Chapter 5. Home Coming

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Shiloh's POV
I never went home last night. I stayed on the beach, and fell asleep in the rain. I debated on going back home, if I'm to be honest. I didn't want to see Arzaylea, or anyone else. I needed money though.. So, I trudged back to the house. When I arrived, the lights were all off except for the one downstairs. I tried the front door, and it was luckily unlocked.

I guess the boys figured I'd eventually return.

I coughed into my hand before going into the house, so nobody would hear me. I hoped I wasn't coming down with something. I shut the door silently, and then turned around to see a pissed off and scared shitless Michael. "Shiloh?!" He screamed as my eyes widened and he wrapped me in a tight hug. The house instantly began to tremble with the boys running down the stairs. So. I guess they didn't sleep. Mikey hugged me tighter as the other boys- and their girlfriends appeared beside Michael. "Mikey, I-I can't breathe!" I inhaled as he muttered a sorry and set me down.

"Where the hell were you?! You had us worried sick!" Ashton cried as he was now gripping my shoulders. "You're soaking wet!" He exclaimed as he looked me over.

"What are those?"

It was Arzaylea that asked as I looked down at myself and my eyes widened again. My shirt had been white.. And now it was see through. Meaning one thing: my cuts and scars were now open to the public eye. Luke's eyes widened as well when he realized and he coughed to change the subject. "Don't worry about it, babe." He rushed as Arzaylea looked at him odd. "Shiloh, go upstairs. Shower, change.. Then come back down. We need to have a little chat." Ashton ordered while pointing up the stairs.

Ashton's POV
I sighed as I watched Shiloh sulk up the stairs. She was clearly disappointed in herself. "Ash. Should we tell the girls?" Calum questioned from beside me. I waited to hear the water running upstairs and then nodded. The three girls were sat on one couch, the rest of us on another. "What's going on? What's up with Shiloh?" Lucy asked, waiting for us to answer. "She self harms... An-and has two eating disorders." I confessed slowly, watching the girls reactions. Lucy and Bryana looked shocked, and Arzaylea looked like she didn't care.

"How does she have two?" Bryana asked, confused. "Well she's clearly anorexic. But yesterday we made her eat the pizza... That's why I followed her up the stairs. Whenever someone forces her to eat, she goes and pukes it right back up." Michael chimed in. "Oh.." Lucy murmured. "Is there anything we can do to help? Send her to a therapist? Something?" Bryana questioned, hope filling her eyes.

"Not right now. She's still getting used to us... Arzaylea, why are you even here? It's clear you don't care about Shiloh. You haven't said one word about this whole situation." Calum spoke up, annoyed. She shrugged and looked at her nails. "Like I said earlier and last night. You should have picked someone healthier. Wasn't it clear from the first time you saw her that she had a problem?" She asked as Calum, Luke, Michael and I looked at each other. "Well, no actually. She looked normal to us. And yes it's a problem, but we plan on helping her." Luke finally butted in, reprimanding his own girlfriend.

"Oh? Finally deciding to join in on our family conversations?" Michael snapped at Luke. "Guys.." I warned while watching them. "No Ashton! I've had enough! Even before Shiloh came into our lives, Arzaylea has been a complete bitch to me, and the other girls. We're tired of it." He confessed while I dropped my mouth open. "I-I..." Luke was left speechless from the statement. He stood up, and jogged up the stairs out of sight.

Shiloh's POV
After I showered and changed into my onesie, I laid on my bed, on top of the covers. I sighed and then sat up, criss-crossed and rolled up my sleeves. I brushed my finger over my scars as a knock sounded at my door. "Who is it?" I called as Luke walked in. He stopped and stared at my arms as I rushed to pull down the sleeves. "You don't have to hide them, Shiloh. I know, and the girls know to." He said as he walked over to sit beside me on the bed. "Did Ashton tell you?" I asked as Luke's blue eyes quickly met mine. I then went back to looking at my foot, staring at the loose thread.

"Tell me what?" He asked back as I played with the hem of onesie. "My backstory. On why I am the way I am." I replied as he shook his head. "No. He didn't explain what had happened, only that you told him. I don't need to know if you don't want me to." He responded while staring at me reassuringly. "I don't want to go through the process of crying, and explaining everything again. Just have Ashton tell you later." I said, annoyed. "There's another thing I wanted to talk to you about... It's why I came up here." He spoke as I finally turned to meet his eyes.

"What exactly did you hear from Azaylea that made you run away?" He questioned, his voice laced with curiosity. "And I quote 'Why'd they adopt an anorexic freak like her? She's clearly depressed and has mental issues. Why not adopt a beautiful, healthy girl who'd grow up to be a model like us?' Thats what she said, and of course it hurt. I didn't stay to hear the girls's responses. I was already out the front door." I explained as he nodded silently. "Well, I'm going to talk to her. You'll have nothing to worry about. All right babe?" I nodded as he side hugged me.

Just before he walked out my door, I stopped him. "Luke, tell Ashton I'll go back to school on Monday." He nodded and then smiled. "And since tomorrow is Saturday, we'll go get you a phone and get you situated." (They adopted her on Wednesday. So she's been with them for two and a half days.) "okay Luke, night." I whispered while yawning. The last thing I noticed was Luke shutting off my light and shutting my door.

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