Part 2 Chapter 8

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As we neared the mansion hand in hand, me blushing furiously we saw two figures at the door. Jeff and Ben. They looked like they were laughing based on the state they were in. Both of them were doubled over and trying to catch their breath.

I put on my hood to hide my rose pink face. I didn't want them to laugh at that also. I was embarrassed that my face could change into such a color. It wasn't just a blush, I bet my blush was the closet color pink to the actual color than anyone else's.

"So. What are you two love birds up two." Jeff had bruises all over his face and a quickly healing black eye, all caused by Masky. Masky went up and apologized to him.

Ben jumped down the stairs and through an arm over my shoulders. "What were you guys doing in the woods. You didn't go to the last level did you." I must've been confused because Ben rolled his eyes and whispered the last part in my room.

"Did you know..." I didn't know. "Just say it Ben." Ben looked nervous and said it barely above a whisper. My face felt hot and I turned my whole body towards Ben. I wished he hadn't said it. Its my fault for not understanding.

"Of course we didn't do it yet. We're only starting to go out today. I'm not that dumb. I'd at least wait." Ben smirked snd led them back. Jeff was shaking hands with Masky but swung him at the bottom of the steps. "I'm not going soft just because you are Masky." Masky gave him a devious smile and stood up. "Oh I'm not going soft either lets say we finish this right now."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I wanted to spend time with him, but I guess that wasn't going to happen.  Masky must've caught my gesture and he slowly fell out of a fighters stance.  "On second thought. I'm gonna have to pass on this one." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I owe him. "WHAT COME ONE!" Jeff crossed his arms and kicked open the mansion doors muttering to himself.

"Wait up." Ben chased after him almost tripping on the first step. I laughed and tur ed towards Masky who took my hand and led me up the steps, we both entered. "Omg omg omg!" Pinkamema rushed down the stairs, her hooves hitting the steps with loud thuds. Dash follwed taking her time.

"Its true, its true, its true!" Pinkamena tured into her human form and hugged the both of us. Her shoulder length pink hair tickled my face through the mask. She stepped away from us and her eyes examined us. "WOW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER." I smiled and I could tell Masky was blushing immensely because his ear tips were dark red.

Dash was finally down the stairs and she stood by Pinkamena, she changed into her human form also. She looked just like Pinkamena except opposite instead of pink shoulder length hair she had black edge cut shoulder length hair with purple high lights that are barely visible. Instead of pale pink eyes, she had a dark gray. "She's right, you guys do look cute together. Come on Pinkamena we need to go or else will be late again." Pinkamena gasped and looked like she remembered something. "Oh! I forgot." She hugged each of us. "Sorry I have to leave so soon." Masky hugged her. "It's okay Pinkamena well see you soon alright." She smiled and both dash and her went back to their original forms and left.

I couldn't help, but feel a little relieved that they left. I was anxious to hang out with Masky.  I hoped no one else confronted us. I took Masky's hand and quickly walked up the red velvet, mansion steps. "Woah." Masky stumbled trying to keep up.

We got to our room and I quickly opened the door and shoved him inside. He lost his footing and fell to the floor. I closed the door and walked to my bed and sat down. "Hey, what was the rush." "What rush?" Masky smiled and shook his head. "It felt like you were dragging me." I shrugged neither confirming it nor denying it. "I just want to talk to you."

He came over to me and sat down by my side taking my hand. "You want to talk to me." He took off my hood and stroked my cheek. "Yeah." I said it almost breathlessly.  I recalled what Ben said to me and how I answered. ' I'm not that dumb. I'd at least wait.' I do need to wait. I can't juat jump into it which I want to. I need to wait. I need to see this relationship progress. 

Masky traced my lips with his hand and leaned close. "You'er so quiet Hoody." He kissed my neck and clavicle. I'm so quiet because i'm lost in thought,  because I don't want to take that big step yet.  I hope you don't want to either. I'm not ready Masky.

I didn't say that. I couldn't say it. Masky took off my hood and kissed my chest making me shiver. Please Masky I don't want to do this. I hope this is as far as you go. He kissed my lips and pushed me down onto the bed. No Masky.

He starts to unbutton my jeans and I went into shock. I pushed him off and was well aware that my face was probably the color of a ruby shown under a dimmed lamp. 

I shook my head and told myself not to cry in embaressment.  I went to the closet and started to change. I was gonna be in there for a while.

I heard Masky knock and he sighed. "Hoody listen, I'm sorry I got out of hand. I should've asked you first.  I'm sorry." I put on some pajama shorts, but left my chest bare. I always slept like this, but I was wandering if now I should change since I was sleeping in the same room with the love of my life. I put on a fresh hood and covered my face by pulling the hood up over my head.

I opened the closet door and walked past Masky to my bed. "Its fine. I over reacted." I got under the covers and tried to look like I was tired. When I say I want to talk it doesn't mean anything else except for what it was ment for. I want to talk means I want to talk and nothing else.

Masky kissed my head and lingered there for a moment before retrieving back to his own bed.

The firat  day of us dating didn't got so well. And this time it was my fault. I turned over and met a pair of red eyes. I gasped and closed my eyes. When I opened them they were gone. What was that? Whatever it was I was freaked out and now couldn't sleep. I tried too, but I just kept tossing and turning.

I through the covers off my body and sat up. I looked out the window and saw the red glowing eyes again, but when I blinked they were gone once again. I was literally freaked out now.

I went over to Masky and shook him he opened one eye and then both. "What is it." His voice was tired and he looked ready to fall back to sleep. I gulped at the embaressing question I was about to ask him.

Can I sleep with you." His eyes widened and I quickly shook my head. "No not like that, I mean. I'll just feel safer when I'm with you. But if you don't want me to." Masky grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to me. My back was against his chest and I felt his even breaths.

I felt safer already. His arms wrapped around me and I hugged it close. I want to stay in this position forever.

Something from outside Hoody and Masky's room, jumped from their window sill and hit the ground lightly. He ran to the right and used the portal to go back home. His master contacted hin through his mind. "Do they suspect anything?" He smirked.

"Nothing at all...Master Zelgo."

Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora