Chapter 4

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    After three years of JDC and two years of prison, I'm finally free. Thank you Jesus. I really couldn't take it anymore. I'm glad that I am leaving. I promise I will remain out of trouble. I'm currently in the waiting area waiting for my Uncle to pick me up. I'm chained down to a chair though so when he arrives they will unchain me so I can leave. My uncle walked in and the guard unchained me.

"Tioooooo!" I yelled.
"Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I feel great. Freedom, I finally get to smell it." I said.
      We began walking out of the prison and to his car.

"How have you been Tio Donovan?" I asked.
"I've been good just been waiting for you to get out. Your moms dropped your things off to my house yesterday." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"She says that you are a sin filled individual and she doesn't want you in her house." He said.
"I see things haven't changed with her. Where are you staying?" I asked.
"Still in Richemond." He said.
"I'm not trying to get involved with the foolishness tio." I said.
"Keep to yourself and you won't be involved in foolishness." He said.
"Fine. Can we please get something to eat? I am hungry tio." I said.

    The whole drive to Richemond from the prison was pretty quiet. As my head leaned against the window I was able to say hello and goodbye to the suburbs and hello to the hood. Lord please watch over me. As I look at one of the convenient stores labeled "Now&Later", multiple guys with black bandanas covering their faces walked up to the car since we were at a red light. My uncle rolled down his window and tapped my arm causing me to turn my head.

"Wassup girl, I see you back." He said.
"Yeah back for good." I said.
"Get her home before it gets dark. We have the streets on a curfew tonight Dono." He said.

    My uncle rolled up his window and continued down the road. I remembered this neighborhood as if I never left. Not going to lie, I miss running these streets but I'm well aware that I am still on papers and that I can't run them anymore. It's time for me to try to start over and stay out of trouble.

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