Chapter 9:

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      I'm currently sitting on my uncle's porch when some boys walked up the driveway. I was going to go in the house to ignore them but one of them cleared their throat.

"Is Uncle Donovan home?" Craig asked.

"You're his nephew?" I asked.

"Nope. He's just my mentor." Craig said.

"He's in the house." I said while nodding towards the house door.

        The kid grabbed the door and turns around to look at me before opening the door.

"What's your name?' He asked.

"Aly. Yours?" I asked.

"Craig. Your uncle talks about you all the time in a good way." He says before walking into the house.

        Craig left his friend outside and I nodded towards the door again where he insisted on staying outside on his bike.

"Are you his daughter?" He asked.

"I'm sorry? I'm his uhm niece." I said.

"How come I never seen you around before?' He asked.

"I just got back home. I was out of town for a little. Why you and Craig out here at this time?" I asked while standing up from the porch step.

"Going to Craig's house. He just wanted to stop by here first." He said.

          I look at the kids backpack wrapped around the handle bars.

"Spending the night or running away?" I asked.

"Uhmm...." He said as if he were nervous, so I sat back down on the porch steps and patted the step next to me.

"Talk to me baby boy." I said.

"How'd you know I was a runaway?" He asked.

"I was once in your shoes. What's going on?" I asked.

"Ever since my mom got married to this new guy that isn't my dad, he's been beating on me when my mom isn't around. I try to keep it to myself because I have a little sister and I just want to protect her but I have to protect myself first." He said out of fear.

"You have to go back baby boy. You have a little sister. You can not leave her there alone with him. If you can't be strong for yourself you need to be strong for her." I said.

"It's not easy when your mom is a junkie. She doesn't care what he does to us as long as he gives her what she wants." He said as a tear fell down his cheek.

"Well..." I said while looking at the screen door before standing up. "Let me put on some proper shoes and we'll take a trip to your house." I said heading into the house.

         He looks so scared. I can tell that he's in a dysfunctional home right now and he looks like he's smart. I don't think him nor his sister needs to be around that kind of mental and physical abuse. I walked into the kitchen to find my uncle and Craig talking.

"He needs to go back." Uncle Donovan said.

"I'm the only friend that he has. I'm the only one he trusts." Craig said.

I stood still and cleared my throat.

"Craig, can you give me and my uncle a minute?" I asked.

        He nodded and walked out of the kitchen while I sat on the counter top watching my uncle eat his sandwich.

"Tio I know we don't have any room but I will get a job and help pay the bills around here if you let Craig friend and his little sister..." I said before my uncle stopped me.

"Aly that's none of your business. What's going on in his household has nothing to do with us." He said sternly.

"You're right but I was raised to help individuals that really need it." I said.

"Alright but they'll be your responsibility. I'm done raising kids Aly. I want them to go to school. You will drop them off and you will pick them up on time." He said sternly.

"I promise." I said before heading down the hall to put on my shoes.

          On my way out of the house I grabbed my uncle keys smiling. Why? Well my life has been nothing but hell. I unlocked my uncles car doors allowing Craig and his friend to get into the car. As we all put on our seatbelts I looked over at Craig's friend.

"Where am I going?" I asked.

"Two blocks from the park." He said.

            I began driving and then turned down the street.

"Which house?" I asked.

"Uhm the one that has the females walking in and out of it." He said.

        I pulled up and Craig remained in the car while me and his friend got out.

"No problem. I never caught your name." I said

"Nathaniel but I go by Chip because I hate my name." He said.

        I didn't even question why he disliked his name. We headed into the house and before I knew it, Chip told me that he had my back. He led me to what seemed like a little girl's room and I began searching while he began packing bags. I looked into the closet to find a little girl sitting on the floor with her knees in her chest as she held a teddy bear. I quickly picked her up and she began crying.

"Help." She said while crying.

         I damn near cried because no little girl should ever cry for help out of desperation. Just then some mixed tall man walked in and punched Chip to the ground. Chip tried to fight back and he got kicked to the ground. I helped Chip up and handed his sister to him.

"Go to the car with your sister!" I yelled out of anger.

          Chip dropped his sisters bag and hurried out of the room with his sister in his arms. Chips step father reached for me and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Once he collapsed, I repeatedly kicked him. I hurried to grab baby girls bag and rushed out the house back to the car. When I got in the car, more females were traveling in and out of the house. I hurried and put the car into reverse before heading back home.

"Chip I'm sorry that we weren't able to grab your things. I'm gonna get you new stuff." I said while looking in the mirror at his bruised eye and busted lip.

              When I got back to the house Craig got on his bike and headed home due to the street lights coming on. Meanwhile I grabbed baby girl from Chip and we headed into the house. I gave up my bed to the kids and I made me a pallet over the couch. I laid down and closed my eyes attempting to get some rest because tomorrow has a lot in store for me.

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