Chapter 4. Girlfriends

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Shiloh's POV
"You're a bastard!!" My mother screams at my father as he picks up the nearest glass object. "Well you're a bitch!" He screams back while throwing it at her. Thankfully she ducked in time, but that wasn't the end of this argument.


"Shiloh come on baby. Let's get away from this." Amethyst urges as she begins to pull me away. "Mommy... Daddy!!" I call out as I begin screaming as my father begins to beat my mother. "Amethyst! Amethyst let me go!" I cry out.

"Shiloh! Wake up!" Someone screamed.

I snapped my eyes open and stared up at the boy in front of me. I was drenched in sweat and the covers half draped over me. "M-Michael?" I slowly questioned as he concerningly looked down at me. "Rise and shine kiddo! Breakfast will be awaiting your arrival downstairs!" He cheered as he skipped out of my bedroom. I groaned and reluctantly got up from the comfortable bed. I showered and changed into a loose, black long sleeve with black leggings. I walked down the stairs while rubbing my eyes and nearly tripped on the way down.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Luke and Calum chorused as I sat at the table. "Beauty? I look like a frog who never got kissed by a prince." I replied back as they shared a glance. "Well that's a weird comparison.." Luke muttered as Ashton placed a plate of food in front of me. "Oh, um..." I trailed off while looking at the delicious food. "I can't eat." I said as they all stared at me. "And why not? You didn't eat dinner last night and now you aren't going to eat breakfast? Who doesn't like food?" Mikey questioned as I cautiously raised my hand.

"What are you? Anorexic?" He joked as I gawked at him. "Wait... Are you?!" He exclaimed as I quickly retaliated and shook my head no. "Shiloh..." Michael warned as I stared back at him, making myself seem strong. 'Don't you dare eat you disgusting slug. You only weigh 110 pounds, your goal weight is 80!' The voice inside me recalled as I slumped in my seat more. "Shiloh, can I talk to you in private please?" Ashton said from behind me causing me to jump. (He walked around to sit next to her at the table.)

I nodded and followed him to one of the side closets. I stepped in and watched him shut the door. "Tell me, right now. Do you have an eating disorder?" He begged while staring down at me with intimidating eyes. "Don't you dare tell him!" The voice in my head yelled, causing my own body to flinch. "Please Shiloh. I'm begging you, the boys are begging you. Answer my question!" He suddenly yelled, causing me to jump again.

"Yes! Okay! Yes I do! I have two!!" I screamed back in fear as his eyes widened and his back pressed into the door. "W-what?" He stumbled over his words, watching me in disbelief. "H-how's that possible... To.. To have two eating disorders?" He inquired as I rolled my eyes. "Well to start off, obviously I'm anorexic. There's no denying that.. But when I was younger, my parents forced me to eat.. And I'd feel gross afterward so I'd puke it right back up. Therefore... I'm both Anorexic and Bulimic." I spat out, angered by his demanding voice.

Luke's POV

As Ashton and Shiloh went into the nearest closet, the other two and myself quietly ran over to the door to hear their conversation. It soon erupted into screaming between the two and then suddenly died down. Calum, Michael and I heard every word that was shared between them. Shiloh has two eating disorders... The three of us couldn't believe it either. It just didn't seem possible. We instantly backed away from the door as the knob turned and rushed back to our spots.

Shiloh's face was puffy and red from crying. Ashton's was contorted from anger, sadness and pure confusion. "I'm not eating, Ashton." Shiloh spoke coldly as she stormed up the stairs and we heard her door slam shut. Ashton sighed, and rubbed his hands over his face as he plopped into one of the bar stools. "We overheard everything!" Calum blurted as Mikey and I gaped over at him. "Calum!" Mikey and I screamed as Ashton glared at us. "Guys. That's why I said private. P R I V A T E!" Ashton yelled causing all three of us to flinch.

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