2: Chapter 15

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Something's close to me. I opened my eyes and realized it was Hoody. He was cuddling up to me. I smoothed his hair out and kissed his forehead. My Hoody. No one else, but then I remembered the video and what Slendy said.

Hoody can't be stronger than me or even Jeff. And what was controlling him. I'm not scared of Hoody, but I don't want to get hurt either. What am I saying!? This is HOODY I'm talking about. Sweet Hoody.

His eye's fluttered open and he gave a small smile. "Hi." He is adorable. I caught his bottom lip in between mine and kissed him. When I pulled back he was dark pink. "Hi hoody." He leaned into me, but then the door flew open showing Jack.

"HOODY!!" He pushed me out the bed playfully and hugged Hoody. "Hi Jack." I rubbed my head. He didn't have to push me that hard. We don't all have carpet floors like him. "I missed you a lot Hoody especially mister tough guy over there." He pointed his finger at me and I blushed. "Well....I did." Hoody laughed and he helped me up. "Anyway Masky, Hoody, Slendy wants to see you both." Hoody left, but I walked to Jack and pinned him on the ground. "I win." "Hey I wasn't ready." "I know." Jack laughed and I left.

Slendy slammed his hands on the desk and wiped off the stuff on top. "I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS!!" What?! But Slendy was fine about it yesterday and the day before that. "I DO NOT WISH THAT MY HIGH RANKED PROXIES BE TOGETHER ESPECIALLY SINCE YOUR BOTH BOYS!?" WHAT. I slammed my fist down as well and got up. "You were fine about it all those days ago and now that Hoody's back YOUR. NOT. OKAY. WITH. IT!" "DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!" "DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!"

Slendy and I kept going at it while Hoody just sat there watching us. He didn't like fighting and he certainly didn't want to be envolved with one. Slendy grabbed me by the throat with his black tentacle and held me in the air. "END THIS NOW!"

Hoody gasped and sat up so fast that his chair fell over. "STOP, OKAY....okay." I tried to look at Hoody, but it was hard since Slendy's tentacle was in the way. Hoody took a deep breath and looked at the both us. We were looking at him as well. "Okay, we will end it." "WHAT!?" Slendy dropped me and picked up all the stuff off the ground. Once he was done he sat down and signaled us to sit down as well. I needed the seat.

I plopped down in the seat and looked over at Hoody. He pulled his Hood over his head tighter and sat down. "The only way for me to believe that you are done with this nonsense is that you two break it off the human way of showing the affection between two people are DONE."

I looked over at Hoody and gave him a pleading look. I love him. I just got him, I just lost him, I just got him back again. I don't want him to be gone forever. Hoody looked away. "M-Masky...." I shook my head. "Please....Don't do this Hoody, please, I love you." Hoody gave a shocking sob and covered his mouth with both of his hands. Slendy just looked at us with an amused look. I hate him.

Hoody composed himself to look confident. I knew better especially since there was little droplets splashing onto his jeans from the bottom of his hood/mask. "M-Masky, I-I'm breaking u-up-" "HOODY!" Hoody started shaking. I don't want hin to cry or go into any pain. "PLEASE!"

Hoody shook his head vigorously and let out a shaking breath.  "MASKY I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" He said fast and rushed out the room letting out shaking sobs. "HOODY, HOODY WAIT!" Slendy closed the door with his tentacle and I turned on him. I took off my mask and slammed it on the floor. "I HATE YOU!" I didn't like that I said it with also a shaking sob. "Do you think emotional words affect me." "I STILL-HATE YOU." My voice broke and I fell against a wall.

Hoody broke up with me,  Hoody broke up with me. I rocked back and forth in a ball and repeated those words to my self while I cried. "It needed to be done, or else Hoody and you would have become weak." "YOU HAD NO RIGHT." "I have all the rights, I am your master and I may do as I wish to keep you two on your guard. Now leave me I have already arranged Hoody to sleep in another available room. I left him a note in his room. I don't trust him with Jack so I gave him the extra room. Now leave me."

I got up using the walk for support, snatched up my mask and slammed the door behind me.

Once I was in my room. Hoody's belongings were all gone so it was empty on one side of the room. Our picture on the desk was still there. I checked the drawer for the other picture and found out that It wasn't there. I was relieved that he didn't shatter it to pieces. I went to my bed and cried my eyes out. "HOODY I MISS YOU!" I hope he heard me. I want him to know I'm still there for him.

I grabbed the picture and hugged it to my chest. Salty tears stainted the glass and I quickly cleared them. Hoody, why?

I soon fell asleep with the pictute in my hand. I dreamed of Hoody. If Hoody and I never got back together, at least I'd have dreams of him. But then my dream replayed those words.


I sighed and a cold tear ran down my cheek hitting the pillow leaving only a wet smudge.

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