Chapter 29: Play With Fire, You'll Get Burned

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**Dmitri and Aleksander Volkov**


"Alix, if Dmitri were to grab the girl would the outcome be the same? Would he die?" I asked in a rush.

I could feel all of their confusion but I didn't have time to explain every little detail to them. 

"Um-" her eyes fogged over. The vision didn't seem to affect her any way. The emotional atmosphere surrounding her did stay the same but I could detect a smidgen of hope.

"He should be fine," she spoke seconds later as the vision disappeared. "I think everything should go according to plan but-" I hated that word. "There's a very small chance he could die."

Aleksander tensed again. The anger that was radiating off of him was driving me insane. I had never felt as if the two brothers were close but Aleksander was feeling almost murderous while thinking of losing his twin. Before Aleksander could remove his arms on my waist and place them on Alix's neck, Dmitri spoke.

"I'll do it," he said with conviction, "There's only a small chance. This girl's life is depending on us."

"Dmitri this isn't the weather we're talking about!" Aleksander snapped, "It's not like Alix is saying there's a small chance of rain. There's a small chance of death! Your death! You have to take that seriously."

"I am," Determination shined brightly in his eyes, "I've always wanted to be a hero and here's my chance."

Aleksander was going to argue further but his brother was already disappearing. His existence was slowly slipping away from us, as he teleported into the apartment complex. A window shattered into pieces as the flames grew taller. Faintly, I could still hear the girl's pleas for help. The fire continued to crackle and hiss- like a giant snake waiting to go in for the kill. I only hoped Dmitri wouldn't be its next victim.
Caddie's POV:

Why couldn't I have gone? I questioned in my head.

It had been five minutes since Dmitri teleported into the burning apartment and he still hadn't return. My anxiety began to rise as the girl's sniffles diminished. Either the child was dead or Dmitri saved her. But if he did save her why didn't he leave the building?

The other heirs were only fueling my anxiety attack as they continued to stare at the apartment. No one moved, breathed or blinked. Their attention was focused solely on the flickering flames that continued to consume the building. I had a feeling if Dmitri didn't teleport out of the building soon one of us would be going in for him. The danger of the situation no longer mattered. We all knew there were two lives at stake and every passing second only meant they were in danger.

The only person who wasn't afraid was Alix. I couldn't tell if she simply didn't care if Dmitri died or if she was confident in the outcome. If the vision did change and Dmitri was in trouble she wasn't making any moves to tell us. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I decided the outcome must have stayed the same. Alix was supposed to be a protector not a killer.

"That's it I'm going in!" Aleksander growled and loosened his hold on me.

Mira's eyes popped out of her sockets dramatically as Aleksander stepped forward. Wrapping her arms and legs around his body she tried to stop him from moving. Aleksander would not be swayed though. He ripped her off of him and continued to make his way to the apartment. All of our complaints muddled into the background as he stood in the doorway.

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