Chapter 60: The Final Showdown

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"I'm back!" I called into the house, placing my bags of groceries on the ground. Kilgrave walked towards me from the living room. I forced a smile.

"What's all this?" he asked, glancing at the bags and my happy expression.

"I was sad after our fight," I said. "So I went for a walk, and I decided that we should give this a proper go, you and me, as a couple. I thought I'd cook dinner and we could... relax."

He looked suspicious, glancing in each of the bags. "What are you making?"

"Pasta Amatriciana," I said without missing a beat. Jessica had already told me what his favourite meal was. He smiled slightly, picking up the bags from the ground and taking them into the kitchen. "Go and relax in the living room, I'll call you when dinner's ready." Smiling at him was becoming second nature. He nodded, kissing my cheek and leaving the room. I shut the door to the kitchen, and called Jessica.

"OK, I'm cooking," I heated oil in the pan, taking comfort in the sound of it sizzling. "What now?"

"You have one job," she reminded me. I threw some pancetta into the pan, the sizzling noise becoming more prevalent. I found a pot, filled it with water, and dunked two handfuls of pasta in.

"I know. But what if he doesn't want to come?" I asked. A huge part of our plan rested on me being able to get Kilgrave where we needed him.

Jess was silent for a moment. "I know a sure-fire way to get him to do what you want. But I don't think you want to sleep with him."

"Ew, no thanks!" I grimaced, adding black pepper, onions, garlic and tomatoes to the pan. "By the way, I have no idea if I'm doing this right."

"If he likes you it won't matter. I once made him the most god-awful Porcini and Nepitella and he pretended it was the best thing in the world."

"So he has a thing for Italian food?" I asked, spooning out two handfuls of pasta onto two plates and putting the other mixture on top of it. "I'm done. If I'm successful, I'll see you tonight."

"Don't say 'if'," she scolded me. "We have no other option; this has to work." She hung up before I could fill her head with any more pessimism.

"Dinner!" I called, opening the kitchen door. He appeared by it in moments.

"Smells delicious," he said as I placed our plates on the table.

"Dig in," I replied, placing a forkful of food in my mouth. "Wow, this is so good! I had no idea I could cook!"

I looked over at him and saw that he wasn't eating. "You think I poisoned it?" I guessed. He shrugged and I rolled my eyes, leaning over and eating some of the food from his plate. "See? No poison."

He smiled then, tucking into the food. "You're an amazing cook," he complimented. He was in the best mood I'd ever seen him in, there was no better time to make my request.

"Listen, I wanted to ask you for... something."

"You want to leave?" he guessed.

"Yes, but not the way you think. I want to take you somewhere," I said.

"OK, I'm curious," he said, nodding for me to continue.

"Well, I remembered you asking me why I wanted to find my parents. When I was younger, they used to take me out on their yacht. I don't remember that much about them, but the yacht is something that I never forgot. I haven't seen it in... years, and I thought you'd like to see it?" I was hopeful. The lie took me a long time to construct, but it meant nothing if he didn't want to go.

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