Chapter 7

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I was in my room on my bed. Ben said he was going to allow me one day of freedom before my actual slave thing, whatever started, but it seemed like Jeff had other plans for Hoody.

I was at the far corner of my bed and my knees were close to my chest. What Jeff said today was all true. First he told me to tell Hoody how I feel. The second thing that he told me was that I lost my chance. That I don't deserve him.

I tucked my head in between my legs and choked back a sob. No more crying. That's all I've ever done today. Was cry in this corner. My eyes hurt and my throat begged for water. I wasn't getting up.

Someone walked in and closed the door. "You lost your chance didn't you." Jack sat on my bed and looked at me. I took my head out of my legs and turned my body towards him, but still huddled up. I looked a mess. "Yeah." Jack shook his head and muttered something. "Jeff got him. I heard it while I was out there." Jack's mouth was still bloody from all the kidneys he devoured. That was a feild day for him.

Tears streamed down my face and I wiped them away with my arm. "Yeah. I didn't know such a game could ruin my life. I should've kissed Hoody when I had the chance."

Jack slapped me and I turned towards him. My face was reddening from where he hit it. He looked furious. "Its not about kissing him Masky, that's not the point. Hoody really likes you. And you turned him down with a pending answer. He's waiting for you Masky. But your sitting on this bed depressed while Hoody's out there waiting for you. MY GOD MASKY HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET."

I stared at Jack in shock. I didn't know Hoody would wait for me. He doesn't even want to kiss me. So isn't that a rejection right there. Wait that was my fault for hesitating. Everything was my fault.  I thought Jeff got him. I thought Hoody was out of my reach, but Jack says there's still a chance.

I got up and winced as my muscles tried to relax and welcome the new stretch. "I'm going to him Jack. Forget the next five days. I like him a lot and I need to stop screwing up and just do it." Jack's blood crusted mouth stretched into a smile. "Good now go."

I turned to leave, but went back and slapped Jack. "Hey! What was that for." I smirked. "For slapping me of course. I don't forget things like that so easy. Your lucky I know you because if anyone else tried that on me it would have been much worst." I wiped the blood from hoodys mouth on my pants and raced out the room to Jeff's.

Once I was outside the door someone yelled my name. I turned towards the voice. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Slender Man came towards me and crossed his arms. His expressionless face staring down at me. I turned towards the door wearily. What if I see something I don't want to see. I shook it off. No I need to see Hoody.

Slendy put a hand on my shoulder and shook his head slightly. "Sir I need to talk to Hoody." He seemed surprised at my confidence. "Very well then." with that he disappeared down the hall way. Probably teleporting to his office.

I brushed away the weariness and opened the door.

At first I didn't see anything and I was relieved by that. But then I turned my head and on the wall was Hoody, Jeff pinning him there and kissing him. Hoody's face was a bright red almost pink. Jeff kissed his neck and put a hand up his shirt.

No, no, no, no. I stumbled back and knocked down something that was glass. They both stopped and turned towards me. Hoody looked shocked and ashamed to see me. Jeff smirked and let go of Hoody. "What brings you here." Hoody leanded against the wall for support and started taking even breaths.

If he was waiting for me then why was he doing this. Was Jack mistaken. A knew feeling wrapped itself around me and I felt jealousy and hatred towards Jeff. I hated that he took Hoody away from me, I'm jealous that he had the courgae to confess his feelings to him. Why couldn't I just say yes. I've made a mess a big one.

I lunged at Jeff and pushed his head against the wall making a dent. Slendy wasn't going to like that. He told me not to come in here. He warned me and I should've listened. I kept pushing his head to the wall and threw him on the floor. Jack and Jane are so alike in so many ways. Jane targeted me and Jeff targeted Hoody. 

At that I grabbed a big shard of glass on the floor and started stabbing him with it. Jeff tried to kick me off, but I guess my hatred gave me more power.

Hoody gasped and pulled me off. "What the hell man." I turned towards Hoody and tried to calm down, but I couldn't I was just so angry I couldn't seem to put it back inside me.

I grabbed Hoody by the waist and kissed him. I kissed him, trying to tell him that I love him, I kissed him with an apology, I kissed him becuase I want him.

At first Hoody kissed me back, but then realized what he was doing. He pushed me back so I fell to the floor next to Jeff. "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO KISS ME!" I got up and tried to step towards him but he held up hand.  "I made you promise, but you broke it." He had tears in his eyes. I wanted to hug him, I wanted to make the tears go away. "But I love you Hoody. I LOVE YOU!"

Hoody shook his head and ran out the door, down the hall and outside. I started chasing him forgetting about Jeffs body and accidently kicked it. Jeff groaned and rolled over.

"HOODY WAIT." We were in the woods and were running deeper and deeper into it. Hoody turned his head to see me then ran faster. It was just like his dream. Will it end the same way. He hoped not. He can't trust Masky anymore. He just can't after all the things he did,  the hesitaions, the looks. He just couldn't deal with it anymore.

I caught up to Hoody and wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my face into his neck. He seemed to relax, but then jabbed his elbow into my stomach and I fell to the ground. His face was red and his eyes full of tears.

"NO MASKY! No. Just leave me alone. You see. I don't want you anymore. I just can't trust you. If you tell me that you love me am I just supposed to give in."

I looked up at him and cried. "Hoody at first I wanted to think about it. I wanted our relationship to be perfect for you. Thats why I was waiting, but then things got out of hand and I didn't know what to do. When Jeff was with you at the games I was jealous. That should have been me kissing your face, me brushing your cheek it always should have been me. But I was such a coward. I was selfish. When I saw Jeff kissing you a whole lot of Anger and jealousy just came out of me and I couldn't hold back. Because I LOVE YOU."

Hoody's face was pink and he went down to my level. I hugged him to me and we both cried. "I'm so sorry that I Iet this get out of hand." His face was on my chest and I could feel the cold tears. I wander if Jack felt the same thing. The cool wet tears soaking through my shirt.

I brought his face up and kissed him. At first Hoody was hesitant, but was soon lost in it. I licked his neck trying to imagining I was wiping away Jeff and buried my face in his chest. "I love you Hoody, so much."

Hoody sighed shakingly and stroked my hair. "I love you. I love you so much Masky."

I breathed in his sent and picked Hoody up. He blushed furiously and gave a shy smile. I loved that smile. I love him.

I kissed his head."I love you. Forver Hoody." He smiled.

"Forever....Put me down I have two legs too." They laughed and held hands back to the masion. They didn't know.

That they were being watched.

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