaned.


I walked to my door and opened it. It was Niall. He was leaning on the door so he kind of almost fell. It looked like he was half asleep also. Considering he was still in his p.j.’s.

“It’s time to get up. We’re leaving in about 30 min.”

I groaned. “I guess I’ll be ready by then.”

He chuckled. “Alright I’ll tell Paul.”

He then walked away but not before he smiled at me.

Ugh I’m not in a mood for being friendly.

I went to my suitcase in order to get my clothes. I decided on wearing my leggings, my flowy dance shirt along with my tube top and my converse. I put my hair in a high pony tail. Didn’t really do anything with my make-up other than just putting one coat of mascara. I got my black cardigan and my small dance bag and headed outside. When I went outside I notice Harry in the hallway…in just his boxers.

“Uhhh Harry why aren’t you in pants?”

I said while I shield my eyes and faced a different direction.

“Sorry its bad habit.”

“Well try  to be more dressed next time.”

He chuckled.

“Where’s Paul?”

“Down the hall on your left.”

“Thanks.” I started to walk away when Harry spoke up,

“You know if you wanna take a peak you can.”

“I rather not .” I laughed.

He laughed back and I’m pretty sure he went back into his room.

Ugh boys.


this is not my best chapter but my next one will be good hopefully :) check out Annabeths outfit on my polyvore :)

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