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What the hell was that?! V must learn to sleep with his hands to himself! What if Jimin finds it out?! We just got together! Uh-wah! I want to cry,how can he do this? Was he even asleep?! Okay.... Calm down Jina. Everything is okay,Jimin won't break up with you. He loves me...right?

When I was on my way to the cafeteria I felt someone hugging me. I turned around and got a kiss on my nose by a smiling Jimin.

"Hi babe." Jimin said making me blush a little by the word he called me.

"Hi Jimin. How was Class?"

"Horrible without you." He said and kissed me all over my face.

"OMG STHAAAP!" I whined to make him stop since people was staring.

Jimin laughed and stopped. We walked together hand in hand to the cafeteria.


This is too easy haha,she really thinks I like her. What a love bird. I just do this to make V jealous, I know he likes her and if I break her heart then I'm sorry Jina but I don't care 1%.  I must say that she is hot and her body is really good like DAMN GOOD! And she is kinda cute and kind, but I won't fall in love with her. Never.

"Oppa,what are you going to eat?" She asked looking at the food.

F*ck..forgot my money home... Looks like I must go through the day hungry. Yay for me.

"I forgot my money,so nothing."

"What? No,you must eat. I'll buy you food. Two chicken fajitas, thanks." She told the cafeteria girl before I could talk.

"No, no. I'm fine. Really." I tried to stop her for paying but she still payed and gave me one of the fajitas.

"Jina, why did you do that you pabo?" I ruffled her hair and took the fajita.

She laughed and pushed my hand away.

"Because you need food." She said and walked to a table and I followed her of course.

"Thank you,Babygirl." I kissed her cheek and she blushed and sat down.

We started to eat and I felt so good after eating. The way to my heart is with food, haha. How lovely of her to buy me food.

"Thanks babygirl." I leaned over the table and kissed her on the lips.

Before I kissed her  I saw V staring at us, I didn't care and kissed her. It looks like he is going to kill someone. Haha. I didn't realize that I and Jina kissed for so long. I don't want to pull away, her lips are so soft and nice. I like the feelings of them touching mine. But she tried to break the kiss, but I didn't let her. I tried to get her over to my side of the table and happily it worked as I wanted. She sat down on my lap holding onto my neck while I'm holding onto her hips.

 She sat down on my lap holding onto my neck while I'm holding onto her hips

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(A/N: Something like this)


Why can't I look away...?

I want to,but my body don't let me....

Am I jealous...?

What the hell?! I'm not jealous! It's just too cute to look away....yeah..good excuse.. Wait! NO! It's not an excuse! It's the truth! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU KIM TAEHYUNG!!


I snapped out of my mind when I heard someone shout my name.

"Huh?" I looked at Rap Monster laughing.

"Why are you staring at Jimin and Jina? Jealous?" Rap Monster laughed while eating his food.

"What?! NO!! I'm not jealous!"

"V is jealous!" JHope shouted making everyone at our table laugh. Without me of course. So only Jungkook,Rap Monster,JHope,Suga and Jin.

"Why would I be jealous? Jina is fat and ugly. I don't get it why Jimin likes her, he only likes girl with model-body, long hair, big boobs and butt. She don't have those things. She only has long hair." I said and ate my salt.

"She actually have all that things. Just look at her,damn. Does she train? If she does it ever at your house call me over." Rap Monster smirked a little.


Next time I'll make her walk out with grandmother clothes.

I rolled my eyes at Rap Monster and got up and walked away. Why is everyone so obsessed with her? Her body. Her face. HER EVERYTHING!

And why do I even need to listen to that bullshit?

I had an annoyed face look at walked out of the school. Skipping the rest of the day is the only way to not see her for some hours since I see her every time, everyday.

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