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Tears started to fell, why do I have to live with this? Who do I have left? Who can I trust? It's not easy to just get over someone, couldn't feelings just leave when people did..? Think about how much less pain people would have been in. No depression, anxiety, just... no more pain.... It's not like I want to get feelings for people, it's not like I mean to love someone. If I could choose who I fell in love with, nothing could go bad. I don't want to meet new people, I know I'll love them too fast, even in a friendly way or in a relationship way. I don't want to trust people, especially this fast. It's just nothing I can do with it, this is who I am.. A weak, dumb, worthless girl, that everyone just use for their own please...make me go in their trap and leave me there heartbroken.

I'm lost...I'm lost in my sorrow of my soul... 

How can a normal person, a normal boy, affect me this much? When I finally thought that I got things to work...I realize that I have nothing under control... My life is a mess and how can I get that under control..?   

All this thoughts ran into my mind, I can't even focus on Jimin anymore. All I can focus on is my heartbeats going in a speed of the light, the banging in my ears, it's like someone is locked inside and tries to get out by knocking on the door even though it's no fucking use... is it because of Jimin or something else? I don't know...

"Please give me a chance..." Jimin whispered while his lips brushed against mine. I want to punch him, make him pay, show him that all he did was just to hurt me.... I'm just not a strong person enough to do such a thing...

I hugged him tightly and cried into the crock of his neck... I hate him, but right now all I need is a hug... Why couldn't someone have told me that love is like an exam, you can get it on full point, 10/10! Or just sit there and realize that you failed..... 

"Are you able to forgive me...?" I looked up at him sniffing "No...so please just go..."

Jimin looked at me for a while, a tear fell and he got up. This hurts, but I'm not being the one getting hurt again..

He opened the door and walked away. Don't run after him...don't feel guilty...don't feel anything right now..

I haven't got out of my bedroom for hours now, only once to get some ice cream. I might be overthinking all of this, but.. I can't see any other ways to actually think, nothing else goes into my mind.

"Jina? Is something wrong you haven't left your room in like, forever. I just wanted to check on you, and I also got all the boys here so if you want to get some pizza and hang out with us just come downstairs" 

"Just leave it Taehyung, I don't want to talk."

"Why? Did I do anything?"

"No, well yes, but no. I just need time alone."

"No you don't." He grinned and walked up to me, what the fuck will this guy do now? This won't go well, I can feel it.

He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Ah! Taehyung! Put me down right now! My panties are showing! IDIOT!" I hit his back trying to make him put be down, but all he did was laughing and walking downstairs. " I'M GOING TO SUE YOU!!" I'm really not in the mood for this. "EY, remember that it's my hoodie that you're wearing. I can rip it off you if I want to, so keep it down or you'll stand in front of seven guys in underwear." He said chuckling, this pervert. "Don't you dare!" I screamed trying to hold a grip on his door before he got to the stairs. "Wanna bet sweetheart?" 


"And I said shut up or I'll get to do things, so shut the hell up." I groaned and let it be, I'll just run upstairs again later. 

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