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I'm so smart, I know. Forgetting my backpack at school with my credit card. How am i so dumb?

Well, well, I'm in my classroom to get it, right now. And with my bad luck this days the bell just rang. People started to come and I just walked out. What a surprise to them, hah! No,not my first time doing this hehe.

When I was in the hallway on my way out of school I saw Jina on her way to class. But then all of a sudden, she blacked out.

I ran up to her and catch her before she hit the floor.

"Jina?" I slightly shook her. But I didn't get anything back.

"Jina?!" I shouted making people look at me, but I didn't care. Right now I just want her to wake up.

"Jina!" Tears started to come, I don't even know why. Why do I feel this towards her right now?

"Someone help!" I shouted,but with my body no one dared to take a step closer.

I'm all alone....

I just have her and my friends......

Everyone else wants me to die......

I wiped my tears away and lifted her up on my way to her class. When i got in everyone stared at me. Jimin too of course,it looks like he is going to kill me. But his fault not to follow his girlfriend to class.


I got Jina's backpack and walked out not bothering to tell the teacher why I'm carrying a girl I've been in fight with so many times, bullied and even hit when I got too annoyed....

Right now I'm in a hurry to get home. Just to see if she is okay,right now that's all I want. That she is okay. Then I'll be okay...


What the hell?! Taehyung is carrying my girl?! Wait what...why do I care.....

i just did this to hurt her....

Am i growing feelings for her...?

No! No! No!

How?! She is ugly! In this school all girls are after me. i don't even need her.


She is the only girl that really showed me love without hurting me....

All I got was a fake girlfriend, and she just hurt me...

All the girls just want me by my look and body....of course they will break up when they find someone else...


"Jimin,I need to tell you something."

"Sure princess,and you can just call me Oppa or ChimChim. Remember?" I said and smiled while looking at my pretty girl, Mina.

"Yeah,never going to happen again. I break up with you." She said with a smile on.

W-what...Huh?! What have I done...Someone please tell me what I did!

"W-what...? Why? What did I do? Did I do something to you? Was I too clingy?" I fell on my knees and held her hands while crying and questions coming out nonstop.

"Jesus Jimin! How didn't you get it? Hahaha! I just wanted to be with you for a reason I don't even remember anymore." She laughed at me while tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Babe..please don't do this...I can change! I promise!" I begged her to not leave me.

"How pathetic. Jimin I say this from the bottom of my heart."

She kneeled down to me and lifted my chin up so I looked at her in the eyes.

"I just used you. I never loved you. But you fell in love with me and now I'll leave you all alone like nothing happened." She smirked and got up.

She never loved me....


"Babe, is it done?" I heard a male voice. I know this guy.

I looked up and saw him having an arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah,I'm done with him Sehun." She said and kissed him on the lips in front of my eyes.

"S-Sehun...?" I got up shaking badly while seeing them kiss.

They broke the kiss and he bit the inside of his lips and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hi bro...."

"You bastard! You stole her from me! I'll never forgive you for this! You knew I loved her more than I love anything else!! How could you?! I thought you was my f*cking friend!" I punched him in the stomach and kicked him in the face once while my heart got black.

"Stop you bastard!" Mina tried to push me away but I slapped her and pushed her onto the locker.

"Don't touch her!" Sehun got up and punched me in my face.

"Get away! You're a fake friend!" I punched him in the face and he pushed me on the lockers and punched me as many time as possible.

Then all of a sudden I didn't feel him punching me. I opened my eyes and saw him on the floor.

"Get away from him if you don't want your girl to get badly injured!"

It was a boy,I know this guy too...He is in my class too...Taehyung..?

"Let me go!" Mina shouted while Taehyung pulled her hair and hit her back.

Sehun got up and was about to hit Taehyung,but he got pushed on the lockers by a boy. He pushed him on it like a police man does to a criminal.

"Don't you dare to touch my friend or you will regret."

"Just let her go..." Sehun cried in pain because of the grip.

Taehyung got a scissors and cut Mina's long brown hair. Now it's so short. Like boyish short.

"Let him go,Jungkook." He said and the boy that held Sehun let go of him.

Sehun fell on the ground and Mina couldn't even move.

"Are you okay? My name is Taehyung by the way,and you're Jimin. Right? From my class?" Taehyung smiled and I only nodded.

Why did they save me....

"Come. Let's get you clean and go somewhere to eat." He helped me up. He and the boy I think is named Jungkook helped me to walk home.


Since then I've promised not to trust any girl. I only trust my friends that saved me and helped me from the depressed me in the past.

But Jina makes me feel different now....I don't want to hurt her....

I've hurled so many girls.

But she is different.

I can't hurt her like the others after Mina.

I can never do that to her,never....

That Idiot || kth. {Kim Taehyung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now