Chapter 35. Jet Black Heart

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Shiloh's POV
"What?! You can't leave!" Someone yelled right outside my door. I opened one eye and saw that Bryana wasn't beside me in the bed anymore. "Michael! You are not leaving!" I heard Luke yell from next door. Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming. "Guys, it's for the best. I want to leave. I have to tell her." Michael spoke, turning the knob to my door. Okay, guess I'm not dreaming. I opened both my eyes and pushed myself upward so I was sitting up in the bed.

"Morning Shi.." Mikey began, staring at me from the doorway. The swelling of his nose went down a lot, but it was still badly black and blue. "Hi.." I said softly as he walked over to me. "I'm assuming you heard our screaming?" He asked as I slightly shrugged. "Yea... Why are you leaving?" I answered, him looking down. "It's just because of everything. It'd be easier on the both of us I wasn't around so we could get over our feelings." He explained as I just stared at him.

"You can't leave, the band, the boys... I need you." He looked up at me, his grey-green eyes glistening with tears. "I'm sorry." He whispered as he kissed me on the forehead, his lips lingering there longer than usual. I watched him leave my room, tears pouring from my eyes. I laid back down in the bed and pulled the covers over my head. "Shiloh.. You have to get ready. We're heading to the airport in half an hour." Luke's soft voice spoke, his hand on my shoulder.

I sniffled as Luke pulled the covers off me. I slid off the bed and ran into Luke's stomach. I sobbed, calling for Michael. "Shi... Shh. It's okay, it's going to be okay. He'll come back, you'll see." He said, wiping my tears away. He pulled away and left my room so I could change. I changed into a grey sweater with beige colored hearts and sweatpants. I didn't care what I looked like, I was upset.

I kicked my suitcase out into the hall and Ashton gave me a soft smile. "Do you want anything for breakfast?" I glared at him before sulking back into my room. I pulled the rest of my things out into the hallway and watched silently as Calum carried them out the door. Thankfully there were no fans outside waiting for us, since it was 6am.  We were driven to the airport in silence, the car ride was awkward; Ashton sitting with Bryana, Calum with Lucy and Luke with me. Michael wasn't with us, he wasn't in the car with us.

"Is he leaving the band?" I asked, staring out the window as we drove to LAX. "No, at least we don't think he is. He told me he's going to meet us in Toronto, when we get there." Luke replied, his arm around my shoulder. We got to the airport and were rushed to the terminal. Why are we always late to these things? We were the last ones on, but it didn't matter because we had first class. I instantly called one of the open chairs and laid down in it.

I was in my own section, and across the isle was everyone else. I put my headphones in and pulled up Jet Black Heart by 5SOS. I don't think the boys knew that I listened to their songs whenever they aren't around. I love Outer Space, Kiss Me Kiss Me, and much more. I closed my eyes and dreamt of all of us being one, big, giant happy family.

Ashton's POV
I looked over to see Shiloh asleep again. A blanket was over her, and her hair was to the side. It broke my heart to see her so broken about Michael. I knew they loved each other, but it's one of those things where it can never happen. I got out my phone and snapped a pic of Shiloh sleeping. I went to Twitter and to Instagram, and smiled as I typed a caption.

"@Ashton5SOS: looks like my daughter didn't get enough sleep last night! See you soon Toronto!"

I smiled again and slid my phone back into my pocket. "Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Lucy asked from across the way. "I hope so. I mean, she has all of us also. It's not just Michael." I responded as she nodded. "Yea but Ash, she's closest to you and to Michael. So after what he did, it was hard for her to trust him, and now that he's not here.. She doesn't know what to do." Calum commented, as I nodded. "I just wish a fifteen year old as sweet as her didn't have to be going through all this." I admitted, looking over at her. "What do you mean?" Luke asked, eyeing me. "Are you saying you regret adopting her?" Bryana asked me, gripping my hand.

"No! No, it's not that. I just.. I always feel bad for kids who are in the orphanages. They deserve a family who love them and wants what best. Shiloh is such a sweet, genuine, caring and kind person. She's so fragile and it breaks me every time she hurts her sled or when she doesn't want to eat. I feel horrible and pissed that her parents made her the way that she is. It just sucks." I finished, all of us now looking over at a still sleeping Shiloh.

Michael's POV
I was on the same plane as everyone else. Just in a different section. I had the window seat, and I was next to a teenage girl. "Hey." She spoke while situating herself. "Hello." I replied, staring out the window. "What's wrong?" She asked as I turned to look at her. "I'm sorry, where are my manners! My names Violet, Violet Richardson. I'm a nineteen year old girl who is going to study abroad in Canada. What's your name?" She replied, smiling at me.

Did she not know who I was?

"Wait, you don't know who I am?" I asked as she shook her and said "nope", popping the p. "I'm Michael, Michael Clifford. I'm in a band, and the rest of my band mates are in the front of the plane." I answered, seeing her face not change. "Cool. But, if they're up there.. Why are you back here?" She questioned as she watched me. Should I let this girl into my life? I mean, it's a one year age gap.. She could be my rebound; she can help me move on from Shiloh.

"I'm back here because of the girl that's with the rest of my band. We adopted a kid.. And I had a crush on her. But, we can't be together so I wanted to separate myself from her.. It's complicated." I responded, quietly laughing. "You think your love life is bad? Wait till you hear mine, Mr. Clifford!" She replied, laughing. I smiled at her and motioned with my hand for her to continue.

I was going to enjoy this plane ride, I could tell. Violet was very pretty, and she's funny. "Welcome to my love life Mr. Clifford.. I suggest you buckle up and hold on tight because you're in for a bumpy ride." She said, grinning at me.

A/N: cheetahs, amigas, friends for life...


See! I told you guys after chapter 34 things would lighten up!

How's your weekend been??

Mines been boring lol

Anyway, until next time!

-Maddie <3

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