2: Chapter 18

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"OH NO!" I picked up the shattered pieces that belonged to the only peice I had left of Masky. Yes he took a piece of me without permission. I will probably not forgive him for awhile, but that doesn't mean I go around breaking stuff. My room was a mess because of my unrestrained anger.

The picture was alright, but the frame Masky had bought was beyond fixable. I put the picture on my dresser and started to clean up. When have I ever be been so angry? What is wrong with me? I felt something inside me laugh at my rage and encourage it, but the other side of  me, the dominate side, said other wise.

I sat on my now made bed and cried. How could he? I had to watch and feel everything that he did to me. I will not lie, I did feel pleasure, and it felt good, but one thing that was holding me back from forgiving Masky was that it wasn't for me. Now I can't trust him at all. When I'm normal, or when I'm something else, a shell.

I just need some time away from him for awhile. I still feel anger towards him and in order for him and I to be safe, the best thing for both of us to do is to stay away from each other.

Maybe Slenderman was right. Maybe him saying that Masky and I need to split up for now was a good idea. I can focus on my training and Masky can focus on his. We both win. And when Slendy is done with us, we can go back to what we were before. But our emotions took over. We could not wait any longer. That is why we wanted to have the day to our selves, because our emotions blinded us from the real prize.

Now we are back at the starting point. More far away fron each other as possible. Except I was mad at him and he wanted me. He probably doesn't even like me anymore if he just got me for what he did tonight. If that is the case. He wins and he can move on, but me I will forever be scarree for it, always remembering.

I just need to rest. That is the only possible thing for me to do now. I need my rest to get up tomorrow. I am already late on sleeping. The brushes of orange from the over world sun have already shown its self.

I closed the blinds to be swallowed in blackness again and went under the covers. I hope I didn't dream tonight. I just wanted a dreamless, nice resting night, but that is not how it works. I did dream and I dreamed of what happened at the hotel and other past events. I didn't like what I was seeing.

I woke up and all the covers were disheveled. I sighed and shook them out, then put them into place.

After that dream last night I don't think Masky and I were ment to be together. My dream was of all the bad things that we went through. It hurt to much to watch, but something was keeping me in place. Keeping me glued in a seat to watch a roll of bad film.

I got dressed in a fresh black hoody and black pants, then headed down stairs. I hope I didn't run into Masky today. Maybe I should avoid him. No, how weak can I get. I probably should here his stupid explanation. I should AT least give him that. It'll probably be dumb. And I'll probably want to forgive him. The dark thing inside me laughed. You shouldn't forgive him, be mad at him forever, I will always love him, you can give him to me. "NO!" Some people turned towards me with a confused expression, I just ran outside. Yes, just give him to me and we will be together forever. You will be the only obstacle in the way, but that won't be a problem for long.

This time I spoke in my mind. 'No, you can't have him wether I like him or not.' The thing laughed and spoke in a mischievous voice. Oh I'll get him Hoody, I will and when I do you will be moved to where I am now. Then you will have to fight to get to the top. 'Who are you?' Max and thanks to Zelgo, I am getting closer to becoming the owner of this body. With that the voice faded away and I dropped to the ground like I used up all my energy to talk to him.

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