Chapter 14:

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                A few hours pass by and we finally pull up to Brooke's place. The minute we walked into the house, the alarm went off and the girls jumped from the couch.

"It's just us." I said.

"Oh thank god." Babii said while walking over to Louis. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good." I said.

"Where's Keem?" Brooke asked.

"Probably the bathroom. He got this cut on his arm." I said.

          Brooke went towards the guest bathroom leaving me all alone with my girl. I grabbed a handful of her ass and she just giggled.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes." Babii said while laughing. "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"I mean a lot can happen from the time you leave the park to the time y'all got here." I said.

"Well I am fine. Thank you for asking." Babii said.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just let me tell Brooke bye." Babii said.

          Babii walked off towards the guest bathroom and I remained standing still in the living room.

               As I made my way into the guest bathroom I see Brooke stitching up Keem. Lord protect them because he is going to be the death of her.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"No thank you boo." She said.

"Okay well me and Louis are about to head out." I said.

         Brooke motioned for Keem to hold the needle and thread before making her way over to me to give me a goodbye hug.

"Be careful sis." She said.

"Now you know I will. Make sure you keep your eyes open. Oh, and keep an eye on Keem dumb ass." I said.

"I always do with his reckless ass." She said while laughing.

          I let myself out of Brooke's house with Louis trailing behind me. Since he rode with Keem, I gave him my keys because I refuse to drive. He knows the rule. If we're taking my car and he is present he will be the driver. For the ride home, I basically did karaoke until Louis non-singing ass decided to jump in. At the end of the day, it's okay. Whe we got to Louis house, he grabbed me straight off of the ground and took me down the hall to his bedroom. I smiled and caressed his head.Just as the moment was love filled, his doorbell went off and I looked at him sideways. Who the fuck was at his door?

"Oh so you're expecting company?" I asked sarcastically.

"No. You?" He asked.

"Nigga why would I invite someone to your house?" I asked looking at him reatrded.

"Because you think you live here already." He said sounding smart.

"Oh hush up." I said smiling.

          I got off the bed and headed towards the front door. The minute I opened the door, there was a female standing there with a baby in a car seat. Please, don't let this be what I think it is.

"Is Louis home?" She asked.

"Yes. May I ask who's asking?" I asked with a hint of attitude.

"His sister Loran." She said.

"Come in." I said opening the door enough for her to come in.

            As Loran stood in the living room, I headed down the hall to the bedroom to get Louis.

"Uhm Louis baby your sister is in the living room." I said.

"Which one?" He asked.

"Uhm-m-m-m Loran." I said.

           Louis threw on a shirt ASAP and headed down the hall to the living room.

"Wassup L. How's my nephew?" He asked.

"Bad as ever. Listen, I need a huge favor. I need you to watch him for me tonight." She said with glistening eyes.

"Why you didn't take him to mama's house?" He asked.

"She's not home. That's why." She said.

"Till what time?" He asked.

"Five." She said.

"Five what?" He asked.

"Five in the morning. I have a graveyard shift tonight." She said.

"Alright L. Be safe and do not walk alone." He said.

"I will. Thank you so much big bro." She said before hugging and kissing Louis on the cheek.

"Yeah. Yeah." He said.

          Loran headed out of the house and Louis held his nephew in his arms. Hold on, Louis looks good holding a baby.

"You look good holding your nephew." I said while smiling.

"What can I say. I hold him like he's my own." He said.

"I see. What's his name?" I asked.

"Tavion." He said.

"Tavion. That's cute and unique.. I've never heard that name before." I said while smiling and touching Tavion's free hand.

"Yeah because we plan on him being one of a kind." He said.

"So he has his fathers..." I began saying but Louis cut me off big time.

"Nah his sperm donor is a deadbeat. So, I told my sister to give him our last name." He said.

"Oh okay. I'm sorry for asking." I said.

"It's cool. You ain't know ma'." He said.

           Louis kissed my forehead and we headed back towards the bedroom with Tavion. Soon as Louis laid Tavion on the bed, he jumped in th shower leaving baby T in bed with me. Tavion put his small hands in his mouth and looked at me with very glossy green eyes. Damn, this little boy is so cute. I put him on my chest and we both drifted off into a nap.

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