Chapter 25: Home Again

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"Where are you going?" Wanda asked, following me out of the room. I didn't answer her, trying to sort out the thoughts that were running around my brain. She grabbed my hand harshly. "Rogue, talk to me!"

"I need to find her," I said quickly.

"You don't know where you're going. And you don't even know if she'll be there. Just think it through!"

"Think what through?" a voice asked. I turned to see Steve and Nat behind us. "Is everything OK?"

"I... I'm finding my mother," I said softly. "It's a long story – but I can't stay here while she's out there."

"What? Where is she?" Nat asked, to which I shrugged my shoulders. Falcon came out of the room that we were just in.

"You used mind control on me? Do you know how sick and twisted that is?!" he shouted angrily, causing Nat and Steve to shoot me accusatory looks.

"I needed to know! How could you keep something like that from me?!" I asked, before composing myself, remembering that I couldn't be too angry at him. He was the only one who could help me. "Please take me to her."

"I don't know where she is," he answered.

"To the house. Take me to the house, please," I pleaded with him.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Steve asked, looking from Falcon, to Wanda and I. We all stayed silent.

Finally, Falcon spoke. "We'll tell you on the way."


"How could you keep that a secret? You know how much this means to her!" Nat said protectively.

"It's not the kind of thing you just blurt out – I didn't know how to bring it up," he reasoned.

"How about: Hey Rogue, I knew you before you had your memories stolen. I was your best friend and knew everything about you!" Nat continued.

"I didn't know for sure. I could have been wrong, she could have been someone completely different!"

"But she's not! She's the same girl that you abandoned all those years ago!"

I sank further in my seat in the back of the car, trying to ignore their argument. As much as I agreed with Nat, I couldn't help but picture younger Falcon, Sam, my former best friend. I couldn't imagine how scary it must have been to lose your best friend, to watch her get taken away. He was only 14 – what could he have done? If that had happened to Nat, I knew that I would never be able to cope, and I'd never get over it or stop thinking about her.

"It's just up here," Falcon said to Steve, who was driving, gesturing towards a side street. As he stopped, we all jumped out. We had left Wanda and the rest of the team guarding the Tower.

"Does anything look familiar Rogue?" Steve asked, looking around.

"No..." I said, willing myself to remember something. Then I saw a door, the same door from my dream. "Yeah. This door. I dreamed about this door."

"That's where you lived," Falcon responded. I rested my hand on the cold metal numbers – number 12. Before I had decided to, I knocked on the door loudly. Putting my ear towards it, I heard shuffling inside. Within a minute, the door was open.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked. She was young with a dark bob.

"Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering... does a woman called Mia Miller live here?" I asked. This was the first time that I'd said her name out loud. It felt weird in my mouth.

"No, sorry, we've lived here for a while. I can ask my dad and see if he knows anything. Dad!" she called into the house. An elderly man made his way towards the door.

"What is it, Hope?" he asked his daughter. She turned to me.

"I was wondering if a woman called Mia Miller lives here. Or, used to live here?"

He narrowed his eyes, looking at me before looking behind me at Nat, Steve and Falcon.

"I think you should come in," he said, ushering all of us into the house. We followed him, me taking in every inch of the home that I had supposedly grown up in. Nothing seemed familiar, not even from a dream. He walked into a living room and I sat opposite him.

"Um, I'm gonna go make some coffee," his daughter, Hope, said from the doorway.

"We'll help," Steve said, the three of them leaving me alone with the man. He stared at me until I got uncomfortable and cleared my throat.

"What do you know about Mia Miller?" he asked me.

"Not a lot," I said, not letting him know who I was. "Do – did you know her?"

"I did. I met Mia many years ago. She was extraordinary, a really amazing woman."

I smiled to myself.

"Mia, I... I think she's my mother," I said slowly. Recognition slowly dawned in his eyes.

"Are you Hazel?" he asked, obviously in shock.

"I think so," I said excitedly. He reached over and hugged me.

"I'm Hank Pym, I knew your parents when I worked as a consultant," he said.

"Where did you work?" I asked curiously.

"S.H.I.E.L.D," he answered, as if this was obvious. My eyes widened and I had to stop my jaw from dropping open.

"You know about S.H.I.E.L.D? Did my mom?" I asked. He looked at me, confused, as if he was trying to figure me out.

"You really don't know anything about your parents do you?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked hopefully.

"Your mother and I lost touch a while ago. She changed her name to Layla, Layla Miller," he said. I made a mental note to google the crap out of 'Layla Miller' as soon as I was somewhere with an internet connection.

"And my father? My birth father?" I asked hopefully. He hesitated, not meeting my eye for the first time.

"Your father... it's quite a story. I don't think I should be the one to tell you," he said. I sat forward and grabbed his arm.

"Please. No one else knows who he is. You have to tell me!" I begged him. He hesitated for a moment, before taking out a piece of paper and writing something down.

"The first name is your father. The second is the only person that can give you the full story. I don't know him personally but he's been on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar forever," he said.

I turned the piece of paper around in my hand and saw two names.

Obadiah Stane.

Tony Stark.


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So, what's the story with Stark and Stane? Will Rogue find out the truth? Find out next Saturday!

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