3: Chapter 31

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"Okay. Pinkamena, you, Dash and Jeff will kill as many soldiers as you can. Weaken their army so we can have an advantage."

We were hiding behind some rocks that were infront of Zelgo's volanoe. I was so close to Hoody I could practically feel him and sense him. I just needed to get in there alive. All of their best soldiers were wounded and Stranger was dead. I felt something clench in my chest and realized it was the guilt.

I shook it away. I don't need that right now. Before I go back inside to get Hoody I will tell Max what Stranger said. I can only imagine the pain he is in right now, if he even knew. He was probably going to target me for revenge.

"Ben, you will go after Zelgo. Let loose and don't hold anything back." Jeff let out a dramatic sigh. "Oh come on, why does he get the main event." Ben smirked. "Because I'm the strongest Proxy in the group genious." Jeff pouted. "You are not the best."

I was getting irritated. We weren't here to pick who we wanted. I paired Ben with Zelgo because, yes, he was the strongest Proxy out of everyone here. "Would guys both shut it. Jeff, Ben is stronger than you, get over it. You can kiss and argue about it later."

I didn't realize what I said till I saw the shock on everyone's face, except for Jack who was wearing a smirk. Ben blushed and found sudden interest in his fingers. Jeff opened and closed his mouth like a fish. That shut them up.

"So, Ben and Jeff are together?" Pinkamena looked between them and smiled. "Oh wow, that is the cutest thing ever. I can't believe it!" Dash put her hoove over Pinks mouth. "Shut up or your gonna get us a killed." She hissed and Pink shrunk away. "Sorry, but its just surprising and cute."

Jeff blushed. Jack cleared his throat. "I don't mean to intrude, but we need to do the rest of the plan." "Your right, okay so Ben IS with Zelgo." Jeff crossed his arms and tried to glare, but it was hard to take it seriously when he was blushing. "Pinkamena, Dash and Jeff are taking down the soldiers."

Pink and Dash nodded and Jeff only looked the other way. "Jack, your coming with me. We're gonna find Max and get Hoody back." Pinkamena spoke up. "Why does Jack get to save-" Dash kicked her in the stomach which shut her up. "Everyone got it. If any of you interfere with the plan, it's all over. Now Pink, Dash and Jeff spread out. You guys go first and take out as many soldiers as you can so you can clear a path for Ben so he can get to Zelgo."

Pinkamena and Dash started running towards the door while Jeff stood there. He sighed then grabbed Ben and gave him a quick kiss before running off after the two girl horses.

Ben gasped and smiled. We waited for a few minutes to pass.  "Alright Ben, you can go." "See you guys on the other side." It was just me and Jack.

"Okay, I'm trying to think where Max would be. He wants to kill me so maybe when we get in we wait for him to come to us, you know." Jack nodded. "Yeah I get it." I gave him a stern look. "And hey, don't beat him up to bad, that's Hoody's body, we don't want his body all messed up when we get him back." "Masky don't worry, I know. Now lets go."

We made it inside thanks to Pink and everyone else. Ben was probably off fighting Zelgo. Quietly, Jack and I roamed the hallways waiting for someone to strike out.

A moment later Jane jumped out of no where with a bruised face and jumped onto Jack. Jack hissed and snapped at her with his mouth, but she was holding on tightly to his back.

I kicked her off and she fell to the floor. Jane brushed herself off and smirked at us. "Nice seeing you guys here." "You as well." She flipped her black hair smugly and gave us a devious smile. "If your looking for Max, your never gonna find him.  I won't let you." Jack smirked. "Not sure if you noticed, but there's two of us and we both are higher Proxies than you. " She shruged. "I'll take my chances." Jack smiled. "I'll make this easy." He ran towards her, but when he passed me he said, "Run." He growled at her like and animal and started fighting with her.

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