Chapter 20. Delirious

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Shiloh's POV
I was laying on my bed, when my door was opened. "Hey, how are you today?" It was Drake, the boy who worked on my floor. I was the first person that ever talked to him here besides his co-workers. "Same as usual." I said flatly, staring at the tv screen. "I've got good news." He spoke excitedly, my eyes drifting to meet his. "They're adding windows to the wall! Since they trust all you guys enough, they're adding windows so you guys can see the outside! How great is that?!" He exclaimed, placing the lunch tray on the desk.

"I don't want that, it's gross." I stated, pushing it away. "Shiloh. I can see all your bones, if you don't eat at least something.. You'll be dead." He confirmed as I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that the point of this place? To kill you slowly? I mean, for gods sake they get rid of people's emotions! People leave here, never knowing the feeling of happiness, sadness, anger.. Love! They're never going to feel that, ever again!" I screamed as Drake slammed my door shut, leaving us both in my room.

"Shiloh, your procedure is scheduled for three months from now. You're going to live with emotions for three months, and then that's it. They'll be gone. The reason they get rid of them? So kids like you don't harm yourselves and have depression over past experiences. It's a good thing." He assured as I scoffed. "Good thing? Hell no! I want to be able to love, when I leave here. I want to feel happiness when I see the boys again. These people will not be taking my emotions from me, Drake." I confessed, him silently watching.

"What if.. What if I could help you escape?" He suddenly spoke up, sparking my interest. I sat down on my bed, staring at him. "Go on." I encouraged, him grinning. "You still have body guards here right? They're your bodyguards?" He questioned, me nodding as the PA system turned on. "Shiloh, you have another counseling session later today." I groaned and laid back on my bed. "I had my second one this week already! I'm only supposed to have two!" I screamed at the ceiling, Drake ignoring me.

"Yea, about that..." He trailed off, rubbing his neck. "They bumped up everyone's counseling sessions. Everyone has one more than the original. So, for example.. If someone already has three counseling sessions a week.. They now have four. They want to see the development of the brain, see how the emotions react to different scenarios." Drake explained, me nodding silently. "Back to what you were saying earlier.. About escaping." I urged, eager to know the info.

"Right. So you have bodyguards.. Is there anyway you could contact them? If so, have them meet you here the day of your procedure. Instead of going to get the procedure done, there's an exit through the basement. I can lead you out, you can get in their van and they can drive you to safety. The staff here will be too busy accepting new patients to notice." Drake confirmed as I raised a brow. "Are you positive?" He curtly nodded his head before smiling. "Now you have something to live for, to escape this horrid place. So eat up, and I'll be back later to escort you to your session." He commented, patting me on the shoulder.

I could do this, I could escape... Right? Or was I being delirious?

I stared at the excuse they called food as it sat on my fork. "This is so gross.." I whispered, holding my nose as I shoved it into my mouth. I quickly chewed and swallowed it down, wishing I could puke it back up. I didn't have the energy to leave my room to go to the bathroom, not yet at least. I thought about what Drake had told me. They were adding windows.. We, as patients could finally see the outside world after being stuck in here. We'd be able to tell what day it was, and the time.

I thought about Logan, and my friends. What they were doing, if he even still loved me after all this. At this point, it wouldn't matter if he had cheated on me.. I would have no way of finding out. I couldn't contact him, my phone was at home. I once again, flipped through the channels on the television, just to stop when my computer dinged. It was a Tweet from the boys. I slid over in the chair, nearly missing the desk in the process. It was their song "Carry On", Luke had retweeted the video and tagged me in it.

The video was of the boys talking before the song; they had told the crowd that I was getting treatment.. That the song was dedicated to me. I wiped away the tears as they fell from my eyes. See? Why would I want to get rid of this feeling, the feeling of being loved. I logged out and shut the computer down. I decided to get up and hopefully be allowed to walk around the hallway. I stepped out into the dimly lit hallway, the hallway as quiet as a deserted building. They were currently working on the windows, so that did create some light. I walked to the bathroom and jumped in my skin at the sight of a girl, leant up against the wall near the sink.

She was pale, and almost blue. Her hair hung over her face, and she was scrawny. "Psst! Hey! You!" I whispered, and hot nothing in response. I tiptoed over to her and pushed aside her hair. I gasped, fell to my knees and let out a blood curling scream. Drake came running in, out of breath. "Wha- Oh, OH! Step out into the hall, Shiloh." Drake ordered, pushing me behind him. He closed the door behind him, forcing me out into the hallway. A dead girl, in the bathroom.. It looked like she had no emotion in her... D-did people die after the surgery?

The nurses claimed people walked out, healthy. That wasn't what Drake told me, he said it happens on rare occasions. Four out of five people, leave here.. Healthy, alive but with no emotion. I couldn't take that chance that I might never leave this place, I have to get out.. Before I do go mentally unstable. I was going to go along with Drake's plan, I was going to be out of here, back with my family in three months time.

I would not stay here, and become delirious like all the other patients. I would not succumb to what these people are trying to do. I will fight this, I'll succeed.

I'm going to find a way out.

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