2: Chapter 14

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I scratched at the porcelain walls and tried to kick as hard as I could. Someone inside me was trying to take over. I didn't know who or what, but I wanted control of my own body. My skin started glowing and I fell into darkness till I heard Masky call me. I almost sank back down, but tried my hardest not to.

The conscience inside me was pulling at me right now. Trying to take over. I kicked and punched the wall some more, but it didn't even scratch, nor left any kind of mark. I leaned against the wall, about ready to give in until I heard a loud crack. I quickly got up and saw a huge crack going down the middle to where I was.

I now remember. This is an opposite wall. Zelgo must have known I would have used force to try to get out so he set it on force. I lightly touched the same wall and more cracks appeared till the whole thing broke, revealing the door to which I came in with. I opened it and looked around the hallway. 

I just ran down the hallways by instinct. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. As long as I am away from that white room, I know I have made progress.

I went down a couple more hallways before coming across a big gray door. It was different than all the other silver doors and it was huge, but not Zelgo huge. I turned the knob am and opened it. Relieved that I found the outside. It was pitch black and I gently closed the door, not wanting to make a sound. I heard clapping.

"WELL DONE HOODY!" Zelgo, so I haven't escaped after all. "I KNEW YOU'D BE ABLE TO BREAK OUT OF THE ROOM, BUT FINDING THE EXIT AS WELL WAS CERTAINLY A SURPRISE." Some lights came on from the building and showed down on us. Bathing me in a even brighter glow. "What did you do to me?" The other thing inside me itched to come out. It was tempting.

"I JUST GAVE THE CONSCIENCE A LITTLE PUSH, YOU, MY FRIEND, DID THE REST!" Maybe all that pressure in the white room caused me to brake and something got loose. "NOW WILL YOU WORK FOR ME HOODY, BE APART OF MY ARMY AND WE CAN ACCOMPLISH GREAT WONDERS TOGETHER, YOU AND I." "No." "VERY WELL THEN. YOUR GONNA HAVE TO GO BACK INTO THE WHITE ROOM!" I breathed hard and the thing inside me climbed higher. Almost reaching top. "STOP, HOODY IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE!"

I turned around and saw Masky. Standing by Pinkamena and Dash. I wanted to run towards Masky and jump into his arms and other explicit things, but I have to focus on now. I walked towards them,  still facing Zelgo and the masked stranger jumped down from a ledge on a wall. He must've blended in. I didn't see him before. I was now standing by my friends and the stranger was standing by Zelgo. It looked like he was ready to fight, but  Zelgo waved him away.


I leaped in his arms and wrapped my legs around him. It was probably a little girlish, but I was too happy to notice. I didn't know how much I missed Masky until I saw him there. Masky kissed my neck and whispered I love you over and over again. "I missed you sooo much Hoody." "Its true."

I turned towards the voice and saw Pinkamena and Dash still standing there. "Oh guys sorry." I got down from Masky and he whimpered. Hugging both Pinkamena and Dash, I thanked them for coming and helping. "Well will leave you two love birds behind. We gotta meating to go to." They both raced away into the night, neither one looking back. "Uh hey Hoody. "

I saw Masky blushing and he looked embarrassed.  "Can you do that again." I smiled and went towards Masky. "I love you Masky." I jumped on him again and he held me. "I love you much more Hoody." I bent down to kiss him and breathed a sigh. I was going to go home. After 7 days of being passed out and torture. I was finally going home.

After 5 minutes have passed we saw the mansion and went inside. "SURPRISE!!" Everyone was dressed in my Hoody and they held out a cake to me. Masky put me down and I went towards them. "THANK YOU, I MISSED YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH, THANK YOU." I recived 'welcome homes' and I miss you's' but then someone yankes me from behind causing me to almost drop the mini choclate cake.

I was thrown in my room and Masky locked the door. "I want you all to myself. " I rolled my eyes playfully and he brushed my cheek. "Hoody,  when you were gone I didn't know what to do with myself.  I need you." Masky, needs....me. But he was a higher rankes proxy than me. I should be saying that to him. I will. "I need you too Masky."

Masky bent down to kiss me and I kissed him back passionately. "I know this is weird, but I didn't really think of anyone else besides you." Masky kissed my neck. "Same here." Hr got up and stared me in the eyes. "I will wait till you want me too make love to you. I will not do that again." I nodded my head. No I want you to do that again.  But I didn't say it. I was to nervous to say it.

"Thank you Masky."

He stepped back. "So are you gonna share that cake or not."

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