Chapter 16: Finding The Vibranium

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*WARNING: Contains 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' spoilers!

"He'll probably be in South Africa," Stark said, referring to Ulysses Klaue, the guy who handled the remaining Vibranium, which we assumed he had stolen from Wakanda.

"Then we can bet that that's where Ultron is headed. We need to go, now!" Steve said, walking towards the door. Stark followed him out.

"Wait a second," I said loudly, running out after them. "What are you gonna do, walk into wherever he is and demand he give you all of his Vibranium? You think that's going to work?"

"If this is something that Ultron wants, we have to get there before him," Steve said. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't even know if this is something that Ultron wants, or if he even knows where to get it from," I tried to reason.

"Well this is the only lead we have. We'll take the Quinjet, get the vibranium and be back before you know it," Stark said.

"You're not going alone," Nat said from behind me. I hadn't known that she'd been listening to the conversation.

"She's right. If Ultron has worked it out, you'll need the rest of us there as back-up," Hawkeye said.

Stark and Steve looked at each other, contemplating our words.

"Fine, we'll take back-up," Stark said, admitting defeat. "Come on, Thor," he said, turning back around to face the door.

"Are you serious?!" Nat asked angrily. "What are you saying, Thor's better than us?"

"I'm saying, if we need back-up, we'll take Thor," Stark said.

"I'll be on the jet," Nat said, ignoring him and leaving the Tower, gesturing for Hawkeye, Banner and I to follow her.

"I'm going too," I said to Stark and Steve.

"You're not coming with us," Stark said as everyone else began to make their way out of the tower after Nat.

"Why not? You can't tell me what to do!" I said angrily.

"Rogue, please, just stay here," he pleaded with me.

"Why, because you think I can't handle it?" I asked incredulously.

"No," Stark said shortly.

"Then what is it?!" I shouted.

"I can't lose you!" Stark shouted back. We were both silent, staring at each other. "Every time you've done a mission, you've hidden it from me, and you've gotten hurt. If something happened to you because you came with me, it would be all my fault."

"Nothing is going to happen to me," I said softly. "But I'm going. And if Ultron is there, we'll handle it together, OK?" I asked

Stark nodded, taking my hand and leading me to the Quinjet. Next stop: South Africa.


"Ok, Romanoff, Barton, Rogue, you guys stay in the background. Even if Ultron isn't there, Ulysses isn't going to just let us walk away with his Vibranium," Steve said. Stark, Steve and Thor were planning to break into the warehouse, find the Vibranium, and interrogate Ulysses to see if Ultron had contacted him. In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but feel like this was a bad idea.

We were hidden, waiting for a sign that we would be needed. Banner was still in the Quinjet, the last thing we needed was for him to turn into the hulk and destroy the place.

As we waited, I felt Nat nudge me sharply. "What?" I hissed.

"Look!" she said, pointing in front of us at two people walking towards the main office. I recognised them immediately. The Maximoff twins, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

"Something's wrong" I said into the earpiece, addressing Stark, Steve and Thor. "The Maximoff twins are here, that means Ultron could be here too."

"Do you think they're working together?" Hawkeye asked.

"Could be. They both have a common enemy," Nat said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, us!" I said as we continued to watch. Then we saw him. Ultron.

"Don't compare me with Stark, he's a sickness!" Ultron said, not noticing that Stark, Steve and Thor were standing behind him.

"Ah, Junior, you're gonna break your old man's heart," Stark said sarcastically.

"If I have to," Ultron replied. Out of the darkness came the Maximoff twins.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve said to them. I rolled my eyes. The Maximoff twins were experimented on and Steve always felt slightly sympathetic towards him. The rest of us, on the other hand, just wanted to stop them from destroying the world in any way we could.

"We're not going to let you hurt people," Thor said menacingly.

"You're assuming you could stop us," Quicksilver said, trying to sound equally as menacing.

"You're assuming we won't kill you," Stark countered.

"Come on Stark! You don't think I know that your whole team is here, waiting for a signal? It'll be hard to kill us after you watch me rip your girlfriend's heart out of her chest" Ultron said. Stark grabbed Ultron and the two of them flew into the air, hitting each other periodically.

"Let's go!" Nat said, jumping down from our position as Ulysses' men began to attack us.

"Ultron already has the Vibranium, we need to get the hell out of here!" I said through the earpiece as I electrocuted two men at once who tried to attack me.

"The girl tried to warp my mind," Thor said.

"Stay away from her, she's dangerous," I warned, continuing to fight. Losing the Vibranium meant that Ultron was one step ahead of us, and with no plan and no idea what he was going to do, we weren't a match for him and the twins.

All of a sudden, everything went dark, and I didn't know where I was.

"Hello?" I called into the darkness. I walked, noting how loud my footsteps sounded in the silence. Then I saw it, the door from my dream. The number '12' stood out at me, but this time, I knew I was dreaming. Nothing was real. I opened the door, holding my breath as my hands began to shake.

"Hazel?" someone said from the other side of the room. I couldn't see their face, but it was definitely a woman. "Hazel, sweetie, are you home?" they continued. I remained silent, knowing that she wasn't talking to me. My name wasn't Hazel. And yet, I knew that voice, I was sure of it. "Hazel, run!" she screamed suddenly. Whether she was talking to me or not, I knew that I needed to take her advice. I turned to leave the room, but the door that I had entered from had disappeared. "Run!" she repeated.

"Where?!" I screamed back. She didn't answer. I ran through the house, towards where I thought her voice had been coming from. "Please, help me!" I asked her. Then she was standing in front of me, and subconsciously, one word came into my head. "Mom?"

"The whole team is down. You've got no back up here..."


Thanks for reading!

What happened to the team? Where will they go next? Find out in chapter 17 next week!

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