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I woke up and watched the clock.

WHAT?! it's ALMOST LUNCH TIME AND I'M HOME! That idiot didn't wake me up! Agh!

I hate to be late, it's the worst thing that can ever happen to me. Especially if it's 1 hour and 30 minutes late.

I got up and rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

"Ah~ refreshing."

I smelt like I have never heard of soap before. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, dried my hair and got some clothes on.

Then I went downstairs and made myself something to eat. I took out some eggs and two sausages. Put the egg in a bowl and mixed the egg with a fork and put it in the baking sheet and started with low heat and then cut the sausages and put it in with the egg and went a little up with the heat and mixed it all.

It took around 3 minutes until it was done and ready to eat. I ate up my breakfast while watching the news at TV.

I know I'm late, but if I'm already this late then it's no point to hurry.

I got up and walked to the kitchen to wash my plate. But all of a sudden I felt dizzy. I tried to keep myself awake and get my phone to call someone.

I heard someone was outside my door and before I could click on the call button, everything went black and the only thing I heard was some keys and then everything was silent.

No One's P.O.V

"Why didn't you wake her up, idiot." Jimin scoffed waiting for Jina to open the door.

"Cause it's not my job, Mr.Player." Taehyung rolled his eyes and opened the door with his key.

"Don't call me that, I'm not any player!" Jimin whined and pouted.

"Whatev- What the?!"

I was about to walk in but then I saw Jina laying on the floor.

"Ey, Jimin! Are you too busy with your whining than helping me to get your girlfriend to the living room?!" I shouted lifting Jina up.

"Uh..."  Jimin just stood there looking at me carrying Jina to the couch in the living room.

"What an idiot." I mumbled placing Jina on the bed carefully not wanting her to hit anything.

Jimin came in and kneeled down stroking her hair. I rolled my eyes and left to the kitchen.

Cant that girl be home without almost dying. I thought and kinda laughed.
I promise, when her mom gets out of the hospital I'll kick her out with no second chance.

I'm sick of her, she makes everything so hard for me. I don't even enjoy to be with Jimin anymore because of her.
Ugh...but I'm the only one that knows this thing about Jimin, I can't leave him. It will be dangerous for him.

Even tho I'll finally get Jin- no Taehyung! Don't think about leaving Jimin!

I hit my head onto the wall closing my eyes. Why did I even get feelings for her...she is just trouble anyway.

I got myself together and went upstairs and past her room.
Her door was open and it looked like a mess in there.

"What the hell? She is a pig, seriously is that a pizza in her panties?"

I sighed and giggled. I better clean it up or this house will get a mouse or more.

I went inside her room and threw all the food I could find there and threw all her clothes into the washing machine. I fixed her pillows and her blanked nicely on the bed and looked around. One of her drawers where open, I went up and tried to close it but it didn't work.

"What the?"

I took the drawer out and saw a necklace that blocked the drawer to close.

I got the necklace and closed the drawer. I looked at her necklace and it kinda look familiar.

Is this her necklace? Or is it some of her friends that forgot it here.

Hm? No, she has never brought her friends over. Maybe because of my rule to not let anyone know we live together.

What is it with this necklace that seems so familiar..? Do I have the same..?

My mind was going insane thinking, going back and through her room, ruffling my hair and getting frustrated.

What is it with this little thing that makes me want to know something so badly.

Then it hit me.

I looked at the back of the necklace and saw my name. This necklace also look so old...


Was my childhood friend...

Tears started to come, we promised to not to forget each other... but she forgot me...?

She is so grown up...
How didn't I see it was her..?
My first love.
My first friend.

My broken heart...
My broken mind...
Everything is back...
How she left me...
How she said she will come back but never did...
How I promised to be there for her...
But I'm the one that made her struggle with life...
I'm horrible...
I can't forgive myself for this....

I wiped my tears away and walked to my room. All this memories... it hurts.. it hurts as much as I think I have hurt her...

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