Chapter 16. Coming Home

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Shiloh's POV
When the boys came to pick me up, I avoided telling them about Molly. I figured that if she wasn't a major threat, they wouldn't have to know. "Are you excited to be leaving?" Molly asked, putting on an act in front of the boys. "Sure." I said calmly, watching her every move. I got myself dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. I met the boys outside of the hospital room, and Luke threw me his jacket. Ashton signed me out and then I followed them to the waiting car. The paparazzi outside were insane, constantly bombarding us all with questions.

"I've got you." Mikey whispered, his arm around me protectively. The paps continued to ask me questions, as I slid into the van. We were then on the road, driving back to the house. "Molly and Dr. Nesbit said to let us know if Lydia shows up at anytime." Luke told me as I looked over at him. "Oh, I didn't know they told you about her.." I muttered, ashamed that I even thought her up. "What does she look like?" Calum questioned from beside me. "Me, she looks like me. Only.. She's beautiful and a healthy weight.. And everything that I'm not. I only made her up to get myself through the day! I'm not crazy! I swear!" I cried frantically as the boys stared at me, their eyes widened at my outburst.

"We didn't say that you were crazy, Shi. It's going to be all right." Mikey assured, as I followed them into the house. Everything pretty much looked the same, except for the dirty dishes piled up in the sink. "It's dirty in here, have you guys cleaned?" I asked, wiping a finger across the counter. "No, of course not. We've been to caught up in worrying about you to care about anything else. And plus, you sound a lot like my mum." Ashton joked as I rolled my eyes and smiled.

I looked down at my clothes and shivered. "I'm gonna go to take a shower, I feel even more disgusting than I already am." I stated, them watching me. I walked up the stairs and into my room, to pick out an outfit. "Are you sure you wanna go in that bathroom?" She questioned as I looked up from my drawer. "Lydia." I spit, turning around to face her. She was laying on my bed, with her arms crossed behind her head. "What are you doing here?" I asked, shutting my drawer and placing my clothes on my bed.

"Wanted to see the crib." She said bluntly, looking around. "It's nice, clean. I like it." She commented, me nodding. "Well, if you'll excuse me I need to go shower." I spoke, her nodding and relaxing more into my covers. After my shower, I let my hair hang wet on my shoulders, and walked to pick up my phone. "I thought you were supposed to be gone?" I asked, avoiding her eyes. "Who, me? You think I'm going to just up and leave after everything? I'm here for a reason, Shiloh. And that reason.. Basically, I'm not going away unless you get over your problems." She replied, me sighing.

Michael's POV
I walked up the steps toward Shiloh's room when I stopped. I heard talking, as if she was having a conversation with someone. "What problems? I don't have problems.." She trailed, and there was silence in return. "I'm not lying to myself! I got over my problems!" She suddenly screamed and I rushed into her room, seeing her talk to the air. "Oh.. Hi Mikey." She stuttered as I looked between her and her bed.

"Who were you yelling at?" I questioned as she looked briefly at the bed. "N-no one." She stuttered again, me raising an eyebrow. "Anyway.. Ash just wanted me to tell you that lunch is ready, downstairs." I noted as she nodded again. "Okay, I'll be down in a bit." She replied, watching me as I backed out of her room. I shut the door behind me, but stayed against the wall. "Almost close?! Lydia! He can't see or hear you!" Shiloh whisper-yelled as I heard her walk over to her door and I ran down the stairs.

"Guys! Guys!" I yelled, all of them running over to me. "What is it? What happened?!" Ashton frantically questioned as we heard Shiloh's small voice from behind me. "We'll talk about it later." I mouthed to them as they nodded. Shiloh slid into the seat at the table and picked up her fork. Ashton had made us sandwiches with a side of carrots. The boys dug in, as I silently watched Shiloh play with her food. She pushed the carrots back and forth, the fork making a screeching noise in response.

Shiloh's POV
"That looks gross.." Lydia muttered from beside me. "Remember Shiloh, if you wanna look like me, you have to eat like me! Meaning..." She trailed off as I rolled my eyes. "Not eating..." I muttered back as the boys looked at me. "Shiloh, who ya talking to?" Luke questioned, swallowing a bite of the sandwich. "No one, Luke." I said, trying to convince them to move on. "Lydia stop talking to me. You're making me look like I'm insane." I seethed quietly, as Ashton stayed watching me.

"Shiloh, is Lydia near you?" Calum spoke up, me dropping my fork in the awkwardness. "Um... Uh..." I fumbled over my words as I felt Lydia's eyes glaring at me. "Nope!" I replied, popping the p. "Good job." Lydia whispered as she patted me on the shoulder. "You haven't eaten any of your lunch.." Mikey pointed out, leaving me look stupid as all the boys were done eating. "I'm not hungry.." I muttered as I jumped off the seat and passed them. "Wait a minute, missy." Ashton scolded, placing an arm out in front of me. I looked up at him, waiting for him to talk.

"Sit back down, please." He said as I slowly backed up and slid back into the chair. "I'm leaving, tootles!" Lydia said to me as she disappeared from sight. "Shiloh, you have to promise to tell us the truth." Calum spoke, his eyes boring into mine. I slowly nodded, my eyes drifting between all four boys. "Have you been talking to Lydia? Michael heard you upstairs before, it sounded as if you were speaking to someone. Is Lydia around?" Ashton asked, curious for the answer.

"She's around.. But not right now. And yes, I've been talking to her. When I went upstairs earlier to take my shower.. She was there. She was in my room, lying on my bed." I answered, replaying everything in my head. "Ash, what should we do? The doctor said to bring her back if Lydia shows up." Calum commented, me watching silently. "There is another thing.. That Lydia mentioned to me." I whispered, them all staring at me. "Which is...?" Ashton pressed, folding his hands on the table. "She said the only way to get rid of her.. Is to get rid of my problems. But that doesn't make sense, I don't know what problems she's talking about." I stated, slowly furrowing my brows at the end.

"Shiloh, I think Lydia is both your angel and your demon. She can be nice and evil at the same time. I think she's talking about everything. The guilt you have towards Amethyst, the thought that you're ugly and fat. She's your subconscious telling you these things, to tear you apart and bring you down. You have to be the better person and rise above her." Luke finalized, breathing out at the end. Ashton quickly got up and ran over to me with his phone in his hand. He kissed my cheek and snapped the photo, smiling at it. He quickly went on Twitter and made a tweet.

Ashton5SOS: "glad my daughter is back home, safe and sound!" All our phones dinged, signaling the notification. As we sat back down, Calum opened his mouth to speak.

"But, for right now. Let's sit back, relax.. And welcome you home." Calum butted in, grinning from ear to ear.

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