Chapter 1

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                 No lie, I just got laid and babygirl in the kitchen right now making me some breakfast. It's hot as hell outside and I feel like I'm too light skinned for this. Looking up from my phone I see a black F150 Ford truck speeding down the street and a little boy maybe three or four running into the street to grab a ball. I jumped off my porch and down the driveway to grab little man out of the road. The truck sped up even more and almost flipped trying to turn the corner. His mom ran out of the house in tears. She looks like she just got hit in the face. Even though I had little man in my arms she tried to grab him and I refused her actions.

"I don't know what you have going on but I'm going to keep him. Go get cleaned up. He doesn't need to be seeing you like this." I said.

"Austin... he can't take my baby." She said.

"Janae you have a nigga in the house beating on. I refuse for him to be surrounded by that negativity and growing up thinking it's okay for a man to put hands on a woman." I said before walking up my driveway and into the house.

          Once I entered the house, I put little man down and he ran directly into the kitchen with his hands up to his mouth.

"Go ahead and fix little man a plate his mother to busy focusing on a man to feed her own son." I said.

           Shorty nodded and made little man a plate too. As I ate my food at the island, I decided to text Babii.

"You up?" "It's 11am you better be up." I texted.

"I'm up. What are you doing?" She texted.

"Nothing at the house." I texted.

"Want me to stop by?" She texted.

             I looked at my phone and then looked at shorty before replying.

"Yeah. See you in five?" I texted.

"Yeah." She texted.

             I locked my phone and continued eating. It feels so good knowing that Babii on her way because I feel like I haven't seen her in a minute. As Shorty ate her food and watched after little man Babii walked into the house with 2k19 in her hands.

"I brought your game back." She said.

"About time. I've been wanting to play but couldn't because you had it." I said.

"Don't start." She said before hugging me. "How have you been?" She asks.

"I've been good just putting it down on these females." I said while nodding towards shorty. "Let me tell you about how I saved Janae's son earlier." I said.

"What happened?" She asks while looking at Janae's son and my company.

"He almost got hit by a truck trying to pick up a ball out of the road." I said.

              As I was trying to explain to Babii about what happened with Janae and her son, Shorty cleared her throat and Babii looked at her sideways. Oh lord, I really thought this was going to be a peaceful morning but I can see that I thought wrong.

"Is there a problem?" Babii asked.

"Yes there's a problem." April says.

"So solve it then you bald headed bitch, the fuck." Babii said while rolling her eyes.

"Austin get your bi..." April says before getting cut off.

"Whoa wait hold up. Rewind that shit right there. Bitch? Let me help you get things straight in your tiny little bird brain, if anyone is a bitch it's you. You're the one thinking your wifey material when in reality you're just a quick nut." Babii said with a straight face.

              April was dead silent and I laughed to myself because Babii really didn't have to do her like that. April left little man by himself at the table and went down the hall. When she came back fully dressed she walked past me and Babii as if we were supposed to care. Babii rolled her arms and I hit her in the arm.

"You need to chill." I said.

"For what? She's the one that called me out of my name. So with that being said I had to put her in her place." Babii said.

"That was funny. I'm not going to lie." I said while laughing.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. So how'd you end up with Janae's son?" Babi said.

"Oh yeah, well see. She got a nigga at the house beating on her and I told her that I refuse to allow little man to see that. He doesn't need to be in a house witnessing a man beating on a woman and grow up thinking that it's okay to put hands on a woman when it's not." I said nonchalantly.

"You're always saving someone's kid man. When are you going to have your own and make me an auntie?" Babi asked.

"Whenever I make it out of here. I'm not trying to raise my kids around this foolishness. Once I get out of here, I'll risk it all with having children." I said.

"I guess that's everyone in Richemond." Babii said.

"Don't worry you're coming with me." I said.

"I can't even if I wanted to." Babii said.

"And why not?" I asked.

"What about my sister?" Babii asked.

"Get your mom to sign custody over to you and we can all leave together." I said.

"She's never going to sign custody over to me, especially since I don't anyone to help me raise a child." Babii said.

"That's bull crap. You got me. We'll go talk to your moms one day this week." I said while putting 2k19 into the PS4 so I can play against Babii.

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