2: Chapter 12

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"M-MASKY!!" What is he doing? I felt sweat gather on my head and tried to push him off me. He was just to strong. Masky held me down with two hands and smiled. "Masky get off, please!" He leaned down and started kissing my neck, trying to find my sweet spot. "Please!"

I woke up with a jolt and found I was laying on concrete ground. What? Why am I on the floor? Did something happen? suddenly a flood of memories came back to me and I felt myself get teary eyed.

Oh Masky, I'm sorry I let my guard down. I should've did something. As soon as you got me out of that box I shouldn't have gave in so quickly. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and let those thoughts pass so I could focus on where I was.

I know I'm in a cage. There are bars in front of me. There were lava walls on the other side. The oozing red and orange liquid slowly making It's way downwards.  The floors looked like they were made of steel. It looked new based on the silver shine of it.

I heard loud foot steps and leaned back against the wall. The black boots stopped at my cage and I looked up. It was the stranger that attacked us. Was it yesterday, today or was it last week. How long was I out?

"Where am I?" He took off his black mask. He had a human boys face, other than his very pale face and red eyes. He had black hair that went to the side and sharp teeth that looked like shark teeth only sharper. He kissed me yesterday, why? Was he trying to make Masky hate me, making his kidnap for me much easier?

"Who are you?" He looked down on me and gave a small smile. It was so faint I thought I was mistaking it for something else. "You'll find out soon enough. Come on we need to go." He put his black mask on and opened the door. I couldn't run because I had no idea where the exit was or even if there was an exit. I just had to follow along if I ever wanted to see Masky again or anybody else at the mansion.

I got up and followed him through a series of hallways. There was no way I could remember which hallway was which. They all looked the same. All steel floors, lava walls with the same number of steel doors. We came to an end of a Halllway and the lava split open revealing a Gold door with a stripe. That was different, but it was no use. I wont remember which hallway it was in. Maybe I can make an escape in this room.

He opened the door and I stepped inside  the all white room. There was a large chair in the middle. Big enough to fit me, Jeff, Jane, Masky, Ben and Pinkamena all in it at once. I wonder who was big enough to fit in there.

The stranger closed the door and led me to an all white chair I didn't realize was there. He sat me down and strapped my legs and arms down in the chair. I pulled at the straps a little. They were made of steel also. What was up with steel in this place.

"HELLO HOODY, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. YOU'VE BEEN OUT FOR QUIET A WHILE." That voice it was so familiar.  Where have I heard it before. It gave me a bad feeling inside my stomach. I saw a large man walk in and immediately recoiled in fear. Zelgo.

What did he want with me? I hope he didn't want me as a test subject. I can't bear forgetting Masky or even dieing without getting to give him a piece of me first before he moved on to someone else. Will he ever think about doing what he did last night, or when ever it was, again? Will he even touch me again? Probably not, he'll probably be more careful. I don't want that.

Zelgo sat down in the big chair and leaned back. Examining me with his eyes. "DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU ARE HERE?!" I shook my head. For some reason I was unable to speak. I was to scared. "I HAVE BEEN OBSERVING YOU FOR QUIET SOME TIME AND I HAVE FOUND THAT YOU ARE VERY TALENTED IN FIGHTING." He rubbed the back of his neck like he was going to say something embarrassing. "EXCEPT THAT LITTLE INCIDENT WITH MASKY THAY WAS-...QUIET THE SHOW, I NEVER THOUGHT YOU HAD A SENSITIVE SIDE!"

I blushed. He saw everything. As in the regection, the crying, the making up, the dramatic scene in the woods, when I asked Hoody if I could sleep with him since I was having a dumb nightmare about red eyes which turned out to be real?

"WITH THAT BEING SAID, I WOULD LIKE YOU TO JOIN MY ARMY!" I knew he wasn't asking me to join. For if I refused, his very short fuse would explode. No, I didn't want to join his army, but what choice did I have? I looked down at my lap and took a deep breath. If hadn't been so careless I wouldn't be here right now.

"WHAT'S WRONG HOODY?" My face shot up at the booming voice and I tried to stay my ground. If he yelled then he would yell. I don't want to join his army.

I don't want to be here. "Zelgo." I swallowed a knot in my throat, but it came back two seconds later. "I do not wish to join your army." Zelgo put his hand to his chin. It looked like he was thinking it over. I sighed in relief, but flinched at the sound of his big chair breaking into pieces. He threw it across the room at the white wall. Leaving no cracks or any scratches. His voice doubled the volume. "IF YOU WISH NOT TO JOIN MY ARMY YOU WILL REMAIN IN THIS ROOM UNTIL YOU DO. YOU WILL NEVER SEE MASKY AGAIN." Tears trailed down my face in long streams and I bent my face to hide it. Crying is a sign of weakness. I am not weak.

I took a deep shaking breath and held my head up high. "Let it be as you said." Zelgo stomped over to my chair, causing it to vibrate and picked it up. "YOU WILL JOIN MY ARMY WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" He dropped the white chair and I landed on my legs. I let out a little whimper and he went towards the white wall. His chair lay broken and unfixable in a corner. "TURN OFF THE SOUND."

The door closed behind him, leaving me by myself in the empty all white room, besides the chair. I picked myself up, with the chair.

All of a sudden everything became quieter than it really was and I squirmed in discomfort.  It was way to quiet. I started to hear somerhing flowing. Like water, but thicker, smoother. More elegant than water.

I listened intently and found it was coming from me. What could it be. Was it? No the room isn't that quiet. I can't here my own blood rushing inside of me. That is impossible. But what else is flowing around inside me?

I was slowly loosing my mind from the quietness of the room. This is for Masky, so I can see him again. I can't give in. Has he moved on? Zelgo said that I've been out for a while.

I grabbed the arms of the chair and gritted my teeth. I dont think I can stick it any longer. I never knew hearing your on blood could make you so crazy.

I screamed in agony. I wanted to hold my head and crawl into a ball, but I couldn't,  my feet and legs were trapped in the chair. The room, also being white, added to the tension.

The flowing seemed to become louder and I digged my teeth in my lower lip to distract myself,  but it wasn't working. I tasted something salt and relized it was my blood. Did I bite down that hard?

I tried to stop the blood by sucking it up. It wasn't working. The black liquid poured from my lip. Seeing the blood made my already cracking shell crack yet again.  I can't burst. The blood, the white room, the sound of flowing liquid.

Was becoming unbearable for me.

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