2: Chapter 19

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I woke up to find Hoody curled up and pressed against me. I wish yesterday was our first time making love. But I can not take back what I did. No matter how much I wish I could.

I quietly slipped my arms away from Hoody, but it wasn't quiet enough, for he flinched and opened his eyes slowly and smiled. He was so cute. Our moment of silence passed before Jane busted into the room. She must really want to get beat up again.

I looked around the room for my knife and saw that it was gone. Jane smiled and held it up. "Looking for this Masky." She dangled it from the handle and waved it back and forth. "Zelgo, Hoody's up."

What? Hoody perked up at the sound of his name and a flash of panic swept across his face, but quickly disappeared. Zelgo, in his human form, which is just a more shrunken down size of himself, came in and closed the door loudly. Thank god he was still loud, someone must have heard that. I know Slendy did. "Jane did you get the kinfe."

Jane smirked at me and gave the my knife to Zelgo, without her gaze faltering from mine. If I had my knife, she'd be dog food in less than a minute. Zelgo stepped towards Hoody and I, and smiled. He grabbed Hoody's arm and yanked him out of bed. "Hurry up and put some clothes on, both of you. I don't like talking to unclothed people." Zelgo's voice was still loud, but not as loud as his usual self.

We both hurried up and put some clothes on and sat down on the bed. If he did anything to hurt Hoody, with or without my knife, their both going down. And why was Jane with Zelgo? Were they working together? Did she plan this?

"I'll be taking Hoody now." He grabbed Hoody, but I stood up quickly. "No!" Zelgo stared at me with an amused smile and slapped me hard. It caused me to fall to the floor and cough up blood. Hoody tried to reach me, but Zelgo held him back. "Now Hoody, you wouldn't want Max coming out at a time like this." Hoody continued thrashing and tried to reach me. I got up slowly and wiped some blood that was hanging from the corner of my mouth. "Max?" "I suppose Hoody hasn't informed you of the thing living inside him." "Living. I thought it was just another side." Hoody looked at me with pleading eyes that were tinted with glowing red lines. "I was gonna tell you today, but they came."

Zelgo laughed and the noise echoed off the walls. "I doubt you would have told anyone Hoody. The only one who knows all about Max is Slendy and I. Masky just knows a portion. A puzzle piece that leads to another." Hoody's eyes beamed red at Max's name and he screamed. "I WON'T LET HIM TAKE OVER ME!!!!" I wanted to go to him, but then the stranger that took Hoody at the beginning suddenly appeared before me. He pinned me against the wall, I couldn't move, but only watch.

Hoody fell to the floor and crumpled into a ball. Was he in pain, what was going on? His eyes were no longer bright red, but still red and he smirked. I guess this Max guy living in Hoody, submerged. He stared at me and got up. "Hey Masky, did you miss me. I certainly missed you." Zelgo laughed and gave Max a hug that took the breath out of him.

"Max, oh Max, you have finally come, let us go back, so we may celebrate!" The stranger let go of me and stared at Max  like he knew him, inside and out. Who was this guy, and what ties did he have with Max. Max stared at the stranger and smiled. "Hey. I missed you too." The stranger stared at the ground and nodded. "Yeah, so did I." Max went to the stranger and hugged him.

That movement made me a tad jelouse, because he was doing it in Hoody's body. I rushed out of the room and into Slendy's office. "THEY TOOK HOODY!" Slendy looked up from his black laptop and went back to typing. "I know." Why was he so calm about it? One of his top proxies were kidnapped and he's just sitting here. "Masky, have a seat, I need to tell you something. Of course at the end you will not understand and will hate me forever." "I already do hate you, so tell me."

Slendy closed the laptop, and it made a quiet click. "Yes, Hoody was one of the best top Proxies, but he was never mine. He never really did belong to me, l was just watching over him for a while, until Zelgo was ready to pursue the true power Hoody has."

I slumped into the chair and stared at him with a blank expression. Hoody was Zelgo's? Hoody's true power? I don't know what he was talking about. "Slendy, what is going on." He sat back in his seat, and clasped his hands in his lap. "Before you came here Hoody was with Zelgo, but not as himself, but as Max, for you have met him today?" I nodded. "I met him." "You see, Max is Hoody's other half. He can't control that amount of power himself, so his body took control and just made another conscience that could comtrol the power it's self. Zelgo figured out about this 'other half' and started using it 'Max' , in his army, but then it got out of control and he could not control the power that Max held. If it wasn't for Zelgo and I who fought him off, Max would have taken over the entire underworld and he would have over thrown Hoody, so he could have full control over the body. Zelgo and I made a promise that I would keep Hoody here for awhile, till the power has gone down, but I did not know he would be staying here for a lot of years. I did not know he would become so attached here and I did not know he would fall in love. I should have known the consequences of him staying here, but I looked past that. A deal is like a promise and I do not break promises."

Slendy got up and looked out his window. It didn't sound like he was done, so I stayed put. "When Zelgo took Hoody I thought he would succed, but it seems you have grown stronger and defeated him. I thought breaking you two up would make Hoody hate this place, but it did not. So the day I gave you and Hoody the day off was no coincidence or a part of heart felt sarrow. I knew that day was the last time you guys would see each other so I gave you that day, I didn't give it to you becuase you would've died, that would have been your own fault, and it's also one less mouth to feed. But on your guys day off it seemed that Max had other plans. He was the one that made you want to make love to him. He is very powerful even If he does not have full control of the body. When you saw Dash and Jeff together that day, that is because I told them both to keep an eye on you too. I wanted to be sure Zelgo did not get Hoody earlier than planned. You two were not interrupted that night, was because of those two. Zelgo wanted you earlier, but a deal is a deal. And it will be kept till the day of the assigned promise."

My mind tried to process, but it was becoming to much. "Oh yes, and that was me that sent Jane and Jeff to do those things. I sent Jane after you and Jeff after Hoody. I didn't want you guys to get too comfortable, but it seems you guys love each other to much to stay mad.  I was very shocked to see you guys forgive each other just like that, but other times you do not forgive each other just like that. So you see.......Hoody is not coming back."

I stood up and was about to run out of the door, but one of Slendy's tentacles grabbed me. "Nor will you be going after him." I felt vibrations circilating throught his black tentacles and images of Hoody delelted from my mind. "NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT!"

All of Slendy's black tentacles wrapped around me. "I must, you will forget Hoody and Max, you never knew them."

The last image of Hoody I had was gone,disappeared. Everything went black and it felt like I was drowning in a dark sea.

I heard Slendy. "Now tell me, who is Hoody." I gave him a blank stare.

"Hoody.........Who is Hoody?"

Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz