Chapter 59: Tell Me Something I Don't Know

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I rushed back into the house, breathing heavily. Kilgrave met me at the door, a worried look in his eyes.

"What?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

"I killed Jessica. But her friends, her friends heard about it. And they're coming here, to kill you!" I said, taking his hands and pulling him. "We need to leave. They're coming for you."

"I can look after myself," he reminded me, but the sight tremble in his lips betrayed him. He didn't know if he'd be able to control people with enhancements and abilities – he didn't even know how many were coming for him.

"Yeah but, there are a lot of people that are pissed with you," I reminded him.

"Tell me something I don't know," he said sarcastically.

"My best friend has telekinesis," I said involuntarily, being careful not to mention her name. She was the first person I could think of that he knew nothing about.

"Oh, that might come in handy!" he said with a smile that made me feel sick. He couldn't get to Wanda, he just couldn't.

"Tell me something else that I don't know," he commanded. "Something of interest to me."

I tried to hold the words in my mouth, but they came spilling out before I could stop them.

"Jessica isn't dead," I blurted out. "She found a loophole in your command and she saved herself. I'm sorry," I said. He sighed, before glaring at me angrily. Thankfully, we'd planned for this.

"I asked you to do one simple thing, and you couldn't even get that right?!"

"You asked me to kill my friend! You say you're not controlling me, but you're making me do all these things that I'd never normally do and I hate it! I thought you liked me." Cue some fake tears to make my distress more believable.

"Hazel... I'm sorry. I've never spoken to someone, lived with someone without controlling them," he said, hugging me. I pushed him away.

"No, you can't just apologise and I'll forgive you. You made me cut myself, you made me fall in love with you. You manipulated me!"

"I didn't want you to leave," he said. "I still don't. Can I make this better?"

"Tell me something I don't know," I repeated his words.

"I'm expanding my reach," he said immediately. "Soon I'll be able to control hundreds, thousands of people. And not just face to face, but down the phone, through the radio, everything."

I couldn't stop imaging it. Kilgrave being on the radio – 'OK New York, go to the highest building and jump. Kill everyone you know, wipe out the State.' He was too powerful to be kept alive.

"If you care about me, don't control me. Let me leave," I said.

"I can't. You won't come back."

"I promise I will," I said. He didn't say anything or make any movements, so I inched my way towards the door. To my surprise, he didn't stop me or tell me to come back. I sprinted from the drive without turning back, calling Jessica as soon as I was out of earshot. "He let me leave, but he's expanding his reach. Soon he'll be able to control the whole of New York – we need to stop him."

"Meet me at Metro General Hospital, I know how we can do this."


"Why are we here?" I asked her as we met up outside the hospital.

"When's the one time Kilgrave can't control anyone?" she asked.

"Um... when he's asleep?" I guessed.

"Right! But the thing with being asleep is that, he can wake up. What we need is for him to be unconscious."

"I still don't get it," I said. "We're gonna... knock him out?"

"Yes. Laughing gas will take too long. To get him down immediately, we'll need a shit-ton of general anaesthetic."

"So what... we're just gonna walk in, ask for some anaesthetic and some needles to apply it, and then just leave?"

"Not us, mind-control girl, you!" she said

"No way! Stealing medical apparatus is illegal!"

"Because blowing up an airport in Germany is a casual occurrence?" she said with a slight grin. "That's right, I watch the news."

"Fine!" I said, walking into the hospital ahead of her. I walked to the nearest receptionist and looked her in the eyes. "Tell us where you keep general anaesthetic."

"The surgery ward," she said. We speed-walked through the double doors and through the different wards and places that weren't what we were looking for.

"She has scrubs on, follow her!" Jess pointed out. We followed the doctor to the day surgery unit. She walked into the private surgery room. Checking to see that she was alone, I entered the room, leaving Jess outside to keep watch.

"You're gonna let me take this anaesthetic, and some needles. You'll forget that I was here." She nodded, repeating my words as I took as many of the tiny bottles of anaesthetic as I could carry. Shoving the majority in Jess's direction we ran through the hospital and quickly hailed a cab.

"All we need to do is to inject him with this stuff, film him confessing to the murder of Hope's parents, and kill him."

"Are you serious?" I asked, my voice an annoyed hiss. "We need to kill him, I thought that was what this stuff was for?"

"I need him alive for a little bit longer," she said.

"He's trying to brainwash the whole of New York, we can't take that risk."

"I told her that I'd get her out of jail – I can't do that if he's dead,"

"Well I can't be the one to inject him – he'll see me coming a mile off. And as soon as he says anything to me, I'll fall in love with him all over again. It has to be you."

"I'm counting on it being me," she said. "Kilgrave's been controlling me for years without saying a damn thing – I can't wait to jam this needle in his neck."

"So what do I do?" I asked.

She wrote down an address and handed it to me.

"Get him to go here, I'll be waiting for you."

I nodded, shaking slightly. "This will work, right?" I asked.

"It has to," she replied. "It just has to."


Thank you for reading! Will their plan work, or will Kilgrave outsmart them? 

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