2: Chapter 9

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I was really surprised when Masky pushed me away. I mean yeah it was probably a little to fast paced, but he must've been really nervous to get the strength to push me away like that.

I turned over in my bed and stared at the wall. Okay now I do habe desires to make love to him, so I guess I was the most male in this relationship. Does that mean I need to let time past before I can do that again. WAIT. That's not what a relationship is about. I need to just start with the basics. But it's hard when you already know someone so well.

I felt mulitple pushes on my back and opened my eyes. I turned over to find Hoody. His shirt was wrinkled and his hood came off. I rubbed my eyes and barley listened to what he was saying.  Was I talking in my sleep was my dream me talking to myself. "-so I was wandering if I could sleep with you." My eyes widened and he blushed. "No-not like that, but if you dont-" I tugged him down so his back was facing me.

I knew what he ment the first time. What happened?  Did he have a nightmare or something? Or did he just wanted to be next to me. I hugged him to me and felt him relax. His breaths evened and he fell asleep. I soon followed.


"M-Masky." It was the day when we played that game with Jeff and Ben. Why was I here. I looked around and focused on Hoody. I wasn't going to hold back this time. I kissed him, but something strang happened. He pushed me away and punched my jaw. "WHAT THE H ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL ON ME." I was confused. Why was Hoody pushing me away I thought he wanted this. "DUDE. WHATS HAPPENING TO YOU. EVER SINCE YESTERDAY YOU'VE BEEN ACTING LIKE A FREAK." He sighed and put his Hood on. "I think we need a break from each other. I don't know what's gotten into you."

Hoody ran deeper into the forest, probably going to the portal to the human world...without me.

I must've looked dumb founded because I was just standing there. Staring at the space he just occupied. Hoody what are you doing, don't you want me? What happened to you? Did I do something? Was it because of that stunt I pulled last night?

I put on my mask and walked. I didn't realize the whole that I walked into. Clawing at the sides I tried to stop my falling, but nothing was working, how deep was this whole. It seemed never ending. I finally hit the ground and everything went black.

I shot up in bed and noticed the sweat on my skin. Hoody wasn't here anymore. He probably got up early.

I wiped my hand across my face and took a few deep breaths. What kind of dream was that? Was it a sign that Hoody didn't like me anymore?

I shook my head at that. There were way to many tears and heart breaks for Hoody not to like me anymore. Maybe he was mad about last night, but that wasn't a big deal to go all out and break it off with me. Was it? Maybe I pushed him to far.

I got out of bed, got dressed. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw Slendy and Jane talking. They stopped as soon as I walked in. Must've been important. "Sir...Jane"

I didn't give Jane so much as a glance after that stunt she pulled off. I don't know if I'll ever forgive her for it. "Have you guys seen Hoody." Jane smirked. "Why, is he your boyfriend now." I glared at her. "As a matter of fact he is." "Woah Masky are you becoming soft now." I got up in her face. "Not soft enough to forget what you did." "Enough. I don't want any blood in the kitchen. Go play your childish games else where." I went to the fridge to look for something to eat. Jane is such a.... There are no words in this world to describe her.

"Oh and Masky, Hoody went hunting with Ben. They'll be back soon so there's no need for you to panic." Slendy left and it was just me and Jane. 

Oh how that butcher knife eyed me. It called to me to come to it. To use it as what its purpose wasn't intended for. Jane caught me eyeing it and she took it out the knife box and handed it to me. "You wanna fight. Your gonna get one." She hit me with a round kick and I flew into the wall by the fridge. I fell to the floor and coughed up black blood and smiled.

Finally. I'll get her back. And she asked for it. It won't be my fault when she cries back to her room. I got up and brushed away Slendy's comment about blood in the kitchen.It'll probably brighten the kitchen up. Or maybe darken it.

Because it'll be Janes blood smeared all over the white kitchen walls.

Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant