Chapter 13:

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                    This chapter doesn't have a title but if it did, I'd name it, "Meet Me At The Park." Why? Well Babii will be meeting me at the park because we have some things to talk about and it's a good time for us to bond. Yes! Both of our boyfriends know one another and work together but that doesn't mean that we actually know one another. We're just associated through our boyfriends and I want a bond outside of that. Anywho, I'm currently on the swings when a little boy walks over to me smiling asking if I could give him a push. Of course, I stood up and gave him a push because he asked so politely. As we're both enjoying ourselves, a woman whom I'm guessing is his mother began to give me a side eye.

"Ma'am, I can promise you that I am not that kind of female." I said defensive but serious.

           She nodded and I stopped giving little man a push because I spotted Babii crossing over the bridge. Man, this girl can dress. Her outfit right now is popping. Anywho, I am aware that I never told you guys why we're meeting. When she finally got to where I was, we hugged and began walking the trail.

"So, Keem proposed to me." I said.

"Really? Oh my gosh! Let me see the ring." She said all excited.

            I laughed and gave her my hand so she could exam the ring. Her mouth dropped and I couldn't do anything but die of laughter.

"You have to promise me that you will tell no one what I'm about to tell you." I said while looking nervous.

"I promise. The only person that will know outside of us from this conversation is Jesus Christ himself." She said with a straight face.

"I'm pregnant." I said while smiling.

          Babii jumped up and down before touching my tiny stomach.

"You guys are getting married soon and you guys are expecting a little one. Oh my gosh! I am so jealous." She said.

"Your time will come soon. I see that ring on your finger." I said looking at the ring on Babii's finger.

"Oh well it's not exactly what you think it is." She said while smiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's a promise ring." She said smiling.

"From Louis? Wait, are we talking about the same Louis?" I asked with an astonished look on my face.

"I know he's coldhearted but when it comes to me, I don't see it in him." She said.

"All I can say is be careful. I know y'all are in deep but there's going to be some hoes trying to split you two apart. Don't let it happen." I said.

"Trust I wasn't planning on letting some random female ruin what we have. Meanwhile, what gender do you think you're going to have?" She asked.

"I'm thinking a girl." I said.

"Yessssss. Oh my gosh! I'm going to be an auntie." She said while grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes you are. The only thing that'll hold me back if it is a girl is names." I said.

"Maybe, Emy or Egypt would fit her." She said.

"Those are really cute name to be honest. But, since we're on the topic of names, what's your real name?" I asked.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone." She said.

"Is it embarrassing?" I asked.

"Nope. I just don't trust everyone with knowing my government name." She said confidently.

"I promise to not tell anyone." I said.

"Ashanti Babii Miller." She said.

"Your name is freaking gorgeous girl." I said laughing.

              Just as I thought things were going great my phone was vibrating in my back pocket. I reached for it to see that it was Keem.

"Hello...I'm okay Keem...I'm at the park...Babii...why?...Okay. I love you ...We're heading there now." I hung up the phone and exchanged looks with Babii.

          She grabbed my hand and we rushed to her car. I walked to the park because it's not far from the house. As we're pulling out of the park, a song I have';t heard in forever began to play.

"What station is this?" I asked.

"Cheetah Girls." She said.

          We both busted out laughing. We are such kids. Maybe five minutes later, Babii pulled into my driveway and I hurried to unlock the front door so we could get in safely. Soon as we got in, I set the alarm. Yes, we live in the hood but I still have a alarm for when a nigga really wanna cross the wrong people. As I'm getting snacks out of the kitchen, I began humming the song, "Try by Colbie Caillat." By the time I made my way back to the living room Babii was sitting indian style on the couch. I couldn't do anything but laugh. This girl is always sitting crazy on the couch.

"How long do you think we have to stay in the house?" I asked.

"Whenever they come or tell us we can leave." She said.

"What made us get involved with their ass?" I asked.

"Out of all the guys we've been with they were the only ones to show us different." She said.

"True because if it weren't for Keem I'd still be strippin' for niggas." I said.

"Well I am extremely thankful that he saved you when he did, because you my friend is BEAUTIFUL." She said.

"Thanks babe." I said.

"So since we're stuck in this house. What are we going to watch?" I asked.

"Ride Along 2." She said.

"Yoo I still haven't seen that movie yet." I said.

"Well we get to see it now." She said.

               I have officially dimmed the lights and grabbed one of the blankets off of the love seat to share with Babii as the movie began to play.

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