Chapter 27: Dragon Drive Thru

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Caddie and Dmitri managed to get out of Castle Böse- with a little help from Murphy. They're flying to Romania to speak with the leader of the Vampire Gangs, in hopes that he has information on the traitor. Dmitri mentions his hunger so Caddie jokingly suggests they stop at McDonald's. They debated whether or not it would be a good a idea to go to a fast food restaurant with a dragon, but in the end Dmitri's stomach wins. Meanwhile  at Castle Böse nobody has realized that two royals are missing... Or have they?

Caddie's POV:

I had been in many strange situations before. Like the time I thought a female werewolf was a male, because she had facial hair. Or the time I was casually walking to my next class and accidentally got slapped in the face with a fluttering fairy wing. But watching an invisible dragon while Dmitri stood in line for our food had to be the weirdest situation I had ever been in. Standing off to the side of a McDonald's parking lot in Prague, I tried to look normal while making sure the Dragon didn't fly away. I knew Murphy hadn't left yet because I could still feel his hot, foul breath on the back of my neck.

My eyes darted from building to building as I took in the beautiful sight that was Prague. The city looked as if it hadn't changed since the 1400s. The city of a hundred spires had a charm that couldn't be matched by any other place on earth. The Romanesque styled buildings and cobbled roads made me feel as if I were in a fairy tale. Their buildings were like snowflakes all very different from one another but still incredibly beautiful. In the five minutes that I had been in the city I had fallen in love. There was a sense of magic in the air that made me feel as if I were home.

Once the war was over I promised myself to visit again. Then I wouldn't feel so bad about admiring architecture when there were more important things to worry about. Blood thirsty vampires, insane witches and backstabbing demons wouldn't haunt my dreams at night. Instead, I would start a new adventure where I could focus on finding happiness. I envisioned myself walking down the streets of Prague, with a carefree smile on my face and a small booklet filled with tourist attractions in my hand. It would be so lovely to just stop and sniff the roses for once.

I could feel Murphy's aggravation rise as the seconds ticked by. Apparently dragons weren't as mystified by Prague's beauty as people were- but he did like the citizens. His own hunger was only amplifying my own. I was so tempted to feed him one of the pedestrians so I wouldn't have the urge to rob McDonald's of all the food they had.

"Don't even think about it," I hissed under my breath when I felt his hunger spike.

A small girl in a tattered coat clung to her mother's hand as she passed me. Her eyes widened for a moment almost as if she could see Murphy. But that wasn't impossible- he wouldn't be visible until Dmitri reversed the spell.

"Mami, proč se ta ženská mluvila sama se sebou?" The little girl whimpered.

I had no idea what she was saying. The only language I could speak was English and there are times when I would mess that up.

"cizinci jsou blázni," her mother replied in a clipped tone before pulling her away from me.

I had a strange nagging feeling in the back of mind. Almost as if they were speaking about me- but I tried not to care. It's not like I would ever see those two again or learn Czech.

Murphy snorted behind me.

"I'm glad you find this funny," I sniffed, "but you won't be laughing when the mortals find out you exist and try to dissect you."

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