Chapter 4

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"HOODY WAIT." I looked behind me as I was running.  Running away from what. Rejection.  Embaressment.  Friendship.  I didn't know. All I knew was that I had to get away.

My hood came off my head from the wind that was pushing it back. I imagined little bubbles forming from the tears that fell from my cheeks. I knew this scene all to well. It happened already. Why was it being replayed. Well being replayed differently. 

I rubbed my eyes and looked back to see Masky running, trying to catch up to me. But I had the long strides, I had the advantage. I turned my head back to face the front. Don't look back. Don't look back. Keep running. That's it, run away, run away from your problems, you don't deserve to feel this way. You deserve happiness.  I believed my mind and kept running.

Someone grabbed my waist from behind and held me close. "Don't leave me Hoody. Please." I looked behind me and to my astonishment it was Masky. How did he get here so fast. He was far behind the last time I checked.

He buried his face in my neck and started crying. Cold water making my neck wet. "Please Hoody, don't go. I love you." I blushed a red shade and turned so I was facing him, but still was in his embrace. "W-what."

He stared at me and took off his mask. Tossing it to the side. "I said I love you." My blush deepend as he leaned closer. Closer. Closer. Then black.

My eyes fluttered open and I stiffled a yawn. It was only a dream. I wish it was real. I wish he ran after me yesterday.  I wish I wasn't such a coward and ran away in the first place.

I groaned and stuffed my face into a pillow. I regretted yesterday above all the other days. I wish I let him explain,  but my heart was to broken to listen after witnessing yet another rejection.  He probably hated me for being like that. For not hearing him out.

I got out of bed and picked some clothes from my closet. Black skinny jeans with yet another red hood. The same as usual. I didn't change in the closet since Masky wasn't here. Masky, just thinking his name makes me blush.

As I was putting on my hood someone walked in and shuffled through a drawer.  When my head came out of the whole in the hood I walked towards my bed and made it up so it was neat. I turned my head slightly to see Masky say a quiet 'aha' and pull out a knife. I turned my head back to focus on the bed. Which was done now, but I wanted to look like I was still occupied and didn't know he was in here.

Masky closed the drawer, I assumed since it sounded like it and walked towards me. "Hoody look, about yesterday I didn't plan for that too happen. I promise you." I took a deep breath and faced him.

"Its alright Masky." No its not alright. "Were so I have no reason to stop you in your relationship. "  Yes I do have a reason and its because I love you. "So its okay." NO ITS NOT. I tried to give him my best smile. But mentally I knew I failed and he probably knew it too.

Masky nodded and headed for the door. I was disappointed and yet relieved that he was leaving. "Don't cry today okay. When ever you cry I feel something. I feel a sense of sadness in the air and it makes me feel like.... " he paused and shook his head. "I can't explain it. I'll see you around." And with that he opened the door and closed it behind him.

Masky...Please come back. I don't want you to leave. I forgive you. I waited. For some reason I thought he would come back and give me a hug, but he never did. the door remained close.

And I remained standing. Staring at the door. Willing it open to a very happy Masky waiting on the other side.

Masky looked at the door and sighed. I could've talked longer. Maybe I don't need a week. My feelings for Hoody have clearly sky rocketed. I wanted him. But I needed to wait right? For him and for me. Please Hoody be patient.  Please.

Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora