Chapter 33 - Biggest Clue

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Before you start, just wanna warn you that there's a LIGHT SEXUAL CONTENT. But very very light.

Chapter 33 - Biggest Clue

My love for sleep is a perfect epitome of unconditional true love. It was something I was not willing to sacrifice. It was just too damn important. I make sure to make Sundays my date with sleep. It was simply a must. I mean God practically rested on the 7th day, right? So imagine how grumpy I was to be woken up at 4 am on a freaking Sunday.

"You better be dying, Alec, or I'm killing you," I hissed at him as I buried my head in my pillows.

Alec stopped playing with the lights making me relax a bit and was going back to my dreamland but then Alec pried my hands away from my pillows.

"Come on, Toriiiii! Wakey wakey," he sang song as he shook me awake.

This boy was just goddamn lucky that I love him more than sleep or he would have been six feet under the moment he tried to wake me up. I could practically kill him even in my sleep. But then again, I love him.

Dammit, I love him. If only I have the guts and courage to actually tell him other than just thinking about it.

"Please stand up, love. I promise as soon as we're finished, I'm taking you back here then you can go back to sleep," he bargained.

I was going to stand up since I couldn't exactly resist him. But I was still mustering up every energy I have to actually stand and be a human being.

"Do I have to carry you to the shower again?"

With that said, I sat up on my bed with a frown on my face. But it was hard to keep the frown on with a beautiful blue eyed boy in front of you. He was even holding a warm cup of coffee with a sweet sweet smile on his face.

Okay, waking up at... um... 4:11 am was definitely worth it.

"Let's get you caffeinated before we go," he said in a very chirppy voice as he gave me the cup of coffee.

I was drinking the coffee as I watched him walked towards my closet. He took out my black coat which I usually wear in London, not here in California since it was usually hot here. Now thinking about it, I wonder why I even brought it here.

"You do realize that it's hot and always summer here in L.A., right?" he voiced out what I was thinking.

"Well, if you're taking that out from my closet that means I had a perfectly good reason to pack it," I retorted.

He chuckled as he walked towards me with the coat on hand. Slowly, he placed the coat on the foot of my bed. He climbed up my bed and crawled a bit towards me. His biceps were bulging making his movements ten times hotter than it was. I was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open and my coffee was abandoned.

"Pretty much," he whispered huskily towards me.

I was still staring at him, gawking at how hot he was being right now. He took my coffee mug with one hand and placed it on my night stand but remained in position. The fact that our faces were merely inches apart was breaking me. I could feel his hot minty breath against my skin. Slowly, a smirk made its way on his face, obviously aware of the aura that he was radiating towards me. I was so turned on.

"I would give everything to know what's going in that head of yours," he murmured with his blue eyes capturing mine.

A sense of strength sparked in me. With a smile on my face, I grabbed him by the neck pulling him closer to me. My lips were brushing his, making it burn a bit. God, why must he be so freaking hot?

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