3: Chapter 29

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I checked over Stranger's room to see if his surprise was ready. I can't wait till he comes back. I have to tell him something really important. Even though I wanted him to purpose to me, I'm willing to do it. Thats how much I love him. I want to be with him forever.

I checked over the room once more. Everything was cleaned and I couldn't clean it anymore. I placed black and red balloons all along his walls and some of them on the floor. I wanted this to be perfect.

I felt for the black velvet box in my pocket that held the most important piece of jewelry in my life. I smiled to myself and headed out the room to the hall way, making my room towards Zelgo. Stranger and everyone else that went are supposed to be here in a few. I have complete faith in them.

I opened the big door and found Zelgo talking to Alice. Their voices were low like they were discussing a secret. Zelgo's voice wasn't exactly low, more like a normal voice like everyone else, so I made out what he said. Something about me being upset and some plans will be needing rearranging.

"What's going on? Why would I be upset?" Alice stared at the ground. Obviously she wasn't going to say anything so I focused on Zelgo. He took a deep breath. "THERE'S BEEN A SLIGHT CHANGE OF PLANS. YOU SEE, STRANGER DIDN'T MAKE IT AND EVERYONE ELSE, ESPECIALLY COAT HANGER, WHO HAD HIS KIDNEY'S REMOVED, ARE BADLY INJURED!"

I scrunched up my face, not processing the information he gave me. "Okay, well I'm gonna go see if Stranger is doing well." Alice shook her head. "No, what Zelgo is saying is that everyone, except Stranger, made it. Stranger is dead." "There must be some sort of mistake, Stranger said he'd come back. He told me himself." Zelgo calmed down and looked slightly irritaed at my immature bawling. "STRANGER IS DEAD MAX, YOU MUST ACCEPT THAT AND MOVE ON!" I grabbed at my hair and started breathing heavily. "HE CAN'T BE DEAD! HE JUST CAN'T!"

Alice gave me a pitying look. "Would you like to see him?" I couldn't talk so I nodded. I needed proof that Stranger was dead, other wise what they tell me will go through one ear and out the other. She led me to the infirmary and I saw everyone hurt, badly.

The Rake had cuts and deep gashes everywhere. Sonic's face was swollen. Squidward eyes were black and swollen shut. Coat Hanger's stomach had a big bandage over it and Jane was unconscious. She looked least hurt out of everyone. Either Ben showed her mercy or she's putting on a show.

The only person missing was Stranger. He had a seperate room a little ways off. Alice opened the silver door and ushered me inside. "Take all the time you need." I nodded and she closed the door. Stranger was on a bed with a hole were his core was. He hasn't moved ever since I stepped inside, not even a flinch or any hint that he was alive.

I walked towards him and sat down on a chair next to his bed. Tears flowed down my face and I choked back an up coming  sob. "Why?" His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful. Like all the weights he had to carry were suddenly lifted off of him and now he was calm. "Stranger, wake up please, please. I l-love you. Your my everything and I need you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please. Please."

Nothing happened. I couldn't hold the sobs anymore. My body shuddered violently and I laid my head on the bed. "I l-love you so much Stranger. I need you. What am I going to do now. I c-can't do anything without you. I miss you so much. Please wake up. Please!" I grabbed his hand and put it on my face. Seeing if my touch would some how wake him. His hand was cold and I shivered as I pressed it against my face.  The black hair that swept across his face and covered his eyes was a pale black, it seemed all thqt color left it.

I've been away from Stranger for years and when I finally get free he gets taken away from me. It's not fair. I held his hand for a few more minutes before gently placing it by his side again. My sadness was suddenly replaced with anger and my voice became a dangerous whisper. "I'll kill them. Every single one. I'll kill Jack, Pinkamena, Dash and Jeff. When its over I'll kill Masky slowly so he can experience the pain I'm in. I'll make it last as long as possible."

I got up and placed a kiss on Stranger's cold lips. I miss him, I miss him talking to me, touching me, being by my side. I miss the fantasies of us being together. I miss the possibility of that actually happening. I closed the door and walked down the hall to Zelgo's.

I didn't walk with sadness or depression. I walked with confidence and determination. I was going to do this for Stranger.

I walked into Zelgo's office and he had a smile on his face. "WHAT'S THE PLAN?" I stared him in the eyes and didn't let my eyes waver. "When they come. Kill them, show them no mercy, but one thing." Zelgo leaned back in his big chair and looked down at me with a curious gaze at what that one thing was. "AND WHAT IS THAT ONE THING YOU DESIRE?" I gave him a small smile. I thought about Stranger and who he was partnered to kill. "Save Masky for last. I want him to myself." I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm going to kill him myself."

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