2: Chapter 13

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Slendy played something that Zelgo sent them. I haven't been able to sleep, eat, hunt, go outside. I haven't left my room since Hoody left. People always knocked on my door. Slendy tried to talk to me, but I just brushed him off. I don't want Slendy or anyone else here. Not even Jack. I wanted Hoody. And since Hoody wasn't here know one was aloud in.

He was gone for a week and know one knew where Zelgo's new hide out was. Where ever it is, it was a good place since we couldn't find it.

Slendy pressed play and there was a camera showing Hoody. It was a little far off so it was showing Hoody's full body. His head was down and it looked like he wasn't in pain. I took a breath I was holding and watched him.

There was typing in the corner that said 25 hours ago. So this wasnt knew, but a recording.

What was he doing in there? The room was all white and his arms and legs were strapped to the chair. I walked towards the screen, but then he screamed. Like he was in pain. Hoody pulled at the straps and started to sweat. He screamed again, causing his head to fall back and his hood fall off showing a very sweaty, and scared Hoody.

I rushed to the screen and pounded it. "HOODY!!" He started breathing hard and I saw blood trail down his lip. Black liquid hitting his black pants. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I turned toward Slendy and some people flinched at my expression.

Slendy just crossed his arms. "They put him in a silent room. It's very quiet, you can here your blood rushing through your body, which causes you to go crazy and beg for mercy. But based on his thoughts he's trying to stick it out...for you."

I wiped the tears from eyes. I shouldn't be crying. Hoody was the one in pain. "What happens if he begs for mercy." Slendy shrugged. "Zelgo wins." "Wins what?" "He wins whatever he wanted Hoody for." "WHAT DOES HE WANT WITH HOODY?!" Pinkamena frowned at my loud

voice and stepped out side with Dash.

The video went blank, then showed Zelgo. "Everyone clear out!" Everyone left besides me. I wanted to know what was going on and I want to know now. Slendy stared at me and tried to send electrical shocks to my mind. If Hoody was gonna fight for me. I will fight for him.

Slendy sighed, obviously reading my mind and nodded. "HELLO SLENDY, IT'S BEEN QUITE THE TIME!" "Yes, it has." Zelgo was still Zelgo, loud as ever. I rubbed my ears to rid of the stinging and focused on the screen again. The white room was no where in sight and the only thing behind Zelgo was lava. BINGO.

I definitely knew where he was and Slendy must have too, because he gave me a quick glance before continuting to converse with Zelgo about past events. Zelgo was smart, but he's not really smart. One clue is all it takes. "What are you planning with Hoody?"

My ears perked up at Hoody's name. My full attention was on Zelgo now. "HA HA.. WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU?" Slendy stepped towards the screen. "Well then I might has well turn off the TV." Zelgo hated being cut off. "WAIT!" One of Slendy's dark tentacles were hanging loosely by the off switch for the flat screen TV. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE BEING CUT OFF!" "Of course I do Zelgo, that is why I will do it, if you do not tell me what you are doing with Hoody." "WHAT IS HE TO YOU!" "A high ranked proxy that works for me."

Slendy emphasized 'for me' to make it perfectly clear. Zelgo better spill before I not only turn off the switch, but break the screen as well. I turned towards Slendy signalling him to move it along. But Slendy always thought he had all the time in the world. He brushed off my signal, like I wasn't even there. "I WANT HIM TO WORK FOR ME NOW. HE IS STRONG AND I WANT TO UNLEASH HIS TRUE POTENTIAL!"

True potential, what does that mean? Does Hoody have another side like Ben or does he just get stronger? "Slendy-" Slendy cut me off by putting a apple in my mouth and turned back to Zelgo. 'I knew you would ask, just wait till this is over' Slendy's voice left my mind causing a buzz to go through my head. "WELL I MUST BE OFF, HE CANT STAY IN THAT ROOM FOREVER!" "How long has he been in there?" "24, 25 HOURS,  ITS BEEN A LONG TIME! HE'S A BLOODY MESS!" Slendy was shocked. "That's the longest anyone has ever been in there, well I expect nothing less from one of my top proxies."

I through the apple on the ground and stepped towards the screen. "What do you mean a BLOODY mess." Slendy looked annoyed and Zelgo laughed. "I MEAN HE IS A BLOODY MESS HAVE YOU NOT UNDERSTOOD THE FIRST TIME!" A bloody mess. "Show me what he looks like?" Zelgo sighed loudly and looked impatient. "MY, YOU ASK A LOT OF OUT OF LINE QUESTIONS!" "Please forgive him. He has been having troubling times." Zelgo gave me a look. "JUST ONE LOOK AND THAT IS ALL!" The screen turned black then something clicked and it showed Hoody.

His eyes were pitch black he looked really pale. There was blood flowing from a lip, his right arm, and there was some black blood on his face. He really did look crazy. "HOODY!" Of course he didn't hear me. But all of a sudden he started glowing. His eyes were blacker than the night sky and he pulled against the strings. They eventually broke and he got up. He looked wild and different. He got the chair and threw it agaisnt the far wall. The chair broke but the wall didn't have so much as a scratch. He put on his hood and his eyes glowed red. "HOODY!" For some reason he heard me and turned towards the invisble camera. "MASKY! Help me please." He said the last part barley above a whisper before everything went black.

"WHAT WAS THAT. WHAT HAPPENED TO HOODY!" Slendy just sat down on the black couch and drank something out of a clear glass. "His true potential." "What do you mean?" "Hoody's always been very special to me. He doesn't know what he can do. He can do much more damage then you and Jeff combined, but he's not quite at Ben's level." What. Hoody was stronger than me and Jeff... combined. My sweet Hoody.

After what I just saw, it wasn't hard to not believe it. I went to my room and came back with a knife. "Your going out I suppose?" "Yes."

I opened the double doors and stepped out side. "IT'S ABOUT TIME!" Pinkamena came towards me with Dash behind her. "Are you ready?" "You know where I'm going?" "No but, we know your going after Hoody, and he's are friend too." "Fine. Don't trail behind." "We should be telling you that. Come one get on my back. It will be faster since Dash is flying."

I climbed on Pinkamena's back, while Dash lifted in the air. "Just point out the way." I nodded and leaded them. Towards the small volcanoe that barely anyone noticed anymore. Cumores. I even forgot about it untill I saw the lava behind Zelgo.

Hoody...he was so different. But when I called his name, it looked like he was trying to fight something inside him. I wiped a tear from my eye and tried to be confident. Hoody, I promise to never try anything on you again. Untill you tell me, that is.

I love you Hoody. I won't survive without you.

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