3: Chapter 24

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I stared at the white wall intently. I hate it here. Its only been a week I think and I already wish I could die. There's nothing here and the white walls weren't helping.

I crunched up into a ball and laid on my bed. I can't take this any more. I just want to disappear. I just want to get out of here. I just want to see Masky and everyone else.

I started pulling at my hair and my head begged me to stop. It hurt, yes, but at least I was feeling something other than complete dread or loneliness. I walked slowly towards the kitchen that my mind designed for me and stopped next to where the knives were lined up on the wall. From smallest to largest.

I've never cut myself before and never really planned on to, but it was the only rational thought I could think of. Cutting myself seemed like it would take my mind off of everything that was going on.

Picking a middle sized knife. I slowly made my way back to my one person bed. My steps neither quickened nor slowed. I held the knife firmly, so it wouldn't fall on my foot. That's not what I was aiming for.

I sat on my bed and pulled my feet up with me. First I just stared at the knife. Not really knowing what to do with it any more. I placed the knife on my arm with the sharp part facing down and slowly broke the skin. I winced at first, but then got used to the pinching feeling. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I accepted worlds of pain and blood every where, but it was nothing like that.

The blood oozed down like a calm river and splashed on my black sheets. At least the blood wouldn't show. I quickly got a towel and pressed it against my cut. I smiled at the feeling. It made me feel alive again and in control like I had my own body. I know I shouldn't do it again, this is bad for my body.

Once the bleeding has slowed I threw the towel in the sink and got something to eat out of the fridge. There was now a very long line from my hand to my elbow to remind me what I did. After I ate a sandwhich I had nothing else to do. I don't want to just sit here.

A bright light shined infront of me and I stepped back and used my hands to shield my eyes from the like-sun glow. Then a girl about my age stepped out of the light and it disappeared. "Who are you?" I pulled on my hood and hid my face. She just smiled and waved. "I'm Brady. A friend of your mind. They asked me to keep you company since you're gonna be here for awhile."

I looked her over. She had on white pants, a black and white shirt, her hair was black and pulled up into a ponytail, and her shoes were also black. "I don't need company. I can take care of myself." She sighed and looked at my arm were the cut was. The sleeve was pulled down, but it seemed she could see threw it. I actually did want her company, I was desperate to have someone here.

She walked around my room and looked at the things my mind has given me. "I was expecting something nicer." I shrugged. "It's better than nothing." "Yes I guess your right." She looked towards me, her aqua eyes seeming to see right through me. "Well, since it seems I'm gonna be here awhile." A black bed, like mine appeared right next to mine. "I might as well get comfortable. Were gonna be room mates till the time is right." "Were you friends with Max before he took over." She shook her head.

Brady looked over to my dresser and another copy of it appeared next to it. "No. He didn't want my company and I didn't want his. He just wanted to leave this place. That was his only goal and no one could've changed his mind. He was supposed to stay here and just handle the extra power you had, but he eventually learned how to escape. Zelgo helped him do it."

She sighed and added decorations to her side of the wall. Blue flowers, black flowers and silver petals made it up.

"Well what do you want to do now?" "I don't know, I've never been here before." "Well we could watch a movie. That Tv you use for watching the outside world, can play anything you want. You just have to imagine what you want to watch while holding the remote and the remote will transport it to the Tv. It's really easy. I was wondering why you never did it." "Well, there weren't any instructions around to tell me that."

We went towards the couch and sat down. "You really need to decorate. It looks so....empty." "I wasn't expecting to be here long." She made a 2 comfy black chairs apear and the couch we we're sitting on got longer and it changed from black to red. Two lamps were placed on both sides of the couch.

I had to admit. She was good at this kind of thing. "So how do I do that." She laughed. "You can't, but you can just ask me. I'll give it to you." "Oh, well thanks. I'm thinking of decorating my side of the room later." She gave me an encouraging smile. "Great. Now what to watch." "I was thinking something scary, but kind've like a documentary." She turned on the Tv and paranormal 1 came on. "Were gonna watch all of them if your up to it. We'll see who can stay up the longest."

Two large bowls of popcorn settled in our laps and I laughed. "Your gonna lose at this." "Will see."

This is the first time in a long time that I no longer felt alone. I've actually never thought of Max or Masky for the first half of the movie which is a record goal for me.

I guess I can wait a little longer. I have the time. I looked over at Brady who laughed at how the girl screamed. She makes me feel like a person again.

I have a feeling we will be good friends.

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