3: Chapter 26

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I need to get my head together. I haven't eaten in days and I'm avoiding Stranger so he will stop distracting me. Yes I broke his heart as well as mine when I told him I needed space, but the message we got yesterday was enough to make me go through with it.

Masky is coming after me and I haven't even made a plan yet. He's armed and not alone. I need to get Zelgo and talk with him about recruiting his best soldiers, including Stranger who was number one. I can't look at him as a boyfriend right now, but as one of the soldiers.

This is way to soon and I thought I would have more time. I should have known Slendy couldn't keep Masky locked up, he's to smart. I grabbed the edge of the steel table and my knuckles turned white. I just got everything back and now it might get takin away, just like that.

I swiped all the stuff off the table, earning a pleasurable sound of glass crashing on the floor. Purple liquid spewed across the silver steel.

Someone walked in, hearing the sound closing the door with a thud "Are you okay?" It was Stranger. Just hearing his voice made me feel better. God I need him, but I need to focus. I avoided looking at him and willed myself not to go to him. My eyes reddened in frustration and I flipped the steel table, which made a loud crash, once hitting the steel floor at the oppisite side of the room.

"MA-" I cut him off and whispered dangerously low. "I thought I told you to give me some space." He flinched which made something in my lower stomach clench. I hate seeing him scared of me. But its for the best. "Max, I just heard the noise, and I thought someone was hurt." I faced him. "Do I look hurt to you?" Stranger started towards me with tentative steps. "Yes Max, you do look hurt." I glared at him. "How dare you-" But before I could finish, his lips crashed on mine making all the pain fade away slowly.

I grabbed his neck pulling him closer to me. I'm not supposed to be doing this,  I'm supposed to be working. He grabbed my lower back, making me sigh. No, work first. I pushed him away forcefully so we were apart by a few feet. I was sure my face was completely red and I was breathing hard. Stranger's face was a little red and he looked hurt. His eyes had glossened over like he was gonna cry. I turned away and clenched my fist. "I think you should go." "NO!" I swirled towards him and glowered. "WHAT!" Stranger glowered back at me. "I SAID NO!" "YOU WILL LEAVE NOW." "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PUSH ME AWAY." Tears slipped down his cheeks and he choked back a sob. "Have you ever even thought that this is a tough time for me to. HELL, when I heard Masky was coming with help I was just as sad as you were. THEN YOU START AVOIDING ME AND TELLING ME YOU NEED SPACE." He paused and squeezed his eyes shut willing the tears to stop, but they didn't. I stared at him in shock. "DON'T YOU KNOW I CAN HELP YOU MAX. I LOVE YOU!" Before he could rush out of the room I grabbed his hand, but he yanked it back like I just slashed him with a knife.

"Stranger look at me." He wiped his eyes and slowly looked down at me. "I love you too and I never ment to hurt you. I just thought it was best for you to stay away so I could work on beating Masky." I sighed and hugged him and he hugged me back tightly. "I didn't know you were hurting so much Stranger. If I had known.....I'd probably would have never pushed you away. I'm so sorry." I pulled away to see his reaction. He placed a hand on my cheek and I leaned into his touch. "You can help me." He nodded and leaned down to kiss me.

When our lips were a few inches apart Zelgo stormed in and we jumped apart in surprise. I got annoyed. "Zelgo, have you ever heard of knocking." "WELL I IMMEDIATELY NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOUR PLAN IS!" He looked about the room with a dissaproving glance. "I plan to attack using 6 of your best soldiers. I heard only six are coming, so I want each of them to be occupied. Stranger you will be one of the six." Stranger nodded, his mask was on so Zelgo couldn't tell he was crying. "ALRIGHT, THE RAKE, HANGER, SONIC, SQUIDWARD AND JANE. I DONT TRUST JANE, SO I NEED TO SEE IF SHE IS WILLING TO FIGHT HER OWN!" "Nice choice. I'm assuming they have already started training." "INDEED YES, EVERYONE HAS!" "Alright, tell them to meet me in the training room at 8pm we need to start pairing them with who they'll fight." Zelgo nodded and turned towards the door. "YOU ARE RIGHT. YOU NEED SOME REST TOO MAX, IT SEEMS..." He flanced around the room in dismay."YOU HAD A LONG DAY AS WELL!" "I will." With that Zelgo left leaving Stranger and I alone once again. I took Stranger's hand and gave him a sly smile.

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