Chapter 2

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I was in Jacks room because it will take me some time to face Masky again. I don't know if I will ever face him again.

Before I went hunting with Masky, Jack urged me to tell him and I gave in easily expecting positive results. But instead I got the opposite reaction.

I was embarrassed out of my mind. I bet he  was laughing in his room about how I was stupid enough to ask him that question. He probably will never see me the same again.

I buried my head in a pillow and whimpered.  I hope we could go back to the way things were, but that is not an option. This is way to big to be forgotten. I have a crush on my best friend who is like a brother to me. That can't be passed up like any other topic.

I laid down on Jacks extra bed, since he didn't have a roommate, and waited for more tears to come.

I'm glad Jack's there for me. I got his jacket all wet and he didn't say one thing about it. He's a really good friend...But...not as good as Masky.

I cried softly into the pillow and shook my head. Why did I say anything in the first place? When Jack told me to tell him I had so much confidence that's why.

Now all that confidence went down the drain taking my happiness with it.

I heard the door opened and I quickly wiped my eyes. So it didn't look like I was crying. Even though I knew my eyes were glassy and red, and my hair was all messed up.

It was Jack. "Oh...hey Jack." I gave him a weak smile and looked down at my hands. "Crying again I see." tears gathered in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away so they wouldn't run down my red cheeks.

I shrugged and looked at him. "Sorry." He shook his head and sat down on his bed. "You have nothing to be sorry about....I just went up to talk to Masky."

My face crumpled up and I grabbed a pillow to cover up my shaking sobs. "Hey, hey its okay don't cry." Jack came over to me and rubbed my back with a reassuring hand. "Its okay, alright." I took the pillow off my face and staryed hicupping. "W-what did h-he s-say." Jack kept rubbing my back and smiled. I didn't like that I was kind've treating him like a messenger boy. "Well he's not calling you the names that you told me he would call you."

I sighed in relief and wiped my eyes. My throat hurt from all the crying. I can't believe I was acting like such a baby. But I just couldn't help it. That's no excuse. My mind kept telling me that over and over again.

I know I need to go back to my own room again. My stomach twisted up everytime that thought crossed my mind. I'll go back when Masky's asleep or when he's not in there. My stomach felt a little better, but now my mind was calling me a coward. Go in there and face him like a high ranked proxy.

I gave a shuddering sigh and got up. "I should go back, no I need to go back. I can't stay in here forever." Jack smiled and got up as well. "Your right you can't stay in here forever. I was getting ready to kick you out anyway." I was shocked and pretty sure my mouth was open, but he just laughed. "I'm just kidding Hoody. Your welcomed here anytime. Even if I did kick you out, you'd probably kick my butt first." I laughed too and walked towards the door. "Thanks Jack." He shrugged. "Like I said anytime."

I walked out and closed the door behind me. Now I had to face Masky. Based off what Jack said he probably wasn't really mad at me. Or was Jack just trying to cheer me up. There's only one way to know. My stomach made a knot at what I was about to do.

As I was walking down the hallway I saw Slenderman heading towards me. "Hi sir." I quickly put my hood down so he wouldn't get mad at me for not keeping my mask thing on. He stared at me and made what I thought was a pitying face. "Well someone looks sad." I hung my head and clenched my fist willing my self not to cry.

I took a deep breath and gave my best straight face. Even though it was hidden under the mask. You never know, maybe Slendy could see through the mask. "I'm not sad sir." He didn't believe me at all because he was still giving me that look. "What's going on?"  My eyes started to burn as what happened early replayed in my mind again. I shook my head and answered him with a strong voice. "Nothing sir, I'm fine." He stared at me one more time before heading down the hall.

When I turned around he was no where in sight. Something told me that he knew but I just shook it off. I was probably being hysterical.

I headed up the stares and down the hall till I was infornt of the door to Masky and my room. I couldn't hold back now. I was already outside the door.

When I opened the door the sight of what I was seeing hit me like a wave and I fell to the floor. Forget my throat hurting I had a lot more crying to do.

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