Chapter 25. Plan Gone Wrong

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I'm a horrible person for writing this chapter, and I know you guys are going to hate me... Sorry in advance!

Ashton's POV
"Today's the day." I spoke, staring into the bathroom mirror. "I'm kinda scared.." Calum said from behind me, taking his toothbrush out of his mouth. "Us too." Luke and Mikey commented. "She's going to be perfectly fine.. She has Drake on her side." Bryana added, smiling at me through the door. Lucy and Arzaylea were here as well, we all wanted to be here when we received the news about Shiloh-whether she escaped in time.

"Should we cancel the concert tonight?" Luke questioned as I shook my head. "No, I don't want the American fans to be upset... Besides, the concert will take our mind off all this. Shiloh will be all right." I confirmed, more to myself. "Okay, let's go.. I'm starving." Michael said, forcing all of us to leave the hotel room. We were currently in California, and Michael wanted to go out for lunch. "Can we go to In n' Out burger?" He asked as we all groaned. "You've eaten from there this whole week! Something different everyday! Pick somewhere else!" Calum exclaimed, annoyed.

"Sorry.. They're just so good!" Mikey cheered as I rolled my eyes and wrapped an arm around Bryana. "I wonder what Shiloh is doing... Drake did say Shiloh's procedure is today.. I just don't know what time... He also said that Shiloh could die." I murmured as Bryana side-hugged me. "Ash, I'm sure she's okay." She answered as Michael led us to another fast food restaurant. "Are you fricken kidding me?!" Calum yelled as we all laughed and walked inside. I needed this, needed this escape to get my mind off everything.

Shiloh's POV
I awoke to Drake standing over me, grinning. "Get up, get showered and dressed. Your procedure is scheduled for two hours from now, we don't have much time." I nodded and stood to my feet to stretch. Drake left my room so I could shower and change. After he watched me walk back to my room, he brought me breakfast. "You better eat it, in case it's your last meal." He spoke, in a joking manner. "Not funny." I replied, my mouth full of food.

He took my finished plate and then left my room. "Ms. Irwin." I looked up to see Dr. Nesbit and Professor Peculiar. "Um.. Hi.." I muttered, sitting up. "Come, we decided to move your time up to now." My eyes bulged as I was dragged from my room. "Drake! Help!" I screamed, flailing my arms trying to break free. "He's been eliminated.." Professor Peculiar told me as tears welled in my eyes. "After the procedure, you won't be crying anymore.. You won't feel anything anymore. It'll be great." Dr. Nesbit assured as I growled.

I was placed on a hospital type bed and rolled into the waiting elevator. I couldn't believe this was happening.. Everything I worked toward.. Just thrown away like it was nothing. We ended up on the 4th floor of the building, a floor dedicated to rooms for operating. I grew more and more nervous and scared as we turned the corner and stopped in front of a door. "We'll be with you the whole way through." Professor Peculiar explained as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

They slammed the door shut and rolled me to the middle of the room. An oxygen mask was placed over my nose and mouth. "Count back from 10 please." A nurse spoke as an IV was poked into my arm. My eyelids grew heavy and I couldn't fight it anymore; I closed my eyes in defeat. I hoped the boys are going to be okay with a daughter who has no emotions.

Luke's POV
"They should texting us by now!" Ashton cried, growing nervous by the minute. The body guards were supposed to notify us when they intercepted Shiloh from the asylum. "What if something happened? What if they didn't escape?!" He screamed, as people walked by giving him weird looks. We were currently outside of Walmart, waiting for Calum and Lucy. "Ash calm down-." I was cut by Ashton's scream-his phone went off. "What?! What do you mean?! Oh my god?! You're idiots... You're fired!" He yelled and then hung up.

"I'm assuming that didn't go well..." I trailed off as he glared at me. "Sam said he asked the nurse at the front desk... Shiloh's already in surgery. There's been a mistake, something went wrong." He whispered, tears beginning to trickle from his eyes. I instantly stood up and wrapped my arms around him, letting him cry it out. I knew he blamed himself, he blamed himself since day 1. He blamed himself for all this, the day that he accidentally admitted her. "It's okay.. Shh... She'll be fine." I murmured, rubbing his back soothingly.

Fans that noticed us began to walk over but stopped when they saw Ashton crying. I sadly smiled at them as they smiled back. They looked at Ashton quickly, before walking away. Michael was somewhere also, in Walmart. "We're gonna have a daughter with no emotions.. I-I can't live w-with that." He hiccuped, his face all blotchy and red. I wiped at his tears and smiled. "We can always teach someone to love.." I spoke, him watching me. "Yea and we can teach her to hate... But she'll never understand all the others.. God damnit! Why her!" He screamed at the blue, cloudless, sky.

"Hey, we're-." Calum said as I shushed him. We continued walking down the street, my one arm around Arzaylea and another around Ashton. We could do this, we can help Shiloh.. All though.. She now wouldn't be released until November...

Shiloh's POV
I slowly blinked my eyes open to a white room. I looked around, and it didn't look like my room. Was I dead? The door opened and in walked a boy who looked familiar but I couldn't recognize. I had a major headache, and my vision was kinda blurry. "Shiloh..? It's me, Drake." I looked up at him as memories flashed through my mind. "I-I thought Professor Peculiar had you killed..." I trailed off, trying to sit up. He pushed me back down on the bed and sat next to me.

"He did try to kill me, but I survived. They did the procedure on you.. They have to do more tests to make sure it works." Drake confirmed, taking my hand to help me up. I was shaky in my feet and nearly fell back down again. "You're extremely weak.. I can tell you dropped a lot of weight. No wonder they made you gain so much.. You just lose it all anyway." Drake said as I slowly looked up at him. "I... I feel empty inside." I whispered, I tried to feel sadness, I wanted to cry. "You'll give yourself a headache, you'll make yourself have more pain.. Stop." Drake ordered as I groaned.

"I can't live like this. I have to get out of here, now." I pressed, trying to sit up. Drake pushed me back down and shook his head. "Maybe next week, you won't be able to navigate through an airport to get to the boys. You have regain your strength." I rolled my eyes and turned my head to my computer screen-which was opened to Twitter. "We have to tell them.. They have to know." I murmured, slowly blinking my eyes. Drake pushed hair behind my ear and stood up.

He walked over to the computer and opened up my DM's. He typed a message into the group chat and then logged off. "It's done, I told them. Now, you need your rest." He reprimanded and he walked out of my room. I stared up at the ceiling and began to hum Carry On. I just wanted to go home, that's all I wanted. Was that too hard to ask?

Luke's POV
We were all lounging around when our phones all dinged simultaneously. Ashton instantly grabbed my phone since it was close by and then dropped my phone and grabbed his hair. He dropped to his knees and bursted into tears. "Read your phones.. It's from Drake, through Shiloh's account." Ashton sobbed and began rocking.

I picked up my phone and skimmed the message. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I looked over at Calum and Michael. They were hugging each other crying; Bryana and Lucy were also crying and Arzaylea actually look sad.

(You're going to hate me for this next part.. IM SORRY!)

I re-read the message over and over again, trying not to believe it.

From Drake: "Shiloh didn't make it through the surgery.. I'm so sorry."

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