Chapter 11. Tortured

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Shiloh's POV
When we got to my old house, my father ripped the tape off my mouth and pulled me through the front door. "Am I going to my old room, or the basement?" I asked as I followed my father into the kitchen. "The basement. Why are you so skinny?" He questioned as I scoffed. "I have two eating disorders. What you blamed me for.. It tore me apart, my mind imploded on itself and my brain is now filled with depression and suicidal thoughts." I yelled, disgusted by standing near him.

He let out a chuckle as he walked over to untie my hands. "Wow, looks like you blamed yourself harder then your mother and I ever did." He replied as I spit in his face. The small smile on his face, was replaced with anger as he grabbed me by the hair again. He dragged me over to the basement door, opened it and threw me down the stairs. I landed on the cold cement, and coughed at the musty smell. Blood sputtered from my mouth onto the grey, cement floor.

My fathers footsteps echoed on the steps, him laughing at me laying on the floor. "Did you eat today at all?" He questioned, a smirk lying on his face. "You know the answer to that." I choked out, facing away from him. He walked over and kicked me in the stomach, me gasping for air. "Do you still have the whip that you used on me and Amethyst all those years ago?" I asked as he balled his fists. "Don't you dare use that name! You slut!" My father roared as I cowered in fear. He walked over into a dark area of the basement, and came back with the whip in his hand.

"N-no. Please! Im sorry!" I cried as he shook his head and cracked the whip against my back. "Agh!" I screamed out, tears running down my face. "You will receive one hit every day, at this time. You will receive one whip every time you do something wrong. You will sleep in your old room upstairs, and spend your day down here, in the dark." He ordered as I nodded. He put the whip away and helped me to my feet. He followed me up the stairs, me walking slowly at the loss of blood.

I walked up to my room, and watched sadly as he shut and locked the door from the outside. I was a prisoner in my own room. I wiped at my eyes and searched my room for something to use. I yelled "aha!" when I found my old phone. With technology, my father was an idiot. I turned it on and saw I had two bars of battery life. I quickly searched for the charger and placed it under my pillow. I texted Ashton, waiting for him to urgently reply.

Me: Ashton! It's me, Shiloh!

Ashton: Shiloh?! Oh my god! What, how- are you alright?

Tears rolled down my cheeks at the question.

Me: no, my father has me locked in my room for the day. I am ordered to sleep in here at night and then spend my days down in the basement. I am whipped every time I do something wrong and am whipped everyday, once just for punishment. Ashton, I-I can't do this, anymore.

I shakily texted and rushed to put my phone under my pillow, making sure to turn it on silent as my door knob turned. "I brought you dinner, even though you're not going to eat it." He stated as he set it on the floor. I looked outside and didn't even realize the time, and that it was dark outside. "I'll see you in the morning." He chirped, as if he actually cared. "What did you do with her body?" I asked before he left my room.

"We buried her, at the local cemetery." He replied, and then shut my door and locked it again. I waited for his footsteps to disappear before pulling out the phone. I smiled at the multiple text messages.

Ashton: baby you're gonna have to stay strong for me and the boys, alright? We're gonna get you out of there. Is he giving you food and water?

Me: yes. But you know I won't eat it.

Ashton: you have to eat it. Logan told us you weighed yourself at school today, and that you were smiling. How much did you weigh?

I cursed at Logan telling the boys.

Me: I now weigh 103.. I'll try and eat, it looks gross.

Ashton: babe :(.. Please eat? Can you send me a picture?

Me: yes

I took a picture of the food and sent it to Ashton. I set the phone down, and slowly picked up the food. I looked at it; disgusted but took a small bite anyway. It wasn't half bad. I ate some more of it, eating a little more than half.

I texted Ashton that I ate some of it and laid on the bed. I didn't have a connecting bathroom, so I'd have to keep it down. I slid the phone back under the pillow and stared at the ceiling as my father walked in my room again. He took the plate with surprise and watched me. "You actually ate?" I shrugged in response, my back still stinging in pain. "If there was a bathroom, I'd be puking it up right now." I stated as his eyes widened at my statement. "You're Anorexic and Bulimic?" He questioned as I nodded.

"... Why?" He slowly asked as I turned to face him. "Seriously? Did you seriously just ask me that?!" I yelled and he slightly flinched. "I don't know dad, you tell me. You and mom always calling me ugly, fat, stupid, the unwanted child, the mistake. After awhile it begins to eat at your mind and it can't stop!" I screamed, my vision turning blurry from my tears. He slowly walked toward me to hug me, when I dashed past him down the stairs and out the door. I ran down the sidewalk, him chasing after me.

I ran in the direction of the house towards my safe heaven. "Ashton! Luke! Calum!" I screamed when I reached the door, banging wildly. Just as the door opened, my father punched Luke and Michael, to give him time as he picked me up and ran in the opposite direction. "Guys!" I screamed as cops ran out of the house and jumped into their cars. They began to chase us, my father running faster back to his house.

When we got there, he placed me in the truck, and he jumped in the drivers seat. We drove away from the house, the cops on our tails. We soon lost the cops, and were now heading outside of town. I was truly alone now, with no communication to the boys. "Where are we going?" I asked as I leant my head against the window.

"To our own safe heaven. And you'll regret what you just tried to do." My father said, through gritted teeth.

Calum's POV
We were sitting on the couch, with the cops in the kitchen when we heard banging. We rushed to open the door and smiled when we saw it was Shiloh. She looked a complete mess, and she was crying with relief. Her father was right behind her though, and I gasped when he suddenly punched Michael and Luke in the face. Ashton and I looked in horror as her father grabbed her and began racing down the street. The cops peeled out of the driveway and began chasing them. We then turned to tend to our friends's faces.

"He throws a mean punch!" Michael commented while tilting his head back to stop the bleeding. We had asked the bodyguards to make sure no cameras saw anything as this was a private moment. "I agree." Luke chimed in, wiping away the blood and testing his nose to make sure it wasn't broken. "How did he even manage to punch the both of us?" Luke asked as we all shrugged. The cops soon came back and we frantically bombarded them with questions.

"We lost them. But, we have the license plate, so we're tracking them. He's currently driving them to somewhere right outside of Sydney." The cop explained to us as Ashton groaned. "And she probably doesn't have that phone on her either.." I said, making everyone nod. "Don't worry, we'll get your daughter back. This has officially turned into an Amber Alert. (Not sure if it's something different for Australia!) we have to report it to the news stations to notify people so they can look." The cop explained as we all nodded again. We sent Logan home, to try and get some sleep.

"Luke, Michael, go get rest. We'll wake you if anything happens." Ashton told them as they both walked up the stairs. Ashton slumped into one of the bar stools at the island counter. "Can this night get any worse?" He complained just as the cop turned on the tv.

"I think it just did." The cop replied as we both shot out of our seats, staring at horrific screen before us.

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