3: Chapter 22

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Everyone is giving me weird looks. People keep asking me if I'm okay and Jack keeps asking me if I want to talk, I'm fine. I saw Pinkamena and walked up to her. Maybe she could tell me what was going on. It was about to get annoying.

I tapped her shoulder and she turned towards me. Her eyes glazed over and she turned into a human and started sobbing and making wretched noises. Dash came up to her, also in human form, and rubbed her back. "What's wrong with her?" Dash gave me an apologetic look and both horses went outside.

I need to train, I need something to get my mind off things. As I stepped outside, Jeff walked towards me and slapped my back. He rarely showed any friend emotions and I was starting to get worried. Everything is messed up today. "Are you going out." I nodded. "Yeah, but only training. I'm not feeling the vibe right now." I actually did feel like something was missing. Like I was trying to remember something, but my mind would just go blank. It was probably nothing, my conscious said other wise.

"I'll train with you. I should probably go easy, don't wanna break one of Slendy's top proxies do we." He smirked and I laughed "Give me all you got. I can take you down any time any where." We headed down the steps and both hit the bottom at the same time.

Jeff attacked me and I doged all of his hits. Yes, Jeff is a good fighter, but he was missing the point. Free style didn't always do you good. He has more weak points now and I pinned him dowm on the ground because I found one. "Come on Jeff it hasn't even been five minutes yet." Jeff kicked me off of him.

We went on like that for about two hours. Me winning with a score of 10 downs and Jeff with a score of 2. He still hasn't caught on. I don't think he ever will, which was fine by me. If he wanted to do free style and lose every time, who was to stop him.

My conscious kept telling me something was up, during the training. I kept asking myself what was wrong, but all I got was a stupid alert feeling. I won't get anywhere at this pace.

I walked up to my room, suddenly feeling tired and laid on my bed. I looked at the other side of my room and felt a wave of sadness over come my body. Was that bed always empty. I could've sworn someone used to sleep there. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. No. Someone used to be there. Other wise, I would'nt have thought someone was there. Maybe I should talk to Jack, or even Slendy.

I got up from my unmaid bed and headed down the hall ways towards Jack's room. Jack always knew how to make people feel better. He was the most come-to person in the whole mansion. There was just something about the eyeless boy that everyone liked. I knocked three times on the burgundy door and waited for him to answer. I heard shuffling and the door opened slowly. "MASKY!" The door flung open showing a very happy Jack and a blushing Nina, who was fidgeting with a piece of her hair. She gave me a small wave. "H-hi Masky."

Did I interrupt something? The male grabbed my hand and led me inside while closing the door. Jack gave Nina a quick kiss on the lips and leaned dow to whisper something in her ear. Her face was now completely red and she gave Jack a big smile then walked out, a slight skip in her step. I could only guess what Jack told Nina. I probably don't want to know.

Once the door closed once again. Jack settled his self on his bed while I sat on bis extra one.

"Jack, I have this unusual feeling. Like....something is missing and I don't know what it is. And why was everyone staring at me this morning?" Jack sighed and ran a hand through his black hair. It was like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Something was holding him back. "Okay listen Masky. We're not allowed to talk about some things here. I really wish I could tell you straight foreword, but I can only give you hints of what's going on." "I don't care Jack. I don't care if you tell me the smallest thing, I just want to know why I feel this way." Jack sighed and turned his head away from me. "All I can say for now is, trust those feelings you have. They will lead you closer to your target. And one other thing-."

The tall boy got up and went to his desk and started rummaging around. I heard a  small 'aha' and Jack came back with a framed picture in his hands. The back was facing me, but either way, the picture frame looked oddly familiar to me. Have I seen it before some where? Jack sighed sadly and looked like he was trying to decide weather to show me or not. "Look this may seem confusing at first, but this is the  biggest hint I can ever give you." "Jack, I'm getting irritated. Please show me."

He turned the frame around slowly and showed me a boy I never seen before. He had on an orange-yellow hood on and his black sad-face mask was in his hands. He smiled at the camera and I saw....me next to him. "W-Who is that." Jack looked sad and put the picture back in the drawer.

My heart beat faster and I felt this weird feeling in my chest. The only feeling you can get by being in love. How was I love with that boy if I didn't even know him. I don't understand. "That, Masky, was the love of your life. You guys went through so many times of trouble together, then it resulted to this." Jack passed a hand across my supposedly, boyfriend and I sighed. These feelings can't lie. Maybe he was my boyfriend. Maybe something happened to him, to us. Maybe something happened to me that caused me not to remember him.

"What's his name." "I can't tell you that. I will get in big trouble if I do. I already jumped over the line. I don't want to keep running deeper." I sighed in frustration and gave Jack a sad smile. Thanks for helping Jack. Your a good friend." Jack smiled and went to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know this all seems over whelming to you, but you will figure it out. It might not be today, tomorrow or next week, but you are smart and I'm surprised you caught on this fast."

I nodded and stood up. I needed to process this information more, and try to make more sense of it. I do have very strong feelings for the boy in the picture. Whether I knew him or not.




I am going to find out what happened to him.

I will find him.

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