Chapter 5

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I went outside and stood at the front door. What was Jeff doing. He said meet him here at 11 and it's already past that time. Maybe I should just leave. That'll teach him to be on time.

As I was holding the golden handle to the door. I heard running foot steps. I turned around to identify them. Jeff...of course. He was covered in blood and had a wicked smile on his face. His hunt probably went well. I wasn't feeling it. I probably won't go until I clean up this mess with Hoody. I made him hurt so bad it'll probably take him months to want to go hunting with me again, like old times.

Jeff walked up the steps and took his knife out of his pocket. "You ready to get your butt kicked. Or even pass out." I rolled my eyes and drew my own knife that I got from my room earlier. It brought back what happened.  The memory of talking to Hoody and apologizing too him. I am such a jerk. My apology, now thinking about it, was pathetic.

To surprise Jeff I slashed my knife across his cheek. Since he was in the fighting mood he loved it and jumped down all five steps. "Come down here and I'll give you the fight of your life."

I smiled at that then raced down jumping off the third to last step to make a jumping strike.

We both sat  down at the bottom step and started painting. He passed out once while I passed out three times which dissapointed me. Jeff was a killer a very dangerous one that usually uses free style as his most favorite style of attacking. So I couldn't tell what his next move was.

I wiped my forhead with the back of my right hand and leaned back with both arms behind me. "I heard you turned down Hoody."

My eyes widened and I blushed at the sound of Hoody's name. "W-what." Jeff's face expression toned down and he raised both eyebrows. "Everybody knows man. Heard Hoody cried all the way home. Even then, he still cried. Some people heard it others just found out by rumors."

I stared at the pitch black sky and sighed deeply. "It's pending.  I don't know if I should do this or not. Yes I like him, but I don't....I don't want to go into it to soon." To be honest I really wanted to. But this was the right thing to do. I have 5 more days left. Jack said he was keeping count.

"Dude if you like Hoody then you like Hoody. You don't anyalize it. Love isn't a game of chance and thinking." He stared at me. With a determined expression. "Love is were your emotions can run free. No thinking, no math, no science, just do it."

Jeff was right. I think. He sounded right. I don't know, Jeff always had a way with words and he did have a talent with talking. He is a very social guy. "Ugh...I don't know. I just don't." I feel like such a hypocrite. I told Hoody in the woods, before, more or less, I turned him down, that he should trust his feelings and here I am not trusting what I feel. Doesn't that make my words a lie. I lied to Hoody.

Someone opened the door and pairs of feet walked down the steps. Ben and....... Hoody. Ben walked towards Jeff, but stayed at the bottom. Hoody was looking at his feet, so I thought since I can't tell with the mask on. God he looked hot in that hood. I tensed at what I thought. Did I really just think that.

"Hey Jeff were gonna go into the woods and see if any mortals wandered into the area. You guys wanna come. We can have a little competition. Me and  Hoody against you losers." With that Ben twirled his glowing green sword in one hand.

Jeff smiled. "What's the prize?" Ben grinned and knew he had Jeff's full attention. "The loser has to be the winners assistant or whatever you want them to be for how ever many people you kill...times two. So if you guys kill 4 then we have to serve you for 8 days, but if we win it's vice versa. Got it." Jeff smirked. "Loud and clear, but don't you think it's unfair that the two best players in this are on the same team." Ben shook his head. "You guys aren't the best." "Yes we are." Jeff and I said together.

Ben sighed. "Fine whatever have it your way." Jeff and I stepped down the stairs and Hoody lookes up at me. Why did he have to be so cute.

And why do my thoughts now think of Hoody that way now. Jeff pointed at me. "Who do you want  to be on your team?" WHAT. I wanted Hoody, but I don't know if he wants me. I can't say I dont care who's on my team because that will probably hurt his feelings. Jeff rolled his eyes at how long it was taking me. Hoody went back to kicking at the dirt.

"OH MY GOSH!!! Here, you'll be with Hoody and I'll take Ben. GOSH its like your thinking its the end of the world if you pick." Jeff threw his hands in the air and walked to Ben's side. I blushed under my mask and walked over to Hoody who was trying to avoid looking me in the eye.

Oh Hoody. Ben turned towards us and tried to stifle a laugh. But I guess he couldn't help it. He burst out laughing and held his stomacch. "YOU...GUYS.....ARE HILARIOUS....!" I was confused. Ben got up and breathed deeply. "Your team looks so awkward an-" Before he could finish Jeff kicked him so hard that Ben fell to the ground. "When do we start, we've been standing here for five minutes." Ben got up and brushed his self off.

He was right, we are an awkward team. Hoody can't even look me in the eye. A conversation with him will probably be hard as well.

Finally Hoody said someting. "How much time do we have?" Ben glared at Jeff once he was fully recovered and started thinking. "We have until sun rise." Everyone nodded at that. That will be enough amount of time to find something.

Jeff and Ben start walking one way while Hoody and I walked opposite of them. The awkward tension heated up since we were the woods...together. I didn't know where we were going, but whatever.

Hoody kept looking at the ground and I observed the sky. We needed to talk. This was getting ridiculous.  "So..." Hoody glanced at me. "How are you doing?" It was simple enough. "I'm doing fine. What about you?" I shrugged. "More or less." He nodded and looked straight.

I needed to say something else. Hoody took a deep breath. It looked like he wanted to say something. "Masky..." I loved the sound of his voice. I don't know what I did next but now I had Hoody pinned to a tree.

Hoodies hood fell at the process and he was blushing furiously.  "M-masky." I took off my mask and held it in one hand so my other was still pinning Hoody. I leaned closer and Hoody's eyes fell closed. Our lips lingered there.

My mind told me to stop. It told me that I have to wait. My body says other wise. What should I do? Jeff told me not to think, but. Hoody opened his eyes and pushed me away. Which caused me to stumble backwards. "Look, If you start something you finish it. You don't leave people hanging there, waiting." With that he walked away. I chased after him. "Hoody where are you going?" I grabbed his arm and he yanked it away. Like I shocked him.

"Masky were in a game right now and I don't want to lose and have to be a servant for slendy knows how many days." I walked behind him and held my head down.

That was probably the most embarrassing thing I have ever done. People just don't stop when there about to kiss someone. 

"Hey maybe we should go separate ways." I looked at him a little hurt. He grabbed the back of his hood and put it over his head and face. "We'd probably find people faster that way." He was right, but I didn't want to leave Hoody's side. Great now I am desperate.

I nodded and put on my mask. "And Masky." I looked at Hoody and can tell that he was about to say something serious since his body was straight.

Something tightened in my stomach when I thought of Hoody's body. What feeling was that? "Yes Hoody."

"Don't ever try to kiss me again." With that he ran deeper into the forest. Farther away from me. Tears gathered in my eyes and fell down my cheeks.

Hoody. Now that I know that I feel the same, I'm not sure I can keep that promise. I'm not sure about anything now.

I started running the other way.

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