3: Chapter 33

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The End


"GO NOW." The room swirled and a white orb formed in the TV. Trying to pull me into it. I looked back at Brady and saw her smile. "It's okay. I'll be fine." I wiped a tear from my eye and gave her one last hug. "Thanks for taking care of me." She hughed back and gave a tight squeeze. "Your welcome, now go before the portal closes on you. Masky's waiting."

She pushed me closer towards the portal and smiled. "I'll always be inside you, remember that." I nodded and stepped closer to the portal. I put my hand through and than my foot. Before I put my whole body inside, Brady called to me. "AND HOODY! No more crying okay." I gave her one last smile. "Okay."

I jumped through and saw her vaporize as I went deeper and deeper into the portal, then nothing.

I woke up to someone crying. Was it me? I just got out of there and I'm already crying. But that voice, it wasn't mine. I slowly opened my eyes and saw....Masky. He was holding me to his chest and his tears landed on my face. It took me awhile to find my voice and when I did, it came out as a whisper. "Masky." He didn't hear me.

I raised my voice a little louder. "Masky!" He opened his eyes and wiped at them. I gave him a small smile and touched his cheek. "Masky." He leaned into my hand and grabbed it, making sure it was still there. He sniffed and sighed. "H-Hoody? Is that you." "Yeah." I felt something wet trail down my cheek and realised it was me. I knew I said I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't help it. I was with Masky again, for real. After all the time that passed I was finally with him.

"Hoody, I missed you so much." I leaned up towards him amd pressed my lips against his softly. I missed him so much, I missed everything about him. I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me forcefully,  deepening the kiss. "Masky.....I....Love.....you." I tried to squeeze those word in between the kiss, I didn't want to break away.

Masky held me tighter and moaned. Then he pulled away and put our foreheads together. "Hoody, I love you too." I pulled him back into another kiss, but something held me in a tight hug and pulled me away from my sweet Masky. "OH, HOODY YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE MISSED YOU, OH GOSH, ESPECIALLY MASKY HERE WHOSE ACTUALLY BROKEN SLENDY'S RULES TO GET YOU. HOODY I MISSED YOU!"

I tried to turn around in the tight embrace and found Pinkamena. Clear tears were running down her face and she had a big smile on her face. I didn't know how much I missed that smile till I saw it again. "I missed you too Pink." Dash pushed her away and stared down at me. "I m-missed you too." She also had tears streaming down her cheeks, but she kept a straight face at the same time. She still wanted to appear strong.

I stood up and gave her a huge hug. "Come here Dash. I missed you too." Dash hugged me back then pulled away. Looking uncomfortable beacuse of the affection she showed.

Jeff slapped me on the back and gave me a wicked grin. "HEY HOODY!" It was like I was there the whole time with him. I laughed and gave him a high five. "Hey Jeff!" Ben jumped on my back and squeezed me. "HOODY! I MISSED YOU BRO!" "I missed you too Ben." The words came out a bit forced since he was kind've cutting off the air.

Jack hugged me and whispered something in my ear. "I missed you the most, besides Masky over here if course." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Lets go home guys. I'm glad Hoody's back, but I'm getting home sickness and Nina's waiting for me." Jeff looked at me. "Can we walk this time. Since we're not really in a rush anymore." Jack glared at him. "Dude did you not hear what I said, Nina needs me, which means we're in a rush." Pink spoke up. "He's right, we all wanna go home. You can get your 'Ben time' as soon as we get home." Jeff blushed and climbed on to Pink."

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