2: Chapter 11

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Ben walked in with what looked like one of those apple computers. They must've had a successful hunt. I wish I was there beside Hoody. But I am here. Scrubbing away Janes black blood.

I smirked at the memory. Jack and Jeff had to pull me off of her to keep me from turning her face into ground meat. She had to be carried back to her room and laid down so she could rest. Her wounds were healing very, very slowly. But then Slendy said I had to clean up the blood. It was worth it.

I heard a loud crash, like glass dropping and turned towards the sound. It was Ben and he dropped the computer, it was shattered to pieces, some parts landed close to my foot. Ben came close to me and stared. It was making me feel uncomfortable.  "Weren't you just outside with Hoody." "What no." I thought he was gonna ask about the blood. "OH...Well that guy out there looks just like you. Do you have a twin?" "What no, and did you say Hoody was out there?" "Yeah he's out there right now.  Ben bent down to pick up the pieces and cursed under his breath. "That was a nice computer. "

I raced to the double doors and pushed open both of them. Raced down the steps and froze. Hoody was infront of me, kissing a guy that looked.....just like me. "WHAT THE HAIL STORM!"

Both of them looked at me and I saw Hoody's expression. It was made up with shock, shame and confusion.  I walked towards them and punched the guy that looked like me, in the face. He stumbled backn a few feet and fell to the ground. "M-Masky?" I smiled, but I felt jealous and mad in the inside. I wanted to pound that guy like I pounded Jane, but I also wanted to kiss Hoody like the other guy did. It looked like Hoody enjoyed it. Now I was back to mad because I wasn't the one that made Hoody happy.

I took out my knife, but the other guy growled and his eyes changed from black to red. What is he? Before I could comprehend what he was doing he leapes up and pins me to the ground. Hoody tried to help, but the stranger shot something out of his hand and Hoody was trapped in small translucent box. "HEY!"

Hoody. Kicking the guy in the stomach I ran towards the box and tried to break it. I punched it, kicked it, scratched it and tried to break it with my knife. Nothing was working. It was like the box was  impenetrable. "HOODY JUST HOLD ON." he nodded and I grabbed the stranger and threw him at the box. It shattered into tiny little pieces. "MASKY!"

Hoody jumped into my arms and I held him tight. The jealousy subsided and I pulled off my mask. "I'm sorry Masky, I thought that was-" I pressed my lips to his and his face turned rosy pink. I loved his face. I don't know why he wants to hide it from the world. 

Suddenly Hoody cried out and fell to the ground. Black blood soaking his dark jacket. "HOODY!" The stranger took the knife out of Hoody's back and slung him over his shoulder. He was now wearing all black and the only thing you could see was his glowing red eyes. 

I brought out my knife, but he kicked me down and made a portal. Then nothing.

Hoody was gone. Out of my reach. He vanished right infront of me. I could have got him. If I wasn't so cocky. I fell to my knees and felt tears slide down my cheeks. "HOODY. PLEASE COME BACK!" I punched the ground and felt my knuckles beg for mercy,  but I didn't care. Hoody was gone. My Hoody, just gone.

I covered my face to keep my sobs from.getting louder and felt an arm around my shoulder. My eyes wondered up to find Slendy standing above me. "What is wrong, why aren't you cleaning the mess that you have made?" I wiped my eyes and stood up.

My chin trembled at what I was gonna say next. I had to be strong. "H-Hoody's g-gone."

With that I fell to my knees to get rid of the remaining sobs within me.

Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)Where stories live. Discover now