Part 3: Chapter 20

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It feels so good to be free, but why do I feel so bad. That Hoody, is growing on me that's why.

I caught someone's gaze on me and turned to face the person. I've been back for an hour, they can get over the staring now. It was Stranger. I smiled at him and motioned for him to come over.

Stranger and I were a couple before they locked me inside this body. I missed him, but ever since I came out, I acted like it never happened. Like stranger and I were never a thing. I don't want either of us to go through that pain again. Of me losing him and him losing me. I think it's better for us to not do what we did before.

Its hard being away from him though, because it feels like he played a big part in my life. He filled a very large whole in me and when ever I see him, I feel all this love inside me waiting to come out. When he kissed me/Hoody that one time when he was gonna take me back to Zelgo I felt him wishing I was with him. I felt his sorrow and I tried to pass on what I was feeling through Hoody as well. Making him enjoy it so Stranger knew I was still there. Unfortunately the kidnapping was unsuccessful and I ended up back were I started. I won't let that happen again. I will over throw Hoody and take over this body.

I pulled stranger into a tight hug, while pulling out of my thoughts. I need to enjoy myself. Today was a special day and I need to relax. I leaned back and examined him. His mask was off and I saw his night colored hair and beutiful red eyes. I loved them so much, although a lot of people were scared, or hesitant, of him because of those eyes. How could they, those eyes reminded me of a glowing full moon, melting hot lava flowing down a crumbling volcanoe, a very red rose.

I shook out of those thoughts.No, I will not bring up our relationship. I need to keep us both sane. I knew Masky and others would come after me one day.  If Slendy took his memory like he said he would, that day will be a long ways away. "How have you been?" Stranger shrugged and spoke in my mind. He could talk out loud, but whenever we talked to each other he would make me special by making me the only one that could hear him. "I missed you."

I pressured down a coming up blush and swallowed a knot in my throat. I wanted to say I missed him too, but I couldn't. I just gave him a brotherly smile and lightly punched his arm.

I spoke in my thoughts,  so he could hear me. "Yeah me too." Stranger looked a little disappointed in my response, but quickly covered it with a slight smile.  A pink tint crossed over his cheeks at what he said next. "When you were gone....I didn't know what to do with myself. I was so depressed and I didn't talk at all. I had a hard time adjusting to you not being you. It was hard for me to see you with Masky."

I couldn't stop the blushing and let it smooth across my face in one thick painters stroke. "Me too. I didn't want to be with Masky. I only wanted you." So much for keeping them both sane. I need Stranger wether I like it or not. He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips against mine, lingering there for a bit. Both of our forheads against eachother. There was so many things I wanted to do with Stranger, but we were at a party, in my honor. I couldn't leave, not now that is.

I can feel Hoody inside me, screaming. He wanted Masky, but I am incontrol now. He very well knows the feeling, of what I had to go through for so long. So many years of not being with Stranger it almost snuffed me out, but it was also lighting my fuel. If it wasn't for the hate I felt towards Hoody, I wouldn't be here right now. I would have given up and let him have his way. No, I am done being just a shell.

Zelgo clinked his glass and it shattered to pieces. Champagne spilling across the black table cloth. Good thing it was black, I think the designer's chose that color just because they knew Zelgo would make a mess. They couldnt risk having any other color. Hangman passed him another glass and this time he didn't smash a spoon into it. He didn't have to do it again, because everyone heard him the first time.

All the people sat down at the table and Stranger and I found a seat together. We held hands under the table and waited for Zelgo to start making a speach.

"I JUST WANTED TO SAY A QUICK  SPEACH BEFORE WE ALL EAT!" All eyes were on him. The Observer rubbed his ears at the loudness, as did many others. "WELCOME HOME MAX, WE HAVE WAITED QUITE THE TIME. I AM DONE. LET US EAT AND ENJOY OUR SELVES!"

I know Zelgo and Slendy fought me, I know they kept me trapped in this body for years. But for some reason I could not stay mad at them. They are like family to me and I was the ignorant child that got out of hand and had to be put in time out for a couple of years. A lot of people clanked their glasses and waiters started pouring out of different doors.

Stranger's hand left mine and settled on my leg. I shivered in eagerness and laid my hand across his. I couldn't wait till this party was over. I could finally do  some catching up with Stranger. I looked at him while he observed the room.

He is my soul mate. Deep down inside I knew. Masky would come back and ruin it all, but till then. All I wanted to do was enjoy the freedom.

Enjoy being by Stranger's side. Knowing that he still feels the same way about me after all these years.

I love him.

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