Chapter 1. Broken Home

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Shiloh's POV



"Shiloh, please baby! You have to promise you'll stay in here until help comes. Promise me whatever you hear, you stay put. Do you understand me?" My older sister Amethyst questioned as I stared up at her silently. "Shiloh, please!" She rushed as I quickly nodded and she placed her cell phone down on the carpeted floor next to me. She quickly kissed my forehead and stood as something shattered downstairs and more yelling erupted between our parents.

She looked at me sadly before shutting the closet door. I heard her feet pad away out of my bedroom and next door back into her room. She slammed her door and I heard something drag across the floor. I pressed my ear up against the wall since they were so thin; I could hear everything in her room. She was whispering to herself about having to get something done and quick. I glanced down at her phone and saw the number already ready to be called. I only then, realized what she was doing.

"Amethyst!!" I screamed and cried as I began to pound my small hands on the wall. I rushed over to the closet door and tried the knob. It wouldn't budge and then I finally got it open. I ran next door and stopped in the doorway just as she jumped off the chair and her breathing ceased. "Amethyst!!!!" I screamed and my parents's fighting suddenly stopped from my screaming. Their feet pounding up the stairs and halting behind me. "Andrew.. Oh-oh my god! Andrew! Our baby!!" My mother bawled. My father ran in and untied Amethyst from the noose and fell to the floor while holding her. My mother crawled over to his side and I smiled in relief.

My home was silent; my parents weren't fighting anymore. "You!" My father roared as I froze in place. My parents both glared up at me with rage. "Why are you smiling?! Did you do this!? You.. You caused this!! You made your sister kill herself!!!" My mother blared as she pointed her finger at me accusingly. "I-I didn't!! I swear!!" I cried back, my nose instantly becoming stuffy. "Shut up you brat! Veronica, you're correct. Shiloh caused our beloved daughter to kill herself. It's her fault. All, her fault." My father stated while boring his dark green eyes into my brown ones.

"Shiloh. Pack your things." My mother coldly stated as her and my father stood; him still holding my sisters lifeless body. My mother pulled out her cell and as they walked down stairs, she recited to the operator what had happened. I sniffled as I crawled over to Amethyst's closet and pulled her suitcase out onto the floor. I slowly dragged it back to my room and jumped when my father yelled my name. "Hurry up you ugly bitch!" He sneered as tears welled up in my eyes.

I packed random clothing of all types, and then zipped it shut. I pushed it down the stairs and then slowly walked down. "What are you trying to do? Destroy our house as well?" My mother commented as I looked up at her. She grabbed my wrist harshly and took the suitcase in her other hand, then suddenly dropped it. "I'm not going to carry that. It was Amethyst's. You killed her. You should carry the guilt and the blame for the rest of your life." She spoke, her voice distant and distraught.

We piled into the car, the suitcase thrown next to me on the backseat. My father drove hazardously on the road, too drunk that my mother didn't care or notice. We nearly crashed about five times before we pulled up in front of a tall, big building. "Get. Out." My dad ordered as I stared at them in disbelief. "Shiloh Grace Hawkins. Get out of the damn car!" He screamed and pounded the steering wheel, causing me to jump in my seat. I unbuckled myself and quickly got out with the suitcase, slamming the door shut.

As soon as I closed it, they sped off down the road without another word; not even a goodbye. I looked up at the sky and cursed to myself as it thundered. "Please don't rain..." I muttered to myself as the sky hated me anyway and it soon was down pouring. My hair was matted to my forehead and my clothes soaked to the skin. The front door suddenly open and out came a woman dressed in a raincoat and umbrella.

"Oh! Poor dear! Hurry up, come on now. Inside, let's get you cleaned up." She offered as I hesitantly took her hand. "My names Hannah Carroll, and welcome to Miss Carroll's Home for the Orphaned." She said kind of cheery as I looked up at her. "Charlotte, please come to front desk. Charlotte, please come to front desk." She said into the microphone and a girl, maybe about fifteen appeared at the door.

"Hello, who's this!" She asked as she looked down at me, grinning so hard she looked  like the Cheshire Cat. "Charlotte, meet..." Ms. Carroll trailed off. "Shiloh." I stated as Charlotte smiled. "Beautiful name for a pretty, young girl. Come on, I'll show you the way to your new room." I followed behind Charlotte up the big staircase and we stopped at a door all the way at the end of the hallway. "There's three other girls in here, so try and be quiet. Alright? I'll be downstairs if you need anything. Good night!" She whispered as I watched her walk back down the stairs.

I sighed and slowly pushed the door open. It creaked, and caused me to flinch at the sound. Thankfully no one awoke from the sound. The rain still pounded against the window while I tried to quietly push my suitcase under the bed. I pulled back the blanket and got into the squeaky bed. I knew I wasn't going to sleep tonight, not with everything that happened today.

My parents were right. Amethyst's death was my fault. All though she didn't leave a note, I knew deep down that it was my fault. I was the mistake in my family, according to my parents. I wasn't supposed to be born. As I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, my body and my mind slipped into more and more of a depression.

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